ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stegosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Stegosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

Stegosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Argentavis. To make Stegosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Stego Egg, Citronal, Prime Meat Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
Stegos are found on Herbivore Island. Tame stego. Get stego egg. Put saddle on stego. Whack bushes with stego. Get seeds. Grow crops. Whack bushes with sickle to get fiber. Make kibble. Make dino happy.
It makes it easy to shoot them down if you are on a rock or something, so they can not hit you
Just be like oviraptor Steal and RUN!
thats it btw the second tip dont die
For the person who's asking for citronal: you need citronal seeds in a medium plot
You are definitely trying to tame argy lol
How to get stego egg:
Step 1: find stego egg
Step 2: pick it up and run
Step 3: don’t get yeeted out of existence by stego and its mate (if it has one)
You could tame the stego or you could just take the egg and kill it
To the guy who said “your trying to tame a argy” I’m not I am quickly trying to make stego kibble since my baby Rex I’m imprinting wants it and I didn’t have jerky in me so now I am going to not be able to get 100% imprint and I’m so mad
Can anyone please make a tip on how to get the lemon on mobile with “the island map?”
Ahem now I may start. Stegosauruses are most common on herbivore island. To tame one I suggest doing hunt dilo to get ascendent bow, which will make it easier. Shoot the stegosaurus with tranq arrows and then give it berries. Keep watch on the stegosaurus bc it might wake up, give it ciñera (jellyfish) bio toxin to keep it asleep(or you can just use narcotics) then when it games wait for egg. THEN make the kibble :D
Tame low level females plus 1 male is pog btw
Bonjour madam stego what more can I say
If you eat the kibble you gain health -mind blown-
Stegos can be found at far’s peak
Alr so u are trying to tame an argy right? So find a stego on mountaina or herb island and tame a female one andddd..... wait. Yes, very boring
Hhbjdjd insider usjdjdjdj bro dork Stefan shshhshs