ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Unicorn Stories Tips
Forest of secrets: season: 1.
Episode: 1.
One day deep in a forest, there was a pack of unicorns, two of them infact, are children.
“You can’t catch me!” Said a young unicorn. Her name was Popcorn,
“Just wait and see!” Said one of her friends, his name was angel.
They where chasing each other in a game of tag,
They where told to stay near the pack away from poachers.
“Wow!” Said angel with wide eyes, he was looking at a lake, a beautiful lake, but it was farther then they where supposed to be, beyond the forest,
“What is it angel?” Said popcorn.
“Come on I’ll show you!” Angel started running towards the lake,
“Wait! We aren’t allowed that far out!” Said popcorn in a scared voice. “What if there’s poachers!?”
“Oh come on! Those are just story’s that our parents tell us just to keep us under there command! Now come on!” Said angel. As he continued toward the lake. “Er… Fine! Wait for me!” Popcorn followed angel to the lake. It was just as beautiful as they had imagined it would be.
“Wow… you where right…It’s amazing…”
Said popcorn. It was now sunset, and the young unicorns should have been home hours ago. It was a long walk home so they started toward the forest again. “We are SO dead!” Said popcorn. In a disgust voice. “ oh come on! It’ll be FIIINE…. I hope.”
As they where walking they heard shotguns not too far from where they where.
“EEEEEK!” Screamed popcorn as she heard the first shot. “W-what was that?” Said angel in a scared studered voice.
“AHHHHH!!!!!” Screamed the two as the second shot fired.
“Poachers!!!! It must be!!!” Said popcorn.
“b-but I thought- I thought-“ angel studered.
They started running home with tears running down there cheeks most of the run home.
“Wait!…… d-do you hear that…?” Said angel.
The two young unicorns stood still.
“CRACK!” Went a branch.
“Hold it right there…”
Said a poacher, to another.
“W-what do we do???” Said popcorn.
“I-I don’t know! … RUN!!!”
The two began to run as fast as they could, they had almost reached the forest, when all of a sudden “BANG! BANG BANG!” The poachers had hit angel.
“AAAAAH!!!!” Screamed angel. He had been shot in the leg.
“ANGEL!!!!” Said popcorn. She ran back to get him,
The poachers where now carrying him.
“POPCORN!!” Screamed angel.popcorn rammed her horn into one of the poachers legs.
“AHH! YOU STUPID BEAST!” Said a poacher.
Angel fell to the ground, and popcorn tryed to Cary him. “NO POPCORN! GO! RUN! GO GET HELP!”
Screamed angel begging popcorn to leave and save herself. “B-but I can’t leave you!”
Said popcorn in a terrifyed voice.
They heard galaping hoofs in teh distance.
Their parents had come for them!
Screamed two unicorns running at the poachers.
“GO GO GO!!” Said a poacher as the both got back on their feet and ran. “Are you two alright…?”
Said the two unicorns to popcorn and angel.
“I-I don’t know…” said angel. His leg was badly hurt.
“Come now children. Follow me.” Said one of the unicorns. The other unicorn picked up angel and began walking toward the forest.
20 minutes later…
“What where you thinking!?” Said the two mother unicorns.
“We’re sorry! We just wanted to see the lake!”
Said popcorn.
“No… it’s my fault. I’m sorry. I told her the poachers didn’t exist. I didn’t know… I’m sorry popcorn.”
Said angel.
“Oh… well… I’m glad you two are alright. You should get some rest.”
Said one of the mother unicorns.
Popcorn and angel went back to their own dens. And went to bed.
Writen by: cheescake.
Also check out my sister spirit dragons books! She wrote them on the ferox page.
It really really sucks for mobile users that the only way of taming a unicorn is to use griffin kibble. I was farming xp by collecting explorer notes when I hear a sparkle I saw a unicorn!! My first time seeing a unicorn. I got my argy and took it back to base I mad a pen for it and kept it in there. When I looked on Dododex it says you need griffin kibble !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now what should I do to this unicorn? The devs must really fix this. At least let mobile users use rocarrots to tame them up. Like seriously this is messed up
Hey Cheesecake, cool story so far! I already gave Spirit some advice for beginner writers, so ask her if you need it. You're already good with sentence structure though, which is good for cohesiveness. one final thing, there is a Dododex Stories website which you can use to view tips on real time. Whenever you get this, you'll know. That's all, I'll see you around.
- Ben
I have seen 3 tried to team two, but they died and the third one I lost, all from the island, then one more but from a different map.
The first attempt was one near the swamp and ran directly into the swamp I got ripped off it by the crocodile you know which one.
The second attempt was next to the snow biome that one ran right too close to the snow biome didn’t go well either.
The third attempt: Haven’t happened yet.
The fourth attempt: Hope i won’t need that.