ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies

Don’t step on it… don’t .dont NOOOO
More Soap Tips
Don't drop it . . . . . . . . . . .
Guys..I dropped the soap and uhm…my tribemates are staring and me and telling me to pick it up…there’s like 15 of them…Help me..
Work better with tribe mates in the shower.
Add a water skin to the recipe for it to work
Make to preserve organic poly, then put in a indy grinder to convert back into organic poly at a lower return!
I dropped it once … never had so much fun before…
As an ark player with thousands of hours I have no idea what this is
Great way to store organic polymer without the timer.
Can always break it down to get your organic polymer back.
I keep eating it when I go to wash my walls
Left over organic polymer? Craft into soap and then grind when needed.