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So honestly idc how many likes i get so here is

Creature no.1:Gold element

Appearance: like a rock element but with gold veins

Heath at lvl1: about 390

Abilities: same as a rock element but can throw gold rocks that will permanently freeze creatures in to gold statue unless you melt the gold. If it hit you you died instantly and your copses left in a gold statue turning everything in your inventory gold but can still be used. If creatures are hit and are melted they get gold fever debuff and start having gold veins appear. If hit 10 times the creature died if hit.If killed gold elements give gold rocks to make the saddle.

Taming: same as rock element

Saddle:20 wood 120 hide 200 fiber 10 gold rocks made at lvl 48 and can only be made in smithy.

Ty for reading Break-it

(Next is in horse)

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