So this is my story about my Terror bird, Night trauma….
So this is my story about my Terror bird, Night trauma….
This happened a few days ago, so let’s get into the story
One day I was walking around the beach with night trauma my terror bird she was level 27 and most had high attack damage but that’s when I was fighting some raptors with my other terror birds, White fang, Blood faller, Night terrorize her sister and the others were her mates so I was with my flock killing off some raptors that’s when a Spinosaurus Spotted us and a carno that were higher levels and they started running towards us so I changed their targets and they were brave in the battle we killed both of the carnivores we were fighting but that’s when a alpha raptor and a pack of three normal raptors appeared and ended up and only killing Night trauma since she was weak on health I’m pretty sad but I have an army… 15… 17… 20… 37… 39… 40 terror birds I have on the way in eggs some are babies too.