ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
Clintondodo lying peice of shit selling out America gives away everything taking our rights
Should be banished from ark if she in this game it will give boner cancer to all players make ark and America great vote trump
More Taming & KO Tips
Pro tip for mobile players use 10x smoothing balm
Every Ark Mobile player
Player: Ooooo look the new Ultimate Mobile Edition!
*Downloads it*
*Five minutes later*
Ark dev: Hey, you!
Player: Um, yes?
Ark dev: Do u like flying over the Redwoods?
Player: Yes! It’s so fun to see the terror birds running around and…
Ark dev: Well now you don’t.
“You were killed by a level 84 Thylacoleo!”
Player: Aw man…
*respawns at base*
Ark dev: Do u like flying over the swamp?
Player: Ya! U know, I even tamed a frog and…
Ark dev: Well that’s too bad.
“You were killed by a level 217 Rhyniognatha!”
Player: Urgh oh well.
*respawns at base*
Ark dev: Do u like strolling down the beach?
Player: Yes…
“You were robbed! Ascended sniper rifle!”
“You were robbed! 100 Narcotics!”
“You were robbed! Tek Replicator!”
Ark dev: U like caves?
Player: Oh for goodness sake…
“You were killed by a level 485 Megalania!”
“Your raft was destroyed by a Leedsichthys!”
*deletes game*
Player: Ima go back to old game…
*three weeks later*
Random friend: Hey, u play the new Ultimate Edition?
Player: It’s complicated…
The end.
Hope u enjoyed my little story!
So uh, just wanted to let you all know, though I'll put this on the wiki as well. I'm going to be taking a break for a little bit, as I joined around three art contests and need to work hard on the submissions, as it's against some other really good artists. I'll still be writing FATF and TFTOA, but I need a bit of a break as I'm also a little low on motivation.
I thought that the hyenadon was the worst than this guy killed one of my passive pts that was a breeder, somehow my parasaur didn’t detect it properly.
ASA Astraeos
(Starter/Easy) Go to the center of volcano on Therokis, and follow the path of the lava. You’ll find black pearls you can grab on foot alongside the lava river and inside the volcano.
(Endgame/Hard) Go into the water near the Clams under Phokintos. You’ll want to use a water tame like an angler.
Collen (simbas son)
Pipe Snout