ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Ankylosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)
Ankylosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile)

- Cook Time
- 30s
- Spoils In
- 3d
Ankylosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile) is used to tame the Carnotaurus. To make Ankylosaurus Kibble (Old ARK Mobile), combine Ankylo Egg, Savoroot, Prime Meat Jerky, Mejoberry, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
Fact: this is ankylo kibble
Orc coloring is for HATERS! #HATER (Haters Are The Excellent wRiters.)
Baby allos often want this for imprinting so be ready, so make the prime jerky and make sure you have the savroot before it hatches.
Huh, whats going on? I cant be away from tan dye for to long because i have to take care of my kid.
For those of you who have been invited here, you may be wondering why, well, Manticore and Lamprey have become an issue and must be stopped, anyone have any ideas?
Lol I got you guys here for role playing and what not but lamprey already knows about the place and I’m pretty sure lolbit does too and so does manticore so you know what!? I give up, I’m going back to my hole to brainstorm ideas for my next story which will be starting soon.
Are you sure I can’t kill them?
You have a point
(Flame) I’m going back into your hoodie
You don’t want to stay on my shoulder anymore?
(Flame) I need a nap, this job is exhausting
-WhiteWinterTiger (and flame)
(Phoenix explodes and metal parts go everywhere)
Phoenix was a lie, he was never real! Phoenixes aren’t blue either! Though, it was a bit pricey to get phoenix set up and for the blue flames to go inside and out of me…
We've been doing perfectly fine as a free state without rulers up till now. It's when people try to take over as a leader, that's when things got bad. That's where the civil wars, like DTG vs Dilo Girl, started.
Hey, what’s up? Lamprey is in his castle, he told me I could do whatever I want, and I found you guys here! So, what are we doing?
-Phoenix (I’m just putting phoenix whenever Lamprey isn’t with him)
Hello people! It’s me Ghost. I have claimed Fuscia coloring for us FanFictioners. Feel free to post stories or chat there. Pls come.
What does HJK stand for?
I just have a question, WHO ON EARTH IS FLAME WWT?????
-a confused shadow
I VOTE DILO GIRL! I VOTE DILO GIRL! Also my original name is lava the dilo-lava the dilo
CL1, anarchy is a bad system. Without a leader there is no central government, with no central government there are no laws, with no laws there is no order, with no order there is chaos discord and anarchy. We have found your hiding place. I say the elections begin in jerboa no later than next Saturday.
"WE'VE BEEN SUMMONED" SHOOSH NARI sorry WWT I'm listening....wait how is manticore a problem...."YYEEAA" SHOOSH I SAID sorry I have no idea what's gotten into her...wait DID YOU GET INTO THE 7UP AND THE OTHER SUGUR DRINKS "MABEE" THATS MY 7UP *Nari's intense screams* my 7up >:)
(Kimono walking past my door that decided to look in)o-o *I look at him and say hello creepily while Nari's pinned down on the floor* ok...*closes the door and runs to his room*
-an evil if you touch their 7up HollyDragon(I changed my name...AGAIN)
Taking over the dyes if just part of the roleplay, if we were actually taking over every dye, it would be chaos and said person needs to understand that there isn’t that many dyes. If you don’t wanna be in the roleplay that’s fine, and I probably won’t post anything related to it in your dye Cloudjumper if you don’t wanna be in the roleplay (unless I forget) that’s everything I have to say and this also has nothing to do with the roleplay, so act like I was never here, except phoenix because he’s doing whatever he wants.
"WE'VE BEEN SUMMONED" SHOOSH Nari...sorry WWT I'm listening...wait how is Manticore a problem... "YYEEAA HAHAHAHAHAHA" I SAID SHOOSH sorry I have no idea what's gotten into her...wait DID YOU GET INTO THE 7UP AND THE OTHER SUGUR DRINKS "MAYBEEE" GET OVER HERE THATS MY 7UP *Nari's intense screams* my 7up
HollyDragon(I changed my name for Christmas DON'T EVEN SAY IT'S NOT CHRISTMAS)
Lolbit apparently told Lamprey to rule the dyes till she was strong enough to come back and Manticore wants to become emperor and he’s trying to make me murder everyone which I am very much against
Greetings, don’t question how I got here but I have my ways -Harpocrates