ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
Had 1yuti, 1 daedon, 9rex rest wyv and lost all but 4 rex. Gl survivor
More Crystal Wyvern Queen Tribute (Gamma) Tips
Even though it makes sense to bring 20 flyers, don't. Bring several Rexes, a Yuti, and a Daedon, only a few Wyverns. The boss sits on the ground for most of the fight. Bring a good shotgun to deal damage while it's in the air. Also, make sure to enable AI attacks on your wyverns so they will use their breath attacks.
Don’t be a low level you will die even on gamma
Official PvE server
Gamma is possible with 18 tickle chickens, 1 pig and 1 yuty. For my solo’s out there this is possible solo, I’ll put stats and everything i used solo below.
18 Tickle Chickens Hp 18k, Melee 500 with 66 armour saddles
1 pig kibble tamed at 150 and all points into food so has just over 100k food 43 armour saddle.
1 yuty kibble tamed at 150 and spread the points between Stam and Hp with a primitive saddle 25 armour.
1 mastercraft pump shotgun 800 durability 211% damage with 500 shells
Backup journeyman pump shotgun 624 durability 200% damage
100 medbrews
Crafted Food/drinks for simply not being annoyed by hunger or thirsty
10 veg cakes for each tickle chicken for extra heals, so a total of 180 veg cakes
A mix of journeyman and apprentice flak
I know it looks like overkill for gamma but when solo the more positives you have the better. With all the stuff I mentioned i had no problem killing the queen solo on official.
Get ready bring a bunch of dinos
Recently did it on alpha easy enough with
1 Yuty 1 Pig 2 Reapers 4 Deinonys and 12 Rex's.
Didnt need any weapons. Just good armor and med brews.
On the final stage the queen won't land. So keep all ur Rex's together in a corner attacking every time she flys low. 👍
No don’t be a low level. You will die and also die again
Kill the bastard real dead and some More on top of that.
no matter how good the wyvern you need at least 5 wyverns
A griffin is a good mount or blood wyvern when it flying you can get stuck in it it attacks you but you can hit it alot if you bring wyverns blood crystal so they can heal Tek guns doesn't work in the boss fight so shot gun if you have rhinos be careful because it breaths kill them and rhinos can't hut it when it's flying you do 1/3 or your damge I believe but blood crystal wyverns and griffins are the best and if a friend is okay he can ether spam found slam with Griff or spam breath on the blood crystal wyverns 10k hp or more recommend good amor and a good shot gun. giga no rhino maybe and kangru idk don't die because the when your flyers low go to the ground or oof by fall damge good luck and use med brews btw