ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a sabertooth? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a sabertooth.
I tamed a lvl 150 with cooked fish meat where’s my medal
Hey if you want a op early game pack listen to this!
1. Find saber all alone (mountains and up north)
2. Knock it out with tranq arrows
3. Feed it prime, raw meat, etc.
4. When tamed find other Saber and repeat process
5. Get 4 or 7 sabers and watch them destroy the fricking world… You own the most cool pack of sabers
Tip: they get stuck easily so please be careful not to lose them <3
They have big teeth.
Getting one in mobile involves stealing a brontosaurus egg and run before it yeets you out of orbit.
Easily knocked out when you use a bloa. When stuck shoot in head while you can and itll go down quickly. Tranq darts make the process quicker, but arrows will do the job just fine. They can be picked up and dropped into safe taming cages by argies to make this easy tame all the more easy.
If you are shooting it with tranq arrows or darts, make sure you wait a couple seconds after each shot or else it will die. I lost a level 120 not doing this
They're torpor is very high
Bro, 225 fish meat? All cooked? You must have had to kill ALL of the following
1. Coel
2. Megapirhana
3. Sabertooth Salmon
All many timss
Try Traq Darts. They have very low health, so be conscious of that and use tranq darts OR monitor health while using arrows with a Magnifying glass to ensure you dont kill it. Alittle prime meat, and they are tamed quickly! Good for any cave you cant fit a Thylo!
If you need to tame one follow my instructions carefully, first thing you wanna do is find a sabertooth, where it is by itself, you can either trap it or bola it, personally either is good but I usually bola them, then I get tranq arrows and shoot it in the head with it I got a low level one cause I was desperate for one and it only took 6-7 tranq arrows, you can use a bow or crossbow whatever you like, I do recommend crossbow though since it’s a little more effective. You also can use meat or prime meat I highly recommend prime, but if you don’t have that use regular meat. I highly suggest taking narcotics, just in case it wakes up, hope this was helpful.
Use an argy to pick one up and drop it in a taming pen, you got yourself an easy tame. Good mount overall
People commenting be like :Bruh i just tamed a 450 on mobile without balm using cooked fish meat and narcoberbies where is my trophy
Sabers are good beginners cave runners but unlike the dire wolf these guys have saddles which means if you have a good saddle caves are gonna be quite easy for you
I tamed a level 150, on the most dangerous island, Dead Island.I should get a medal for taking one on that island.
When carrying a saber tooth with an argy be carful they attack you bird while flying
When taming one be careful when you hit it because you can kill it on accident unless if you're using a slingshot
Such a good tame like so noobs can see
Just find one alone tranq it don't kill it feed it no narcotics needed do this process for other saber and make a pack
So if you start at west zone 3 and head north a ways there is this nice beach surrounded by a rocky jungle, you should probably build a base there, then if you have some bolas and some tranq stuff head north a tiny bit until you reach a big rock (I’ve nicknamed it “jungle rock”) and the tigers are usually their. Use your little brother as bait (or whatever works best for you) then bola and tranq! I found this useful and it is a great way to be really tough at a low level.
I tamed a level 150 with I think it was 5 bronto kibble, no narcotics or anything just the kibble. And it got to 225 with really god health and stamina stats.