ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Argentavis Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Argentavis Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

- Cook Time
- 30s
- Spoils In
- 3d
Argentavis Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Spinosaurus, and the Gasbags. To make Argentavis Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Argentavis Egg, Citronal, Prime Meat Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
Prime meat jerky takes a while to make so ALWAYS have some cooking and then you will have it when you need it.
Up if this was helpful:)
Gasbags aren’t even on Mobile.🤣🤣🤣
Spinos hit hard so I suggest to use this info to o your advantages!😅
I died trying to get this ☠️💀☠️💀☠️
Just kill a tun a brontos for the prime and make the jerky
Hmm maybe they teased that Extinction map will be on mobile?? Maybe....
Tip to get prime meat Jerry fast
1-create 3 presevartibg bin with a lot of oil and sparkpouder
2- kill stegos, brontos, diplos, paracers
If you are strong kill spinos, rexes, argy and carnos
They give prime meat but remember to put the prime meat in a dino inventory
3- after get some prime meat run to you home and cook this
4- after cook put in the preservating bins, when more preservating bins you use more prime meat Jerky you get every 30 minutes
5- repeat
To get prime meat i recomend use a Metal Pickaxe in any animal listed on the step 1
Paracer is the best in my opinio just go to swamp or redwood and kill massively
If you need prime kill a diplo they cause 0 damage but take a while to kill hurry tho it expires quickly
Get a industrial cooker so the prime meat jerky can
cook faster
To whoever said that there is no prime meat jerky on mobile, you’re wrong.(insert mocking comment)
When u use prime meat just kill a sarcho or a titanaboa because they are eeasy to kill and to get prime meat for a presaving bin and uo if it helped
If you need prime meat, kill a few stegosauruses or low level spinosauruses, then quickly get the prime meat into a fridge or preserving bin. Use it to make the kibble you need by adding sparkpowder, oil and the cooked prime meat (or uncooked) in a preserving bin to make the jerky.
Man- DO YOU THINK MOBILE USERS ARE GONNA BE ABLTE TO FIND GASBAGS?? Nope- They aren’t even a thing for mobile!
Gasbags? Well that’s strange why is it here it’s mobile there’s no extinction on that
For anybody wondering why Gasbags is there, it's before the homestead update and Extinction existed at that time
Mmm... it tastes so good... I recommend u only eating one if u have no other food.
That will sometimes be out of stamina so there food well drain fast and u can feed it normal meat
I suggest using a behemoth dino gateway trap to ensure safety if you want to
If you try to tame a high level don’t die (eat it for health)
Can tame a spino and a... Gasbags? They aren’t on mobile or switch!