ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
A great way to get this on Fjordur is to get 2 people one rides a giga in the front and the 2nd rides a strider behind the giga go down into the magmasaur cave and collect all of it with the strider it’s dangerous but works well. (get a dedicated storage box and link the strider to it before going to get element)
More Element Shard Tips
Fjordur , aberation cave , use mining drill on normal looking rocks . Thank me later
On Fjordur, you can find it from the pink/red crystals in the magmasaur cave. Good luck!
Tried using the mining drill on crystal islands but not getting any shards
Mining drills do not works for element shards on crystal isles.
Use the mining drill in the volcano on genesis on red crystals and then take the shards to a tek replicator to make loads of element
Mantis+ hatchet= good shard farm
On Fjordur in the Abberation cave are stones that drop Element shards, and the loot drops there are insane as well
Stryders on gen 1 and gen 2 differences: on gen 1 you can farm element 24/7 but not much on 1x maybe 200 hard element per run (converted from shards). And with gen 2 you can only farm element when there’s purple drops but when you do you can farm easily over 1000 hard element on 1x(converted from shards) your welcome! - From T8 DumbDinosaurClub
On crystal isles DO NOT USE the mineing drill for this resorce it dosent work ankys are top for this