ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Journey Through All Creatures
Chapter 23: The Final Preparations
Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC order for Section I and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Raptor, next chapter in Thylacoleo.
Chapters to the end of Section I: 2!!!!! This is the Ante-Penultimate of Section I.
Chapter 25a will be in Titano au
Enjoy the shorter chapters. Chapter 25 will be way longer than 15 minutes.
24 hours before the Titanosaur Showdown…
Sodden rode his pteranodon towards the Redwoods, along with Serenity and Rod and their Argies. “You know, I like this. Can’t believe we’re leaving tomorrow.” Rod said. “Yeah. We still got some more things left.” Sodden said. “Yeah, but we’re coming back, right?” Rod said. “Yes. I never thought we’d be here. Even after my little mess up a few weeks back, Nudon still trusted me. Serenity helped me a lot throughout that time.” Sodden said. “Yeah. The day I met you… it was crazy. I woke up early one morning to get metal, and during the run, I saw a huge beacon of green light on the shore way south of my base, near the swamp. The light was very bright, and since we were so close it, it woke up my tribe and they saw it too. What we knew was that it meant a new survivor spawned in. Terad didn’t care at first until he discovered what the survivor really wanted to do. We were just out collecting meat for our Gigas when we saw the dead Allo. I was coming over when I saw you for the first time. Then you saw the Giga and ran away. And also left your raptor behind. I helped you that day, brought the raptor back, and so many things happened since that day.” Serenity said. “Yeah. I didn’t expect much the morning I spawned in. I just knew the basics of the Arks and didn’t do much. Even when I was just a few hours old, I had decided to pursue all creatures. And now I’m not only doing that… but also going out to free you and the people of C Tribe. By destroying the Assassin Heart.” Sodden said as he smiled. “A lot has changed since you spawned in. We will be with you all the time. We’re gonna help you. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us, but we’re making great progress.” Serenity said. “Yeah. Even in the lows.” Rod said. “Yeah. But I kept going, no matter what.” Sodden said. “Well, we’re almost to the redwoods. Let’s find the Alpha Rex.” Serenity said. Sodden nodded then the trio went down to the ground.
When the creatures had regained stamina, they took off for the Redwoods Mountain. Sodden looked across the left of the mountain. Rod looked on the right. Serenity looked at the top. Nothing yet. Sodden and Rod circled the mountain, scouting the area for Rexes. There were quite a few normal Rexes across the mountain, but no Alphas. Then after a while of looking, the trio met at the top of the mountain. “Well, some people from Nudon are scouting Far’s Peak and the two snow mountains. We’ll look through the Giga mountain.” Sodden said. “Okay.“ Rod said. The trio then set out for the Giga mountain.
After an hour, the trio approached Giga Mountain, and saw a ton of Argies and Rexes around the base of the mountain, with Allos on the back side and some sabers and raptors on the tip. The trio split up to look around the mountain. Serenity looked around the left and front. Nothing. Sodden went to the back, then saw a red glow in the distance. Parasaurs were getting split in pieces and blood was on the ground. The red glow got bigger when it came closer, and Rod came over and saw it. Serenity showed up just then. Then they heard crunching as the trees fell. Then it came out of the trees and roared as it ran at a Argy. “It’s an Alpha Rex! We found it!” Sodden said. “Dude. Look what it’s doing to the place!” Rod yelled as he pointed to the bloody grass patches around the base of the mountain. “It’s just ruthlessly killing off creatures. We have to stop it!” Serenity said. “Wait. We gotta check the level.” Sodden said. He took out a spyglass and looked through it, and saw that the Alpha Rex was a Level 105. “105! Yikes. I mean, it could be a 150, but 105 is still really powerful!” Sodden yelled. The trio went to the ground, hopped off their flyers, cryopoded them, and each one of the trio threw out a Giga. Sodden got a Giga from Red and now it was time for him to use it. They got on their Gigas then charged down the slope towards the Alpha Rex, who was going down to the redwoods river. Sodden’s Giga grabbed the tip of the tail of the Rex, and it stopped, turned around, and let out a huge screech. It stormed to the Gigas, ready to destroy them, then the Gigas grabbed the Rex all at once. The Gigas were trying to bite through, then the Rex screeched and landed a bite on a Giga’s nostrils, causing it to screech in pain and drop the Rex’s neck. The Rex swung below to bite the leg of Sodden’s Giga, then Rod’s Giga grabbed the Rex’s head by the mouth. Then Sodden let go of the Rex, and so did Serenity. The Rex tried to hit the Giga with the legs, but the Giga threw the Rex out into the distance, towards the river. The Alpha Rex was flung in the air, screeching as it plummeted 110 meters down towards the river. The Gigas ran down the hill just then. The Alpha Rex then smashed into the water, causing a huge wave of water to splash across the surrounding shores. The water did not slow the fall by much, and the Rex got busted hard. There was a large hole in the right side of its body and a crack in its head. The Alpha Rex was unconscious and losing health insanely fast. Blood poured out of the body and into the water. The Gigas got to the river and saw the heavily crippled Rex. Then a yellow message appeared on the trio’s implant. The Rex was dead. The trio, along with their creatures, got a very good amount of XP. Sodden had an explorer note from a few minutes ago, so he was now Level 96. Rod was Level 93. Serenity hopped off her Giga then ran to the dead Alpha Rex, opened its inventory, and got a Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth. “Let’s get this safely back to base, then we can find Red and his group.” Serenity said as she walked back to the Giga. Sodden and Rod nodded. Serenity put the tooth in her bag then got on the Giga. “Oh, what’re we doing on these? We can just fly back.” Rod said. Everyone laughed then got off the Gigas and put them in their cryopods. Then they took out their flyers and set out back for the base.
Blood swept across the battlefeild as the terror birds ran into the fight. The dodos didnt stand a chance against the survivors, but the terror birds might. They ran into the raging war, all of them from all the different ARKs came. The ones from Scorched Earth charged head-first as the ones from Valgrueo jumped from the trees and boulders, gliding and striking from above. The suvivors called for reinforcements as the terror bird king, a Raptor, screeched across The Island and called the Dodorex and Dodowyvern (the dodowyvern came with the terrorbirds from Scorched Earth) along with some raptors and more dodos. The dodorex came smashing through the trees at the Dodo side of the battle, reaching the feild where the battlefeild was and roared. It stomped through them and reached the humans. It blew fire across several tribes of survivors and killed many. The dodowyvern flew out of its hiding spot behing a towering rock formation and soared across, putting a shadow over the watching survivors. It attacked from above, leaving only a few behind.
The raptors and dodos rushed down a nearby hill and crashed into the battle. They wiped out the rest of the survivors quickly. The battle was done. The war is over. The dodos, raptors,terror birds and the big reinforcements all cheered happily. The dodos finally got revenge.
I hope you all liked the Story of the Dodo War. As always thank you for reading.
Overseer (Previous in Gigantoraptor)
Chapter 22
“Fuzzball, psst! Wake up!” Fuzzball quickly got up and saw Honeydrop and the rest of the Dodos… afraid? “What is it?” Fuzzball asked as he let Buddy out for a morning stretch and gave him a small chunk of meat. “Sneaky reported that there was a huge sand invasion coming this way.” Honeydrop replied as Sneaky nodded from behind. “We gotta get moving then!” Fuzzball said as he got up and looked outside. There was indeed a huge sandstorm (not invasion) coming at them at a rapid speed. “Never mind, I guess we’ll just stay inside.” Fuzzball said.
“Soooo can we eat now?” Chunk asked as his stomach growled. “Sure, I’m pretty hungry as well.” Mocker said. As everybody sat down the ground started to shake, this made Fuzzball remember about Bob in a sad way. “Shouldn’t we just block the entrance just in case it doesn’t come inside?” Sneaky said with a worried tone. “We don’t have anything to cover it though. Not saying we have anything strong to hold it. So I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Honeydrop replied. Chunk then made a campfire and started to make some ‘berries and leaves dish’. “Uh guys, why isn’t the sandstorm here yet?” I asked. It was strange to see a sandstorm come very slowly, although this was the first time Fuzzball had seen one. “I’ll take a look.” Sneaky said as he got up and took a peek outside, exactly the same time when the sandstorm arrived. “AHHHHH!!” Sneaky shouted as the sandstorm was trying to take him away. “Sneaky hold onto my hand, guys help pull!” Fuzzball said as he reached for Sneaky’s hand. “Pull!!” Honeydrop shouted, everyone kept pulling until Sneaky finally got out of the sandstorm. “Rule number 1, never take a peek outside a cave.” Sneaky said then fainted. Everything seemed to be alright now to Fuzzball except the ground felt softer.
“SAND! It’s pouring inside!” Fuzzball exclaimed as he quickly picked up Buddy, who was enjoying the sand. “Cheep!” Buddy chirped sadly. Fuzzball quickly grabbed a few inches of sand and put it in his pouch for Buddy to enjoy. The Glowtail quickly saw the sand in the pouch and happily went inside. “So what do we do now!?” Chunk panicked. “We gotta go through the sandstorm!” Fuzzball said as he made his way to the cave’s entrance. The sand was already reaching his knee, which made it harder to walk. But Honeydrop grabbed him. “We’ll get buried alive out there though!”
“We’ll get buried alive here anyways if we stay here, Chunk and Mocker, carry Sneaky!” Fuzzball said as he helped Chunky by carrying a bag of supplies and putting it on his back. “Do you guys have a cloth or something?” Fuzzball shouted to the Dodo’s through the sandstorm's wind. “Yes!” Honeydrop shouted back. “Use it to cover your face!” Fuzzball replied as Chunk gave a piece of cloth big enough for everyone. Soon everyone was outside in the sandstorm. The wind was so hard that it nearly took Fuzzball and the rest of the Dodo’s away.
“Incoming big stick!” Mocker shouted as he pointed at something in the sky. At first it seemed to be a shaggy object but as it got closer Fuzzball realized it was a log, and it was heading straight to them. “Get down!” Fuzzball shouted as he quickly dropped down to the ground. But it was too late. The log had already hit the rest of the Dodo’s and dragged Fuzzball along. “AHHHH! My beautiful body is gone!” Chunk exclaimed as his body was underneath the log.
Suddenly something hitted Fuzzball’s head and everything faded black.
Note: Next chapter in Fasolochus
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 79: The Cure
And so, Sunny, Gary, and Paige were treading through the murky swamp, trying to find the leeches to make the cure for Skyler’s sickness. It was damp, hot, and overall unbearable considering they also had to wear the repugnant bug repellant that Rick made.
“When are we gonna find these damn leeches?” Paige asked, looking around. There were a lot of creatures running around and tussling about. Baryonyx, Sarcosuchus, and the strange Paraceratherium. But there seemed to be no leeches, even though this was where they typically come from.
“Maybe they’re leaving us alone because we have the bug repellent on,” Sunny suggested, “Not like I’m complaining though. I’d rather not get leeched.”
Gary seemed awfully quiet this time around, even in the presence of her sister. Something happened on his expedition with Skyler and Rick that made him this way. Sunny looked over at him and nudged him with her elbow.
“Hey! Brighten up!” Sunny told him, “Why the long face?”
Gary’s eyes darted up to a dry piece of land.
“Skyler got sick because of me. It’s my fault we’re here.”
“Wha-? What are you talkin’ about?” Paige said with a raised eyebrow, “You tried your hardest on that expedition. There was no changing Skyler getting sick.”
Rick put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the algae-filled waters.
“Hey. At least she’s only sick, okay?” Paige remarked, “At least she isn’t… dead.”
Paige’s expression fell at that. Sunny looked at both of them in worry. It seemed as if landing on this island only made their troubles worse and worse. Heartache was inevitable, but to this extent?
“Is this how… they felt?” Sunny thought as her mind wandered to those characters of her world. Voices and screams ran through her head as they trudged toward the dry land. It was almost as if she was there herself. The explosions, the cries, and the bloodshed filled her senses.
And then she began to weep.
“Why are we here?” Sunny sobbed. Tears welled up in her eyes as her mind ran wild, “Who put us here? Why would they put us here? How did they put us here-”
Paige grabbed Sunny, and gently wrapped her arms around her body. Sunny let out a sniffle, as she buried her face into Paige’s shoulder. Paige closed her eyes gently as she embraced her friend.
“I know you’re worried about us. We’ll be alright, Sunny. We’ll all make it out together. All of us.”
“T-thank you,” Sunny muttered. She pulled away from the hugs and looked into Paige’s eyes with a smile. Paige grinned back.
“Hey, anything to make a friend better. I always hug my friends if they’re feeling down in the dumps.”
Sunny looked into Paige’s eyes. For a moment, Sunny could see paint blobs in her reflection. They were blue and covering her eyes and face. But as Paige’s implant dimmed down, the blobs disappeared.
“Thanks, again,” Sunny said. Paige nodded.
“Of course, Sunny.”
“Hey. You two, look what I found!”
The two looked at the dry piece of land to see Gary holding a thick, big leech in his hand. But he didn’t seem to be calling them over because of the leech. Sunny and Paige walked over to Gary, and then Gary began to continue walking, until eventually they reached a large cliff that they couldn’t reach. They could see the remnants of a campfire atop. It would definitely be a beautiful spot to look at the stars.
“Look here,” Gary said. He pointed at a small crevice in the cliff. It was a cave. Both of their eyes widened at the sight.
“A cave? This is where that artifact was found, right?” Paige asked
Gary nodded. He held the leech up.
“We got the leech already. So why don’t we go in and collect the artifact?”
“Hmm,” Sunny muttered, “It could be dangerous in there. We didn’t bring any tames to mask our scent from the creatures. What if there’s something in there we can’t kill?”
Paige slammed her club into the palm of her hand.
“I wouldn’t worry about it. We’re all strong enough to take anything down. Well, probably not a Tyrannosaurus, but those definitely don’t live in caves. Even if things get bad… We can always run and tell the others about it. But if we get the artifact now it’ll be a win-win for us, right?”
“I guess so,” Sunny whispered. The three looked into the cave. They didn’t hear anything except the buzzing of electricity.
“Let’s go in,” Gary said.
The three stepped into the cave, and they were shrouded in darkness again. All of them looked on in awe. It was less of a cave and more of a huge metal platform that rose out of a lake of underground water. Giant metal “fingers” curved out of the platform and toward the roof. And resting in the middle of the platform was an artifact.
“Is that it? Didn’t think it’d be that easy,” Sunny said.
They walked toward the artifact, but as they did, a forcefield of hexagons manifested around it. Goosebumps began to ruffle on Gary’s skin.
“Oh great. Here we go again.”
Gary began to look around, as if something was going to come out for them, but nothing did. Paige’s eyes darted along the floor, and they pinned on a strange lever mechanism. Paige reached her hand out to grab it, but as she touched it, a zap of electricity pierced her heart.
Paige let out a shriek as she placed her hand over her chest.
Sunny reached out to touch it too, and she experienced the same feeling.
“Hmm,” Sunny said, scratching her head. She looked at the artifact, “The lever probably makes the forcefield disappear. But it’s charged with electricity, preventing us from doing so-”
Gary suddenly grabbed the lever, and a wave of electricity flowed into his heart. Gary let out a cough of pain, as he placed his other hand on the lever and pulled as hard as he could.
“AHHHHHH!” Gary howled in pain as his heart began to burn away. Blood spilled from his lips, as his consciousness began to fade away. His vision began to blur, and he smiled as he looked at the two again.
“Grab the artifact and leave.”
“But what about you?” Sunny asked. Gary shut his eyes.
“I lived a good life. You two just need to make it out safely and that’s all that matters-”
Sunny rolled her eyes and grabbed the lever. Paige followed suit.
“We’re in this together bro,” Sunny said, “This isn’t some dumb story… You aren’t dying on my watch.”
With both Paige and Sunny pulling the lever at the same time as Gary. Both of them felt sharp electricity puncture their heart, but Gary could feel the burden on his shoulders lessen. With a final pull, they all let out a scream of triumph as the lever stopped zapping them and the forcefield disappeared.
They all cheered and Gary let out a sigh of relief. Sunny patted him on the back and showed him the artifact.
“Why don’t you have it? You basically did the heavy lifting.”
Gary smiled, reached out, and touched the artifact. The artifact disintegrated and entered his implant. Gary’s implant began to glow, and suddenly two clones of himself appeared beside him. The others looked on in awe as the clones looked around, dumbfounded.
“Wow! There’s three of you now! I can’t believe I had two long lost brothers…” Sunny joked with a laugh. Paige looked one of the clones in the eyes, scratching her head and squinting.
“I don’t think they have emotions or know how to think.”
“Yeah, me neither, they’d be chattering nonstop if they did,” Gary realized, “Well I’m tired of this. Let’s just go back to camp, we got what we need and the artifact.”
So with that, they left the cave and headed back home with their finds.
“Alright drink up!” Sunny told Skyler as she held a glass vial to her lips. Skyler groaned and opened her mouth weakly. Sunny began to pour it down Skyler’s throat like it was water. Skyler began to choke, and Sunny withdrew the vial.
“Oh, my bad.”
With only a drop left to spare, Skyler swallowed it down, and sat up, rubbing her head.
“Thanks a lot dude,” Skyler commented, rolling her eyes. The redness in her face was already beginning to fade. She already seemed to be getting better. She held her wrist out, and her implant began to glow. The artifact of the hunter manifested in her hand.
“So I heard you managed to collect two more artifacts,” Skyler said.
“Yeah. You were right all along,” Paige apologized by bowing her head, “I’m sorry for not believing you.”
Skyler looked at her with a smirk.
“Oh don’t worry. It’s not personal. But now that we have three…”
She looked off into the distance of the green Obelisk, which seemed to be pulsating more intensely than usual.
“We have a trip to make. And all of us are going. Including our tames. Because something tells me isn’t gonna be that easy.”
“But what about the recruits? What about Ben and Chris?” Sunny asked, “Why don’t we just raid June’s castle with these artifacts and save them?”
“We can’t afford to wait for them. I have a good feeling about this obelisk now. And I think all of you do too.”
Gary spoke, “Skyler is right. I have a good feeling Ben has it handled. He has always been smart with his ideas. If we get to the obelisk and it really is the key to survival-”
“Key to escape,” Rick corrected him. Gary looked at him weirdly. Rick looked up.
“We’re gonna need to come in hot. Literally. So we need to start preparing before we go. We’re gonna need to brew some cold drinks, collect a lot of cool water, and start collecting armor around from the beacons so we can prepare for what that obelisk will throw at us,” Rick explained.
“And what’s so dangerous about this obelisk that we need to prepare so hard?” Simon asked.
“You don’t wanna know.”
Bobby began to get nervous at the thought.
“Well if that’s the case… We should get moving.”
And so they did.
The first time I encountered some of these was in my early game days. My raptor, Ember, and I had been roaming the map and finally came to the redwoods. After killing a few direbears and such, I kind of liked it and was even thinking of building a house when Ember and I get jumped by three terrors. Fortunately, Ember killed them all, but I was put down to half health. We continued, a little bit wiser, only to get jumped by six more of them. Ember took on five of them while the sixth separated me and killed me. Ember killed them, I’m assuming, because I teleported him back to me, and he only died much later with his pack from me thinking six raptors could take on three allos and one rex. Boy, was I wrong. Moral of the story is: don’t go in the redwoods as an early player. Thanks for reading! Hit those arrows if ya liked.