ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Carbonemys Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Carbonemys Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

- Cook Time
- 30s
- Spoils In
- 3d
Carbonemys Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Brontosaurus. To make Carbonemys Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Turtle Egg, Rockarrot, Prime Meat Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
Any one love how they call it a Turtle Egg?
Someone said they don’t know how to make prime jerky:
Do everything as if you were making jerky but do cooked prime meat instead of normal cooked meat. I know, they don’t tell you how to make it. And people said that carboneys kibble is impossible to make:
Do thatch, not wood because when charcoal appears, it thinks that it is part of the recipe, or if you already have charcoal in it, take it out. I figured it out yesterday, but I had to go to bed. If that doesn’t work…then there is probably something wrong
Idk what is happening but I can’t craft this kibble at all. I’ve tried destroying and remaking my cooker. Restarting the game. Collecting new ingredients. It won’t cook and one of my raptor hatchlings wants this for its first imprinting task. Very frustrating
It says that it can tame the Brontosaurus and Crab from aberration..... does this mean that in the future other maps will be released on mobile?... or am I wrong and other maps on mobile are released just that you have to beat the island first?
“Tell me how to make a prime meat jerky please I need to know” I know how! Get a preserving bin and put oil, sparkpowder, and Prime meat COOKED. Wait 30 min and get your prime meat jerky. If no work, try increasing the amount of sparkpowder and/or oil
To the dude who said it proves Dododex needs updating , look at the title dude it literally says mobile so shut it
I actually made carbo kibble I don’t know how but I did it didn’t work so I swapped the wood for thatch but it still didn’t work and eventually kibble randomly appeared in my pot so it does work I guess it’s just hard to make
Face it; we cant make this kibble. Its literally 2021, how long has this bug even been in the game????
This kibble can be made. You just need to put the EXACT amount of ingredients. As it says “3 mejoberries” you can’t have over 3 inside the pot or else it won’t work. Also you must have the recipe with THATCH inside of the pot, not wood. Then boom, turtle food.
for everyone saying this doesn’t work try removing charcoal, make sure your WATERSKIN is completely filled, (yes use a waterskin), and if it still don’t work your doing somethign wrong. this comes from a mobile player
I cannot make this trash kibble on mobile
Ahahahaha y’all know on mobile you need the exact recipe correct not just the ingredients if ya don’t have the recipe ya are not makin the kibble
To make primer meat jerky only you need is 1 cook prime meat & oil in preserving Bin
Remind me why ther karkinos likes this?
Cing Krab is on ark mobile?
Wildcard really needs to fix the glitch one of my baby spinos asked for this kibble as his first imprinting task but I wasn’t able to imprint him at all since this kibble cannot be crafted
It exists it just has to only have the materials first and only the materials
Hi people I really need to learn how to make prime meat jerkey so if u know how pls submit it. The if you do it would really help me and others alot !!!!!🤜🤛 👍
It is impossible like why does it exist I mobile
How to craft
This works it’s easy to make, just make sure you have no charcoal in the cooking pot when u start. Also you can find turtle eggs all over the beaches not hard to miss and they will have a hard time catching you. Prime meat jerky I reccomend having 2 preserving bins (not fridges to make this) so you have 1 for normal jerky made from cooked meat and 1 for prime meat jerky make from cooked prime meat. Keep in mind you need sparkpowder, oil and the cooked prime meat or cooked meat to do this.