ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Use Velos on the cliff with vines, use climbing picks or grappling hooks and if you position your velo correctly it can’t hit you. Try to bring a friend and you both have 140+ wild tamed velos with like 4k+ Stam and good melee
More Steinbjörn Encountering Tips
the bear is like a golem so use a velonasaur.
Playing single player on my ps4 and my game crashes every time I teleport to a different dimension so I got the ruins and discarded them and then summoned Steinbjorn in the snow area of the original realm. This dude has 2,640,000 health. I read he has 300k so when his health is barely dwindling as I beam him with a velo I went into creative to check his stats. And oh my god I don’t like this stupid boss. Based off the wiki aplha broodmother has 300k health alpha methapithicus has 540k health and alpha dragon has 972k health. So why does this stupid mini boss have 2.6 million health at level 85 again I summoned him into the main realm because I can’t go to any other realms cuz my ps4 crashes
Don't use rexes trust me, my 1000 melee rexs were doing 94 damage.... it has 300k hp
The bear necessities are not necessary here
I’d recommend something small like deinonychus or carnos
Magmasaurs, gigas, rock golems, and velonasaurs all do pretty good or so ive heard while pretty much anything else cant get past his armor
Best way to defeat it is by using many imprinted shadowmanes.
Have the male roar and use females to cloak.
Also use gigas if you have them.
Snow owls also work to heal.
Why is this guy harder to kill then the final boss?
Why does this boss act like he is something special. He is harder than the Fenrir Boss.
Use lots of giga and velo on the side and let the giga attack stjbor or grapple on the roof and bring rocket launchers or any thing and shoot him have some Dino like gigas magmasaurs and rock golems to deal damage while you support fire.
Rocket launcher with homing missile works great use rock drake to climb on the wall where he can’t reach you and just keep shooting