ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

This chicken is faster than human and can punch with it head the rider. Without flying dino and a trap 2x2 and 2 blocks tall you shouldn’t trying to tame it. Also, without kibbles you shouldn’t tame high level zinos. Also, zinos are despawning very fast (around 6 hours), so, you should tame high ones maximally fast. Could be use on : farm, raids and killing beta-bosses
More Therizinosaurus Encountering Tips
If you see this thing it will kill you, your friends, your family, some guy down in Africa, and an alien on another planet.
Hug the chicken
Trust me just hug it
You do not find tickle chicken. Tickle chicken finds you.
Kill all of them. I left my Argy (Balerion) alone for one second to collect berries. When I returned Balerion was killed by one of these shit.
One kill= one pray for Balerion. He was the best
Kill these tickle chickens whenever they're near your base so they don't cause problems later on. I was just chilling in my base until a theri somehow wandered in and killed my anky. Thankfully all my tames were there to kill it. Rest in peace Tank, I forgot to take you off passive stance
A level 10 did 4000 damage to our level 137 Giga, and almost killed a level 200+ Argie. Be very very careful with these guys.
If you’re playing Fjordur, you will find a multitude in Jotunheim, but beware as Jotunheim is the only “Deadly!” realm I’ve ever seen. Cold as a witch’s titty and high level Ice Wyvern in the ravine.
Anyone who is saying to run from these clearly doesn’t understand how fast they are.
Speed 400 god console doesn’t work,they will get you,even if it’s a lake.they will get you.
Do not come close, because we're not passive.
When you get too close, we become aggressive.
We can kill hundreds of things that's in our way, all just in one day.
Do not come close, because we're not passive.
When you get too close, we become aggressive.