ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Parasaur Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Parasaur Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

- Cook Time
- 30s
- Spoils In
- 3d
Parasaur Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Raptor. To make Parasaur Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Parasaur Egg, Rockarrot, Cooked Meat or Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
If your new to mobile and have a female para it would be a good idea to have parasaur kibble for raptors
For the person saying that trike kibble isn’t real it’s real you just need to make it
Is it just me or is the parasaur kibble the easiest?
To the idiot that said you need the recipe to make the kibble you don't need to get the recipe, i just made anyklo kibble without it you can look up the ingredients to make the kibble here or on google
Catch a female parasaur and harvest berry from her +obtian a egg or you can just simply plant seed in cropplots it will give you lots of veges after a certain amount of time
If you want a raptor then I suggest to trank out give meat then get kibble so the taming process won’t take as long
The mission for parasaur kibble is called raptor bait wait what?!
I tried making it a few times and it worked well on a raptor you probably need 4 for one raptor
Uki pipit nag sinnilpo iniyot da ta butom
Just tame a para so can help with future breeding
Baby dilo like this for imprint
You can make a 1 by 1 foundation with walls on three sides do a simple para trap
So before you want to tame a raptor you’ll want to tame a trike and before that is a pasasaur so you will have parasaur kibble
My baby pteranodon that just hatched wants parasaur kibble but I don’t have a parasaur and I can’t find an egg
How do I make kibble. Someone tell me please
When you get a parasaur you should get a saddle so you can harvest for about double the usual amount you would get by hand and have it not spoil as fast then just wait for it to lay an egg then two of the ingredients you need for the kibble you now have
I’m pretty sure because parasaurs are easy prey for raptors they are the raptors favourite meal
I at first I never knew what you have to use spark powder to do it too when I found out I managed to tame
16 Raptors
So to imprint a baby raptor it says it wants trike kibble but trike kibble isnt a thing, so do I have to make parasaur kibble instead?