ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Triceratops Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Triceratops Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

Triceratops Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Sarco. To make Triceratops Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Trike Egg, Savoroot, Cooked Meat Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
No potato, no bacon (jerky), no kibble, no imprint for allosaur
Everyone makes it to tame sarco right
I had to do it for imprinting on my juevinile theri. Oil was scarce. I hate making cooked meat jerky.
Welp, I guess no imprint for my Rex.
A good way to tame sarcos is to use prime meat. Make sure if you don’t have enough prime meat give it narcotics or bio toxins to keep it asleep so you can get more prime meat. Up if helpful 🔼
Glad I had a savoroot farm :)
Potato, no potato. No good. No imprint for Rex
Run fast smelling the egg with nothing with you so you don’t lose good stuff
too long for jerky meat to obtain
Idk what I’m doing wrong but this will not work for me... rip
Where i can find savarot,need help
Ok... I think i'll tame it with raw fish meat, i'm still low :'(
Rip my 245 rex imprint, Recommended to have a bunch of meat jerky if you plan on making it
Always ALWAYS have an oil spark powder and cookedmeat/prime meat cause you'll need it when the time comes.
Savaroot :( also jerky ;-; ig its helpful if u got the stuff but if u aint trust me u gon suffer especially if u need fo a imprint ;-;
Bruh I’m using this and I can’t make it. Rip Color Mutated griffin imprint
If you don’t have any sabroot tame an iguanodon and start getting berries you will eventually get a sabroot seed and can start growing it although you have to have medium crop plot
I find it weird to make triceratops cable you need a triceratops egg does that mean I triceratops eat its babies
Make sure to have oil before breeding everything.
lol I had the same problem I thought I was crazy at first but it’s two different types of jerk, u got meat jerky and prime jerky. You use the meat jerky to make the trike kibble💯