ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Let's go first Shasta tip!
This in a creature coming in ASA. You will be able to find it in the seas of the Center. We don't know it's exact abilities yet, but it will be probably used as a submarine when saddled, maybe like a living vacuum compartment. It's taming method is unknown yet. - Tei
More Shastasaurus Utility Tips
We can finally have submarines
This thing is kind of useless.
Everything in the ocean will aggro to it.It's not the strongest, Kind of weak at defending itself.And the new toothy tuna fish and megs like to get stuck in it, and you can't kill thim because it doesn't turn fast Enough, Saddle can only be unlocked at level 100. And tech has to be unlocked, But if you really want one, it only uses normal rockets for its torpedoes would've been so much better if they used the homing rockets to have homing torpedoes.
For those who keep saying it can be cryoed without saddle is wrong you can cryo it with saddle however and structures build will be destroyed
Can be put in Cryopod without the saddle attached
Will have a submarine saddle with torpedoes and echolocation!
Torpedo's, place rockets in the inventory
I already know this is going to be used for PVP and probably
Moder Bossfight
This creature could potentially become the best aquatic creature on Ark Survival Ascended as you will be able to utilize it for moving land tames underwater and possibly even a small base.
Itβs gonna have a submarine saddle :D