ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If you want loads of prime meat with very little effort just go to the swamp with a rex or any other strong dino and kill all the crocodiles, snakes and weird big guys you'll get so much prime meat
More Raw Prime Meat Tips
A maxed out harvesting level moschops eating a baby gives like 50 prime
Baby dodos give prime meat. Not very much, but they’re so easy to breed/hatch/get that it’s more worth it than a t-rex. I recommend incubating the eggs until they’re a few seconds to hatching, bringing to an unconscious predator, hatching them, and then feeding them to the predator. If you can bring yourself to kill baby dodos it’s a great strategy. Up so more people see.
How to tame basically any carnivore with raw prime meat:
Get some female rexes and a male rex. Get them to lay fertilised eggs. Incubate the eggs until they are a few seconds from hatching and pick them up. Knock out what you want to tame and starve it for the amount of time indicated on Dododex (note: if you’re taming royal griffins on mobile, you’ll need to starve it for ~60% more time than what Dododex says). Then, put down a bunch of standing torches, light them, throw down your eggs, and hatch the baby Rexes. Kill the babies and harvest their bodies with a good carnivore or good pickaxe. Finally, transfer all the raw prime meat to the knocked out dino’s inventory and it should instantly tame. The nice thing about this is that your new carnivorous friend was sleeping so it won’t know that you just murdered some babies and won’t think you’re a monster, and the female Rexes won’t see you killing their children, so you can just tell them their children died of “natural causes”.
If your new to Ark, i highly recommend killing paracers, they give around 20+ prime meat with a good tame/mount. They still give quite a bit of prime meat with a metal pickaxe. If you dont have a good mount to kill a paracer yet, i recommend you tame a iguanodon, iguanodons have infinite stamina and when i had one it was weirdly strong…. So yeah, paracers are the way to go. You can find them in the swamp, or if you use your map a little below the middle of the map. Hope this helped! :D
Killing babies gives tons of prime but very brutal
If ur looking for less brutal methods aka killing babies just kill stegos diplos paraceratheriums or argents
Just lettin' ya know it spoils in 30 secs
If you want a good amount of prime meat in a safe area on Fjordur simply go to VardiLand North- North then fly over to the edge of that ice on the right side and you will see a bunch of penguins! Just kill the baby's with a chainsaw and cut them up with the chainsaw and boom some good prime meat without the risk! Up so other scardy cats like me can see. x3
“I don’t know about you but this stuff tastes amazing”
-Random carnivore