ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Be careful, it has been buffed and is now unstoppable. If you're afraid of encountering it, you'd best move your base to the north.
More Encountering Tips
I once spawned in west zone 3 and got mabye 2 or 3 dodos and then I moved to south zone 1wen I got lvl 9all movement speed, and stamina
Built my base I turn around and there’s just a sarco sitting there chilling the sarco walking away from me then a Capro pounces out of the water and grabs me and one of my dodos was level 60 all melee
And I die respawn and I go to grab my stuff And I realize that capro was level one with 300 health so once I get to high enough level, I take the implant out of the dodo from the capro and I boxed it in and resurrect it and tame it then I realize my dodo had disappeared. I had four dodos and now I have one my level 60 that I total you about whoever’s reading and the Capo got to level 200 and killed a Dinosucs
With one bite 1200 damage 700 health and extremely fast so that’s the story of how a dodo got me a capro. And this was by day 40 hopefully you enjoyed
I have an actually overpowered way to tame these guys:
1. Make sure you have a cryopod or argy
2. Get a lot of stone doorframes and a stone ramp
3. Find a Gigantoraptor
4. Build a trap with the previous stone stuff
5. Aggro the Gigantoraptor parent into the trap
6. Do the emote thing with the baby in the nest
7. Grab the now tamed baby with a cryo or argy and boom
With this strat, you don’t need fertilized eggs and you don’t have to worry about the adult breaking out of the trap
Dan (idk just cool)
These things are so adorable to encounter feed then raw fish then boom you got the cutest little pet ever 🧸
These things are the most annoying things in the world if they come to you KILL THEM🙃
Journey Through all Creatures:
Chapter 8
Swamp Rod
Note: Series goes through The Island in ABC order, starting in Achatina and has a Prologue. Some chapters include multiple creatures. Last Chapter in Ceratosaurus, next chapter in Dunkleotusis
This is the penultimate episode before the Giganotosaurus episode. It will be a crazy long chapter, and it will get this series on the pace we’ve been building up to.
Also, tell me, what are your thoughts on the series so far? Any kind of feedback will help me improve the series greatly!
Giganotosaurus is not the end, however, it is a big plot twist that will get us hyped up for the rest of the series!
The group was running through the jungle, chasing down Sodden, who had previously decided to run off without the others. The Gigas were stomping across the grass, and trees were being knocked over. Poor Dodos were getting squished, and Terad was speechless. Serenity was beside him. “Is this about the Ravage?” Serenity asked. “My friend, do not speak the name. The torture you went through during that time…” Terad said. “Can we just move on? It’s over! That was a long time ago.” Serenity said. “I can never forget what Rod did to us. Do not worry, I will protect you from him.” Terad said. “Dude, just move on! Rod probably forgot about this!” Serenity said. “Do you have any idea what it was like to have a freaking Reaper Queen growing inside you for 12 horrible hours because Rod lost his loot? He tried to kill you! Do you know what that means?” Terad said. “Stop treating me like I’m your daughter!” Serenity said. “I can treat my tribemates however I want because I am the-”, Terad said, but before he could finish, his Giga ran off a cliff and Terad fell off, screaming. Serenity managed to stop her Giga at the edge of the cliff. Serenity looked down and shouted, “You shouldn’t pretend you own everyone in your tribe. And just move on! The Ravage is over!” Terad growled and stormed away.
Meanwhile, Sodden was storming across the swamp with his dino, eating every creature he wanted. He would eat up deinosuchuses, dilos, dimorphodons, and even search for the diplodcalus. He would rip off fins from dimetrodons, but before he could pursue a nearby diplodocus, someone leaped onto his Carcha. Sodden yelped and turned around. It was just Rod. “Oh, hey, buddy!” Sodden said. “Hey. What creature are you on?” Rod said. “Going to the redwoods for the diplo and dire bear,” Sodden said as he pointed his thumb in the other direction, towards the tall red trees. “Okay. Well… I’ll assist you on your journey.” Rod said. “Hold on. After this, I have to go for the dire wolf, which is in the Arctic. I have to wait for the others.” Sodden said. “What others? Wait a second…” Rod said. Then a Giga threw him off the Carcha and into the water. Then someone hopped off and stormed towards Rod. “Stay off of my territory and my kids!” Terad yelled. “WHOA!! No need to act up! Calm down! And what are you talking about? Is this about you “owning everyone and everything in my tribe?” Are you a dictator now?” Rod said. “You know very well what I’m talking about. Leave now before you get any funny ideas.” Terad growled. “What… funny…” Rod stammered. “Just shut up.” Terad said. “Wait a second. Is this about the whole “Ravage” thing? I think we may need to have a chat. Or a trial. I don’t know. I had nothing to do with the Ravage! I wasn’t even on Aberration!” Rod said. “STOP!” Terad yelled. Then he slapped Rod. Rod gasped and punched Terad. Then they started hitting each other. Sodden leaped down to stop the two. He pushed both of them away. Then Serenity ran towards the two. “Oh, god. Guys! Stop it!!” Serenity said. “No! Stay out of Rod’s sight! He’ll kill you!” Terad said. “I would never want to hurt anyone in your tribe!” Rod yelled. “Okay, then what about your little “raid” yesterday?” Terad asked. “I did not send in the Carchas!” Rod said. “GUYS!! Stop fighting! We have a lot of creatures to fight today!” Sodden said. “Oh, to hell with your stupid hunt. Go without us.” Terad growled. Sodden gasped and then growled. He got on his Carcha and ran away. Then in the distance, he yelled, “How do you like that? I just abandon you all? Huh?” Then he was out of render. Terad dropped Rod in the dirty water and climbed back on his Giga. Then he and the rest of the gang walked towards Far Peak. Well, except Serenity. She rode on her Giga towards the Redwoods. Terad yelled for her, but Serenity wouldn’t listen. After a few minutes, Serenity found Sodden’s Carcha eating up a dire bear and a dead diplodocus. She walked to Sodden, who was sitting on the Carcha. Sodden turned around to see Serenity coming, and he said, “What do you want?” Serenity sighed and said, “Why did you even talk about Rod? Terad hates him because of what he did in Aberration.” “Well… I don’t even know what the Ravage is or why Rod is so hated, but he seems like a good person now. Maybe he was forced to do it.” Sodden said. “Yeah, probably. I don’t remember much of what happened. I was unconscious the whole way home. I was asleep for at least a week. But what I do remember was that Rod was not alone. He was being controlled by someone else, who was the real tribemaster. I was able to see him for two seconds. Terad was not normal after that. The day I woke up, he wouldn’t stop talking about Rod. Sodden, what happened in the Ravage is unspeakable. It’s considered a crime across the Arks to speak a word about how the Ravage happened. But what I can tell you is that Rod seems innocent to me.” Serenity said. “Yeah. But what about Terad?” Sodden asked. “You cannot join his tribe. It’ll automatically establish your full connection to the Assassin Heart. You will end up like me, chained down, not able to escape.” Serenity said. Sodden nodded. “Okay. Will you be able to come to the Arctic with me?” Sodden asked. “I don’t think I can. Terad is probably going to be upset at you. He isn’t himself when he sees Rod. Every time he does, he gets into a fit and talks about how he hurt us. He acts like he owns us.” Serenity said. “Yeah. I get that. You can get back now.” Sodden said. He patted his Carcha on the head and it started walking in the other direction. Serenity turned away and went back to her base.
After over an hour, Sodden arrived at the Arctic, at the line between the volcano and the Giga mountain. Above the Carcha was a Pteranodon. It flew around him, and the sunlight met Sodden’s eyes. He looked around and saw a wolf pack feasting on a dead Mammoth. Sodden whistled for his Carcha to attack and it ran over and ate up the wolves. He then went to attack a small group of dodos. After the dodos, he went to find a doedicerus and found one on the Giga mountain. His Carcha put the dude down, but then saw someone at the top of the mountain. It was another Carcha, a female this time. Sodden used his spyglass to look at the level. Then suddenly, the Carcha got knocked off the hill. Sodden pulled his spyglass away andd ran over. The Carcha hit the ground and got knocked out. Then Sodden looked at the peak again and saw a Giga there. Someone was on it. “We need to go! Now!” The person yelled. “What?” Sodden said. “You’re right. Rod didn’t attack us. But someone is now!” The person yelled. Sodden ran to the Giga and saw Serenity on it. Sodden immediately ran down the mountain towards Far’s Peak.
The Dunkletousis Chapter will be the final chapter before the Giganotosaurus.
Get ready for Chapter 9…
This weekend…
Light blue (light blue feathers)
Don’t put the kibble in a griffin inventory because it will eat it