ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Sarco Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Sarco Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

Sarco Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Stegosaurus. To make Sarco Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Sarco Egg, Rockarrot, Cooked Meat Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
Soooooo why do stegos eat Zarco eggs?
You can put the rockcarrot in a iguanodon to get the seed to farm infinitely of
I am tameing a stegosaurus and it is hard!
Sarco egg to stego to argy
I tamed one with barries and it is ez.
If you get all head shots it would take only 5 tranq arrows shot from a crossbow
I have a female sarco and I'm a beginner so I just got my pterandodon saddle and I am gonna tame this sarco
Do not use raw meat,it doesn't work,if it does it will take several hours
How do you cook “Cooked meat Jerky”?