ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Tales of Pandora
Origins of Salizar: chapter 15 ~biding time~
“This is it?” Salizar asked. “Affirmative, this egg will hatch the supreme being you requested.” The Overseer said. “Good.” Salizar said. “How long until it hatches?” Salizar asked. “T-minus 5 days 17 hours.” The Overseer replied. “Of course.. always with the waiting. When will the humans enter the boss arena?” Salizar asked. “Approximately… tonight.” The Overseer said. “and you didn’t think THAT WOULD BE A PROBLEM!! THIS COULD RUIN MY ENTIRE PLAN!” Salizar sighed, regaining his cool, “well then we must stall.” He said.
King Drake sat atop his illustrious throne, gazing at the night sky through his stained glass window high above him, the aurora gleaming through the colored glass. “Beautiful, isn’t it Grizzly.” He said. “They would’ve loved it sire.” Grizzly said. The king had just gotten back to somewhat of a normal after his daughter’s death, Primalis’s death helped with this, since he still blamed the man. “Tonight, we shall enter the final obelisk and maybe we will finally escape this hell.” Drake said. Grizzly grunted in agreement, though he did sort of enjoy life on the ARK. Just then a servant burst into the room unannounced, “sire! There are about twenty glowing abominations climbing the wall!” The servant said, he did not know they were machines, being from the medieval era himself. “Grizzly, protect the trophies, it seems this place doesn’t want us to conquer it.” King Drake said as he followed the servant out of the room.
“The diversion seems to have worked, all of the guards are leaving their posts, only one lifeform is detected within the main castle.” The Overseer said. “Good, send me in.” Salizar said. Salizar felt strange as he teleported into the castle. he looked around him, he was inside a bedroom. “Where is the treasury from here I wonder..” Salizar asked himself.
Caesar heard the alarm horns blast as he was gathering medical supplies for the dragon battle, King Drake decided his heightened intellect would be perfectly put to work as a field medic. He finished stuffing things in his satchel and ran out into the town’s streets to see what the commotion was about, he was about to run down to the battlefield when he heard glass shattering, he looked up to the castle and saw a hooded figure climbing the wall, it looked like the small figure had come out of a bedroom and was now scaling the side of the castle towards the throne room’s stained glass window. “It’s a diversion..” he said to himself. He didn’t like the humans or care if their stuff was stolen but he was curious, so he made his way towards the castle.
Salizar had decided he didn’t want to wander the maze of corridors and instead took a more direct route, he broke the window and made his way outside the castle towards the throne room, he had a feeling the massive stained glass circle was the right place so he broke one of the panes and crawled through. Nobody was inside, so he dropped down to the ground. He was a vain creature of course and couldn’t help but to sit in the throne. “Ahh this feels right.” He said blissfully, but he had work to do, so he started to search the room for the secret entrance, Dr. Flight and Haze had mentioned the secret treasury before but he didn’t know where the entrance was he was looking around the wall behind the throne when he noticed the classic tell of a secret bookshelf, scratched flooring. Only this time it was the throne that had these marks, after a quick inspection of the throne he found a small switch under the right arm of the throne, the chair rumbled and started to move to the left, underneath was a trapdoor. “Jackpot.” Salizar said. He swung the trapdoor open and went down the ladder, this let him into a long stone hallway. “Great, more walking..” Salizar said.
It turned out that this was not a hallway but a labyrinth, luckily he noticed huge boot prints in the sandy floor and was able to follow them, he made sure to shuffle his own feet to obscure his prints. He finally made it to a shabby looking rusty old door. He opened it only to see Grizzly standing inside the large room, mountains of gold and riches around him, the artifacts highest above the rest on a golden shelf, he was holding a massive Viking battle axe. “So, you’re the one that’s been killing my men? No more..” he said threateningly. Salizar started hooting and acting stupid like a real mesopithicus, Grizzled looked confused for a moment until he felt the pain of three knives in his chest, this only angered the brutish man, he growled and roared at Salizar, who rightfully guessed that this man was the famous “Grizzly” leader of the king’s army and trusted advisor. Grizzly charged at Salizar with his axe he made a low sideways slash and Salizar jumped over it onto a support beam on the ceiling, he looked down at Grizzly, who pulled out a tomahawk and threw it at Salizar with such force it destroyed the beam, Salizar jumped out of the way just in time, he pulled out a Tek pistol he acquired at the starlit sanctuary and set it to kill, he blasted Grizzly with it who blocked the beam with his axe, then he put down the axe and blocked with his bare hand, walking towards Salizar, he got close enough and grabbed the barrel of the gun, smashing it with his fist, the pistol exploded, knocking them both back, Salizar recovered slightly and noticed the ceiling, the board Grizzly destroyed was in fact structural support, the rock ceiling was starting to collapse, Salizar started to crawl up the pile of coins towards to artifacts, but Grizzly recovered too, he went after him, slipping onto his chest and crawling towards Salizar. He grabbed Salizar’s leg when he was within reach of the artifacts, he kicked Grizzly in the face as the beast of a man tried to pull him down, he pulled out an implant from his bag and absorbed the artifacts into it, just in time too, because Grizzly’s foot slipped and they both slid down the mound of riches, Grizzly let go of him on the way down and he tumbled away, the ceiling suddenly collapsed right above Grizzly and hit his back and head, he was out cold. Salizar put the implant back in his pouch, quickly collecting his knives from Grizzly’s chest and the floor, and ran.
It took Caesar a few minutes to get to the throne room, the seat was still off to the side with the trapdoor exposed, he went in. Salizar had messed up the tracks so Caesar couldn’t follow the path as well as he did, he ran through the maze, he heard Grizzly roar and yell, the laser blast and explosion particularly confused him. He was trying to follow the commotion, then he heard the massive crash of rocks falling from the ceiling, he was close he ran on all fours as a chimpanzee would, he turned a corner and saw a black blur in the dimly torch lit cavern, he followed it, it was certainly faster than him, but it led him out of the maze and back into the throne room, when he ascended the ladder he looked up to the window, it had started raining and water was flowing in through the broken pane, and there it was the hooded figure, he couldn’t tell who or what it was, but he saw the eyes, one green one yellowish, they narrowed at the sight of him, thunder struck out the window. Caesar blinked at the figure was gone.
When the guards and King Drake finally returned to the castle after the enforcers retreated Caesar showed them down to the treasury, Grizzly’s body lay under stones and the artifacts were gone, a few soldiers lifted up the rubble and Grizzly took a huge breath in coughing up blood and powder. “What happened.” King Drake asked calmly, even though he was furious. “I-I, can’t remember your majesty. One minute I’m talking to you topside, then it’s all a blur.” Grizzly said as Caesar tended to his wounds. “WHO COULD HAVE BESTED MY MOST POWERFUL SOLDIER TO THE POINT OF AMNESIA!” King Drake roared. “I’m sorry sire..” Grizzly said. King Drake turned and walked out of the room.
“So, Caesar is alive. Interesting, I should probably remove this eye so he doesn’t catch on in the future, unless he dies with the rest, isn’t that right my little Apex.” Salizar looked down to the incubator, the little black and red dragon sitting in a broken shell looked up at him, smiled and said, “Fathhhr”
How I think these big bois should be tamed
1. Locate the queen or queens inside a cave that belongs to them
2. Bring a gille suit and bug repellent
3. Use the blood syringe and take some of the queens blood (you need a lot of it)
4. Get out of her nest this will aggro her and all her soldiers and workers
5. Take shower but instead of water use her blood
6. Ants tell each other apart by smell not by looks
7. Safely transport the queen anywhere you want and give her suggestions on how to improve the colony
8. She will eventually lays eggs for future queens nurse those queens and kings then be the mom or dad or many ant generations (this should work on all devices that can play ark ALL devices)
Do you agree with me let me know
I was trying to fly my ptera to an explorer note and suddenly when I landed (to refill stamina) these ANNOYING BUGS made it worse 😡😡
And I had no stamina so I couldn’t fly away and when I did, THEY FOLLOWED ME until I was like a big distance away. Up if u think these are SO ANNOYING
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 74: Infernum
Original Post Date: Jun 22, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Titanosaur, next chapter in Titanoboa.
The woman slammed her fist straight into Paul, and Paul let out a groan as he was sent flying away and into the hut. The hut instantly crumbled and the roof caved in on him. Paul’s longsword poked out from the debris.
“Paul!” Carlos yelled out, outstretching his arm toward him. Carlos turned to the woman with a glare and swung his frying pan at her. She swiftly dodged, and delivered a quick roundhouse kick to his arm. Carlos was knocked off balance and dropped his pan on the ground. The woman’s arms were instantly shrouded in flames, but before she could land a scorching hit on him, a Triceratops rushed in and swiped her away.
The woman was sent flying through the air, but swiftly landed on her two feet. Blood trickled down her lips, and she wiped it away coldly. Carlos cheered and patted the Triceratops on the back.
“Nice job, dude! Now let’s figure out why she’s here,” Carlos decided. He picked his frying pan up again and quickly held it out in front of him, pointing it at the lady. She let out a sneer and twirled her pike around in her hand.
“I am the Crimson Crusader. But it’s not like that matters anyway, since you’re going to die,” she glared. Carlos’ eyes widened.
“This is the lady who sent those troops and kidnapped Ian!” Carlos realized. He glared back and clutched onto his frying pan tighter. He asked aloud, “What did you do with Ian?”
The Crimson Crusader smirked.
“Wanna know that bad?” she gave a ghastly grin, “I roasted him alive!”
Carlos’ jaw dropped, leaving him wide open for attack. The Crimson Crusader dashed forward and swung her pike at Carlos’ head. Carlos stood there, unable to dodge from the shock, when a sword came from the side and blocked the attack. Carlos was shaken out of his state and turned to see Paul with his longsword, struggling to contain the Crimson Crusader’s might.
“Carlos, I figured out her attribute! It’s fire!” Paul shouted. With a final shove, Paul managed to push the Crimson Crusader away from the two. Paul rushed forward and slammed his head straight into the Crimson Crusader’s lips. Blood spilt onto Paul’s hair, as she stumbled backwards, clutching her lips.
“Fire? FIRE?!” Carlos whispered, exasperated, “We’re never gonna be able to stop her. We don’t even know our attributes! She’s going to kill us, Paul, we should just run-”
“No. Your frying pan is not flammable, and neither are my clothes. But I have a plan-”
Paul was cut off by June’s dash to the side and an attack to Carlos’ shoulder. Paul shouted, “WATCH OUT!”
Carlos quickly turned around and deflected the pike’s attack with his pan. The Crimson Crusader let out a grin as her pike ignited on fire. Carlos glared back and held on as tight as he could, pushing back in the tussle. His pan didn’t light on fire, and it gave Paul the opening he needed. He rushed in from the side and swung his sword at her head. The Crimson Crusader pulled her pike back, causing Carlos to trip forward. Before the Crimson Crusader could be decapitated, she quickly reached her hand up to grab the blade. Paul struggled as the Crimson Crusader gripped on tightly. Blood seeped onto the blade, and flames soon began to travel from the blade to Paul’s hands. Paul let out a howl of pain as his hands caught on fire, and he dropped his sword to the ground. Paul quickly put the fire out by rubbing his hands along his sleeves. Carlos let out a growl and pointed his finger at the Crimson Crusader.
“EVERYONE ATTACK HER!” Carlos screamed.
All seven Triceratops and five Stegosaurus instantly let out a bellow and began to stampede toward the Crimson Crusader. The Crimson Crusader’s smile dropped, and she quickly jumped up into the air and onto one of them. She placed her palm on the body of one of the Triceratops, but it wouldn’t catch on fire. The Crimson Crusader raised her eyebrow in confusion.
With the distraction set, Carlos and Paul ran into the forest to plan. Hiding inside a bush, the two quickly spouted ideas toward one another.
“Can we go to a source of water? Water is fire’s weakness. We’ll get the advantage then,” Carlos suggested.
“I wish, but the nearest river is pretty far away. She might catch up to us as we try to run away,” Paul retorted.
“But we’re in the jungle! She can’t see us here.”
“And she can burn it down. We don’t want to risk that. Plus if we lose her, she might just stick around and then Ben and John will have to deal with her. We can’t let that happen. Something tells me Ben doesn’t really love a crazy person like that.”
“Then what do we do, Paul?”
A Stegosaurus let out a groan as it toppled over into the bushes. Carlos and Paul let out a squeak of fright and quickly jumped out of the bushes, giving away their positioning. They looked around to see most of their dinosaurs unconscious, and Crimson Crusader standing on a slain Stegosaurus. A fireball floated in her hand.
“You vermin truly are despicable. You couldn’t even protect Ben during his darkest hour!” she cried out, “So I’m going to make you suffer.”
“What is she talking about? Ben’s alive and well,” Carlos thought. Carlos didn’t have any more time to think though, because the fireball grew in size in June’s hand, and she flung it right at them. Carlos and Paul dived out of the way, but the jungle still suffered the consequences. The bushes instantly set on fire, and it quickly spread to the leaves of the tree and the rest of the foliage throughout.
“Uh oh,” Paul said as the forest was quickly enveloped in an infernum. Paul turned back and was greeted with the Crimson Crusader’s pointed pike, but luckily Carlos had adapted to this ruthless fighting technique. He rushed in with his pan and clonked her right on the head.
He did it so hard that she was sure to see stars. She looked dazed, and dropped her pike onto the ground. Paul kicked it as hard as he could away from the area and into the burning jungle. The Crimson Crusader wildly swung her fiery fist at Paul, and his face tanked the worst punch imaginable. Paul’s face jiggled as he was sent flying. His body twisted, and he landed in the grass head-first. His body did a whole flip and 360 rotation before he finally got back to his original position. He wiped his sleeve across his face, dousing the flames. Paul’s sword was laying on the ground, and the Crimson Crusader seemed eager to take it.
Both Carlos and her lunged for it at the same time, but only one of them would be getting the prize.
It would be the Crimson Crusader.
She grabbed onto the hilt, and Carlos’ hand slammed into the ground at a weird angle. He let out a howl of pain as he clutched his wrist in pain, but that was a blunder. The Crimson Crusader raised her sword, ready to slice Carlos down where he was. Carlos’ life flashed before his eyes. Good memories and good times sparked in his heart.
“Ugh, man I swear you cook the meanest food out of all of us! It’s like a curse or something,” he could hear John laugh, “Maybe you shouldn’t cook for us here.”
“I don’t think so, it’s great!” Paul had argued, “Well let’s not put each other down anyway. Carlos will get better eventually…”
“Carlos don’t take it too personally,” Ian said, “You know we just like to tease. You’re a good pal and that’s all that matters to me. I’m glad we’re all buddies.”
“Yes. I’m glad we’re all friends. One day we’ll all eat a fabulous feast Carlos will prepare for us, and we’ll have good times forever and ever… And nothing can stop it,” Ben decided. All five of them let out a loud laugh, slapping each others’ shoulders and fist bumping one another.
As Carlos’ memories faded, he smiled to himself, closing his eyes and the Crimson Crusader swung down on him.
“WAIT!” Paul cried out.
The Crimson Crusader stopped herself right as she was about to chop Carlos’ head off. Carlos began to sweat, and he opened up one of his eyes nervously to see Paul outstretching his hand in an attempt to stop the Crimson Crusader. The Crimson Crusader turned her head with an unamused look on her face.
“I see it in your eyes,” Paul exclaimed, “You’re upset about Ben. I can see you love him a lot and you really care about him. You want to do whatever is necessary to keep him safe, because you want him to be safe. That’s admirable! I love that. But whatever you think happened to him… Isn’t true. He’s safe and sound, and is out on a mission to retrieve something important.”
The Crimson Crusader gasped, but it quickly turned into a growl.
“You’re lying to me.”
“I’m not! Please believe me. We found him very badly wounded but we had him fixed up and he is all safe to go. I think you should stay around and see for yourself. It’s not like we can kill you. You are too strong…” Paul reasoned. The Crimson Crusader lowered the sword.
“Is it true?” the Crimson Crusader finally asked, “That Ben really does love me?”
Paul lowered his arm slowly, thinking as fast and hard as he could of what to come up with.
“Why would this woman love him so bad if he didn’t love her back? He is not the type of person to idly lead someone on. He would reject them and move on as fast as possible. Perhaps they are good friends… But I will say yes just in case,” Paul thought. He yelled out,
“Yes he does. He talked about you all the time. Even though he never mentioned your name, you were all that mattered to him. All of the love in his heart was for YOU,” Paul lied with a smile. He showed both of his hands to the Crimson Crusader, “So please. Lay down your weapon so we can all be with Ben. I even forgive you for killing my friend.”
She was touched by Paul’s words. She tossed Paul’s sword away, a smile growing on her face and tears in her eyes.
“I’m so glad he’s safe-”
A pan instantly folded itself into her skull, and she collapsed to the ground. Carlos stood behind her, breathing heavily and with his frying pan in his hand. He dropped the pan to the ground and quickly checked her pulse.
“She’s unconscious,” Carlos declared. He looked at Paul. Paul walked up to the hut, put his hand to his chin, and sighed to himself.
“What damage has been done…” Paul said as the fire crackled in the background.
“Paul, are you upset that I knocked this woman out even though she surrendered?” Carlos asked with a raised eyebrow. Paul turned back with a smirk.
“Nah. I don’t really care. Either way would have been fine. Although I’m not too sure how things would go if she actually met Ben.”
“So you’re saying that Ben doesn’t love her?”
“Psh, of course not. I didn’t tell the whole truth, but it worked out anyway.”
“So, what should we do with her?” Carlos asked, picking up Paul’s sword.
Paul shrugged, “I suppose we could put that wooden cage we found in the beacon to good use and clean everything up!”
Journey: Chapter 17
Prince Coal hobbled as paced back and forth. He was getting worried. The Five should have been here almost two and a half days ago. The day of the celebration, Emperor Avalanche had sent out nearly all his soldiers to find them, help them with whatever is preventing them from coming and escort them back to the redwoods.
They were ordered to search all of Fjordur and the realms for them and not to return until they find them. And none of the soldiers have returned since. All Coal could do was pace, hissing as he did with all of the movement hurting his leg.
“Prince Coal.” A guard called him, he turned around to see that it was the general. “You and the Emperor are needed at the front gate, the guards have spotted an unidentified creature at the eastern gate.” The General said to Coal who immediately went to his father and told him.
Both Avalanche ran out on the bridge on top of the Eastern gate with Coal not to far behind. As they looked out, they saw the redwoods and bushes, the bushes so high that a Rex could easily hide while standing. If there was anything out there could stay hidden from them until he was right in front of the gate. But Coal noticed something in the distance that he thought everyone else noticed at the same time.
A shoulder that was above the any plant matter on the forest floor. The body part prowled forward towards the gate, a head reared up from the bushes enough for them to see the top half of the head. From what they saw, it looked like a very large wolf.
“Well well, what do we have here? Greetings Emperor Avalanche! So nice to meet you finally. I have seen you do great things, none however as of recent.” The beast said in a thick accent.
“You know who I am?” Avalanche said baffled, “Oh, but of course, you and your son Coal. I especially think he is a bit of a foolish bird to risk his life for five younglings. Now having to live as a cripple.” The beast said. Coal sneered.
“It was worth the cost.” He said, the creature seemed uninterested in his opinion.
“Have you then met my son before or have you ever been here before in the redwoods or known someone who has?” Avalanche asking.
“Oh no, none of that. But I’ve seen his work, and yours too Avalanche. But we never met. In fact, I’ve only been down here a little less than three days.”, “Who are you and how do you know what we’ve done or how we do things?” Avalanche said in slight anger. “Well it should be time for me to reveal myself to you anyway.” The beast said as he walked up to the gates.
When he walked out of the forest undergrowth, the entire east wall of terror birds were shocked. As a Giga sized Wolf creature with ice spike armor walked out into the open, it was a Fenrir. His teeth exposed and the size of raptor skulls.
“My name is Fenrisulfr, I am the Guardian of Fjordur, a god in this place if you will. And your dear friends have been freed from my prison by your heroes. The Five are gone, and will never return. I am here to rule over all of Fjordur and the realms. And I am here to form an alliance with you.” The beast said booming out his voice so that everyone would know he is here.
“For an alliance?” Avalanche scoffed, his eyes studying this monster. “The last time someone wanted and became allies with me, they used me for their own gain and had turned me into an enemy of this world. Something I never wanted to be. And by the sound of it, you are wanting the same thing.” Avalanche continued. “So you’re saying you will not ally with me?” Fenrisulfr said smirking.
“No, I will not ally with you. If fact I want you gone from Runheimr and never return. Go back from whatever ice cave you came from” Avalanche said. “Too bad… for you. If you are not my ally, you are my enemy.” Fenrisulfr said smug, Avalanche chuckled.
“I am sorry to say but you have no choice. You are outnumbered and certainly have no chance against my soldiers. Leave, ‘god of Fjordur’. You don’t have power over me.” Avalanche said, the wolf merely smiled.
“How can they deal with me if nearly all of them are searching for the precious five?” He said, then he howled that sounded almost as if all of Fjordur bellowed at the top of its lungs.
Suddenly fenrirs came out of the forest undergrowth and began to attack and digging at the walls of the castle, breaking through them. Emperor Avalanche began to call orders, but before he could finish his orders. Fenrisulfr started acting weird, his eyes went ice blue, his mouth opened wide and frost began coming out of his mouth. Ice shot out of his mouth and hit the Emperor freezing him almost instantly, Dead.
Coal stared for a minute, Fenrisulfr was eyes were still ice blue and Coal knew he was next to get hit. But he couldn’t move. The giant fenrir’s mouth opened and frost came out. But Coal’s attention was taken by something that launched off a tree near the castle towards him.
Whatever it was, grabbed him by the neck and ran with him off into the forest. Coal was lucky, but he wondered what Fenris meant by The Five were gone. Did he kill them, did they die, or were they gone in the sense they were no longer in Fjordur?