ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Quetzal Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Quetzal Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

- Cook Time
- 30s
- Spoils In
- 3d
Quetzal Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Mosasaurus, Giganotosaurus, and the Dimetrodon. To make Quetzal Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Quetzal Egg, Rockarrot, Prime Meat Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
You can use this to get the most powerful land carnivore, one of the best aquatic dinosaurs, and a portable AC. Please spend it wisely.
I found this bug that gets you eggs very fast, first if you have a male and female, ride the male and get as far from your base, you don't need to travel super far, just look at your base until it doesn't show it, wait a few seconds and come back to see your quetz egg. It also works with rexes too! If it doesn't work, try again.
Idk this kibble is pretty costly but still get to tame a giga and a mos so worth it but you need a farm because the high level ones do take a lot so start farming I guess
I only have one cause I just found it on the ground when I first started and I still haven’t done anything with it since 😭
If youre in midgame you should be able to tame a bronto from there just farm all those ingridients u need and it shouldnt be a problem i litterally dont have a farm i just used my bronto for the rockcarrots
If you tame both male and female you can get eggs very very very fast and use the kibble on a giga
Get an oviraptor to get more eggs faster
The Giga Is A Really Awesome Tame And I Prefer It To You Guys. Quetzal Kibble (acsessed in mobile devices) can tame the Giga.
I have two Quetzals (M+F) and they lay eggs decently quick. I planned to use kibble for mosa, but forgot to bring it xD. (tamed it anyway) so now ima get 30 kibble with 10x SB for Giga. Not sure how it'll end up, but IF there is a way to have a fertilized quetzal egg kibble (I PLAY ON MOBILE) , lemme know and how much better it is than original.
Get the giga like a man, use the raw meat. Use on Mosasaur.
Anyone noticed that anything that this is used to tame is marked "extremely high" in torpor drain?
Always have jerky cooking up in your preserving bins for kibbles like this that take a ton of jerky 👍
I didn’t want to wait for the jerky, so I went to tame a Giga anyway. You know what happened…….
Moral: Always cook jerky
I found a level 70 westlichen and when I bread them some thing crazy happnd I got a level 170 are the developers on Holiday but don’t Chang it it’s quite good flyer
Make sure u get lots of hot bowls of chilli and eggs
It is good so you can tame a giga but I do not know how long it usually takes for eggs or if the eggs even get layed