ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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When i was a newbie i got my first raptor and decided to go to swamp since i wanna explore the map, I'm newbie that time, i didn't know that there's so many titanoboa and sarco in that swamp we were just walking in the water when there's a sudden attack from a titano, we run fast and thought that we lost them but then a sarco came in front of my face i try to run but my raptor got bitten by titanoboa many time and fell unconscious i ran as fast as i could leaving him behind, i try to look back but i saw that there's so many following me, i decided to fight back since my raptor died without having a chance to fight, i used my metal spear then stab those fkin sarco and titanoboa in the head and their face I've made it back in my base safe
So once I was going to tame a raptor with my dodo, (Rexy) and I was not expecting a WHOLE PACK OF RAPTORS to come and attack me, I took my axe and started to attack them with it, (I was new at the time) I was fighting with my dodo and she died to the alpha, I finally knocked one out. It was a beautiful teal color so I put some meat in it and I soon died to a red one, I named him Charzard and I made a grave for my dodo, 1 like= 1 respect for rexy
Journey Through All Creatures
Chapter 22: Preparations
Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC Order for Section I and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Quetzal, next chapter in Terror Bird
This is the Ante-Ante-Penultimate Chapter of JTAC Section I.
Chapters to the end of Section I: 3!!! Chapter 25a will be in Tita o au
This chapter is going to have 9 creatures in it. Get ready for a long chapter.
When Sodden arrived back at Nudon, everyone was standing at the castle, waiting for him. Sodden put his pteranodon in a cryopod then turned to the others. “Hey guys. I was just doing a little bit of speed leveling. I’m Level 74 now.” Sodden said. Red walked up to him. “Well, I think we’ve had enough craziness for one day. I’m gonna get some guys out to get us some Rexes if we need them. Why don’t we just settle down for the day?” Red asked. Sodden nodded, then he, Rod, and Serenity walked into the castle.
The next day…
Sodden walked out of the castle on the next day, and went to the breeding barn. He was holding some meat and crops. When he got to the barn entrance, Red stood in the door. “Hey. Good morning. So last night, one of our tamers found a 140 Rex. They had to get the supplies from the base, the taming food, and spent over an hour taming it up. It was a female, so we started breeding it with our creatures. We’re also looking for Theris. Oh, is that for the creatures?” Red said. “Yeah.” Sodden said. He walked into the barn and put the meat in the trough to the left, labeled Carnivores. Then the crops in the trough to the right pen, labeled Herbivores. In the Carnivore pen, there were 13 Rexes set up, and 20 more that were far back and not fully grown. Then in the Herbivore pen, there was a group of 20 Theris, with 10 younger ones in the back. “As soon as the creatures finish growing, we’ll breed them one last time for extra creatures. Then we’re going to get the tributes. You’re doing Alpha difficulty. You’re gonna need good saddles.” Red said. Sodden walked to him after looking around. “Maybe you can help us with metal runs. We have so many Argies and so many helpers. That’s how we get so many supplies so quickly. We have a very good Rex saddle, a 110 armor, but it costs 2000 metal each and 7000 hide each. All of our grown Gigas are out collecting hide. We’re about to send out the Argies. Wanna join them?” Red asked. “Sure. I’d like to do some stuff. I also gotta be doing some speed leveling.” Sodden said. “Yeah. To do Alpha, you have to be Level 100 for the Dragon fight. You and Rod are the only two guys that aren’t Level 100 in this tribe. You two can’t enter if you’re not Level 100. I think after the metal runs, you can do some speed leveling with me and Rod.” Red said. “Okay.” Sodden said. Red walked out and Sodden followed him. They walked to an area near the left wall of the base and there were a group of 30 Argies, each with one person on it. Each one except for one, which was in the lower corner of the group. Red walked to the Argy. “That Argy is reserved for you. I was hoping you’d join us. Our usual routine is that we spread 5 Argies across all the places that’re rich with metal. The Redwoods hill, Far’s Peak, the base of Whitesky, the volcano, the Giga mountain, and the northeastern Arctic snow mountain.” Red said. “Okay. So… which group will I be with?” Sodden asked. “You’re going to the Northeastern Arctic Mountain. Just follow the group going there. We would start on the south of the mountain, then go around and down the mountain, then the tip, then done. With the exception of Whitesky, which is where we’d just do a ring around the base of the mountain. The Ankys are set up in the drop off barn.” Red said as he pointed to the building to the right of the Argies. “Two Argies go in at a time. It doesn’t matter which Anky you get. All have similar stats.” Red said. Then he ran to the front of the Argy pack, and whistled for everyone to listen. Sodden got on his Argy, and Red said, “Okay, guys. Sodden’s joining us today for the sixth day of the metal grind. Remember the path. And avoid Nameless, please. I don’t want the same thing that happened to Retro to happen to the Argies. They’re not as easily replaceable as the Ankys.” Red said. Everyone murmured in agreement. Red whistled then pointed to the sky, and yelled, “Onwards!” Then the Argies’ wings started flapping and their feet took off, then the Argies flew up. They then flew down, and each one grabbed an Anky out of the barn, went back up, then split up in groups of 5, each going to one metal location. Sodden followed the group flying to the Northeastern Arctic Mountain.
After a while, the group arrived to the mountain. The group started at the bottom of the mountain, a little south of the tip, then started flying to metal nodes. The Ankys started bashing their tail against the rocks, and metal came flowing into their inventories. They circled the mountain, collecting every metal node they saw, and some Argies even had some weight left to start going to the top of the mountain. After 10 minutes, every Argy in the group had Ankys full of metal and couldn’t get any more without getting encumbered. They decided to fly back to base.
On Far’s Peak, while the group there was collecting metal, inside C Tribe’s base, in the meeting room next to the front entrance, Terad sat in a chair, around a table, where the rest of the tribe leaders sat. “Okay. So we have a Quetzal. We have a platform saddle. But what we don’t have is metal. I don’t know what Nudon is up to, but they definitely want a expensive engram because they’re stealing all the metal on the Ark!!” Terad yelled. “Well… we could… scout the smaller nodes?” Someone suggested. Terad stormed over to them and grabbed them by the collar of their shirt. “Listen up. Small nodes across the island will take hours on hours! We don’t have that kind of time. Nameless is going for a Titan in 6 days!! We need to get metal now. We need the cannon, and all the cannon balls. Titanosauruses lose torpor very fast. We gotta be consistent. We cannot allow any setbacks. And I… I will not allow Nameless to get that Titan!” Terad yelled. “You’re literally asking for a battle to the death!” Someone yelled. Terad roared in anger and banged the table with his fist. “I don’t care. We don’t have time to breed and raise a whole Giga. That takes over a week to do. Our army will have to do. Now why are you still here!? Get the Argies and go get all the metal!! Pretend Nudon isn’t here.” Terad growled. Everyone nodded then ran out of the entrance to get out their Argies and Ankies. He was about to storm upstairs when someone tapped him on the arm. Terad looked back to see one of the tribe leaders standing there. “Uh… Terad. You remember who’s with Nudon?” He said. “Oh… I do. He’s still on with his little mission to kill all creatures. Well…” Terad said, then he froze. No response. Then after seconds of silence, Terad started growling. “I checked the cameras yesterday. I saw him in the Strong cave. He is planning to ascend. And he’s going to try and kill the Titan. Well? Get the metal!” Terad yelled. The person nodded then ran out of the entrance. “Sodden is up to something. I’d better find it out. Why he would ascend off this place remains a mystery, but I must know.” Terad growled deeply.
That afternoon, the Argies returned to Nudon and dropped their Ankies off in the drop off barn. Sodden dropped off his Anky and hopped off his Argy. Then he walked to Red, who stood outside of the castle. “You did good today. We need to talk.” Red said. “Okay.” Sodden said. The two walked into the castle and saw Denine and a group of tribemates, and Rod and Serenity, sitting at the large table. Sodden sat on one of the empty chairs near Serenity and Rod and Red sat next to Sodden. “So you really want to do this mission. And you also want to ascend. So… we’re nearing T creatures. One of those creatures is the Titanosaur. We suspected Nameless could be going for the Titan too. If you want to kill it, we gotta send in our Gigas. We don’t have a plan just yet, but we’re thinking about it. However, this is not going to be easy. Not dying to the Titan and not dying to Nameless when you’re facing them alone is one thing. Not dying to both when you’re fighting both at the same time… that’s almost impossible to do. Nameless has some really powerful Gigas. Rod, you have a Titan, right?” Red said. “Yeah. I can bring him over to help.” Rod said. “Good. Here’s the problem. Nameless and us won’t be the only ones there for the Titan. Serenity told me that her tribe is going for that same Titan. That means we’re facing two very deadly tribes at once. Sodden will be the one to kill it, but it will definitely destroy Terad’s trust in him. Serenity leaving with him would make it worse. So once you return to the Island, we need to protect you and make sure we get to Dead Earth/Extinction safely. This will not be easy. Sodden has creatures to kill and resources to collect, and he still needs 26 more levels before he can fight the Alpha Dragon, or as I like to call him, Doug. Don’t know why. If Sodden, me, or Rod dies, ascension will be delayed by quite a bit and we will run out of precious time. We can’t have that. We’re doing Tribute grinding now. Denine, tell them what we plan to do.” Red said. “Well, while we don’t have a clear plan yet for the Titan, we do have some things we’ll do that day. Because most of the tribe will be out grinding the last bits of supplies and getting the Rexes and Theris organized, and some parts going to fight a Titan and two of the most dangerous tribes in the Arks, it will leave me vulnerable with only some survivors left here.” Denine said. “Okay, so what?” Sodden asked. “There’s a plan we have. We can hide her in the vault, but knowing Nameless, they’d probably tear the base apart finding it. So what we can do is hide her in this room, and the survivors guarding the base that day can use their creatures to stall Nameless if they come, which they probably will.” Red said. “That’s good.” Rod said. “Okay, we also gotta consider Rod’s tribe. Your friends will be protecting it, right?” Sodden asked. Rod nodded. “Okay. Just leave them and you’re going to come with us for the other Arks.” Sodden said. “Sounds good. Let’s get back on the grind.” Serenity said. Everyone nodded, and Denine walked upstairs. Everyone else walked out of the castle except two people, who followed Denine upstairs.
The next day…
Sodden rode his pteranodon through the swamp, towards a group of Sarcos. In the southeastern wetlands, Sodden was hunting creatures for tributes. He shot down the Sarcos, and collected their skin. He kept scouting the swamp for Sarcos to kill. Red was out collecting tributes for all the boss fights, and so was Serenity and some other dudes in the tribe of Nudon. Sodden got to the southeastern jungle to hunt some Brontos, and find some explorer notes. He managed to reach Level 77 by the end of yesterday, but only 5 days remained before the big day, so he had to be fast. He flew towards herbivore island, then hopped off his pteranodon on the cliff of the island, then shot down some Brontos below the cliffs. He then got on the pteranodon and went down to the Bronto corpses, then took out the sauropod vertebraes from their inventories. He then got back on his pteranodon again and took off towards the wetlands for leveling.
After a few hours, he had collected a lot of supplies. He got 10 pieces of sauropod vertebraes and got to Level 82. He was in the footpaw, scouting out Theris. When he went into the river that split the footpaw’s small mountain from the rest of the island, he shot down some salmon. Then when a raptor ambushed his pteranodon, Sodden shot down the raptors and got back on his pteranodon. He went to the wetlands, but when he approached the redwoods for the mountain, something launched an acid ball at the pteranodon. It dodged it then flew down to the ground. Sodden saw a rhyniognatha coming at them. It launched another acid ball, and it hit the pteranodon. Sodden started shooting it down, then it screeched and picked him up. Sodden shouted as he kept shooting it and then prepared to take out a parachute. The rhyniogntha was biting through his armor, ripping it up and depleting his health. Sodden growled and took out a sword, then stabbed it in the bug’s head. The bug screeched in pain as it started breathing slowly. It flew lower, its health depleting and getting more bloodied. Sodden shot it down with his shotgun until the bug fell to the ground and Sodden started falling too. He took out the parachute and put it on, then he floated down towards his pteranodon. His armor was cracked and his health was at 60%. He got to his pteranodon and took off for the Redwoods mountain. When he got there, there was a pack of Rexes running down the slope of the mountain, chasing some Galliminuses. Sodden went to the pack and cryopoded his pteranodon, then the Rexes turned and roared, setting their sights on him. Sodden led them to the river nearby, across the ruins’ bridge, and the Rexes jumped for him and fell in between the cliffs next to the waterfall. Sodden shot the Rexes down, then collected their arms. He had to get more tributes.
Day after day, Nudon had been grinding for tributes, collecting levels, and destroying creatures. C Tribe had too been collecting metal for their Titan plan and so had Nameless. Nameless had helped Cordor get way better levels. He only got to Level 29 before the day of the Snow Cave thing, and almost every level was in fortitude. One point only in Health. Cordor needed way better, so he set out to collect levels. The only reason he could do the Strong cave was because he had really good fur armor blueprints and a good amount of supplies. All seemed calm… then came the final day.
28 hours before the Titanosaur Showdown…
It was around 6 in the morning. The sun was just beginning to rise. The Island was quiet. Almost as if it was the calm before the storm. There was one day left. Red had gotten up that time to assemble his tribemates early in the morning, so that they could think of a plan. “Come on. We gotta start the final preparations early!” Red yelled. Sodden fell out of his bed trying to get up. He rubbed his eyes then slowly walked down to the main room, as did everyone else. Red sat at the end of the table. Sodden and the others went down to sit, tired. “Okay. Sorry for waking you up so early. We got a big day tomorrow. We not only have Sodden’s ascension, but also the Titanosaur battle. Our mutated Giga is grown at last. Our Giga army is ready. Now… we have almost all the tributes ready. We still need one more Megalania toxin, and a few of the Alpha creature trophies. The Tusoteuthisis, the Mosa, and the Rex. Then we’ll have everything.” Red said. “So you got us up to continue the search for them?” Rod moaned. “Yes. We don’t have time tomorrow for collecting, so we need to do it now. It may take a while, so I got you up early, so we can do this longer.” Red said. “Okay.” Sodden said. “If you really want to…” Serenity said. The group walked out of the base and prepared the fliers. “Okay. Sodden, you’re going with Rod and Serenity to find an Alpha Rex. The others will go underwater to locate the Alpha Mosa and Alpha Tuso.” Red said as he led Sodden out of the base. Sodden nodded then walked to the drop off barn, then threw out his pteranodon. Sodden got on it, Serenity and Rod threw out their Argies and got on them, and they took off. “We may need to look all day.” Red said.
I had a raptor named Blue. I stayed with him all night while he was being tamed. We got home, and he instantly found a new best friend. This was Oval, my oviraptor. I would take them out together, and I swear that they had conversations. They would stand together in my base and just quietly squawk to each other. It was so sweet. So one day I got on my raft with Blue and Oval to collect eggs (Oval to pick up, Blue to ride). Well, it was a success and we got a couple of dodo eggs, a diplo egg, a trike and a carbonemyseus egg. Suddenly I noticed that Oval wasn’t with me. I look back, and I see JELLYFISH just mauling my dear sweet Oval. My Blue, loyal as ever, ran back to save his best friend, but he couldn’t. At least they will spend eternity together. 😭 Rip Blue and Oval
When I was a noob my bro tamed me a 100 forest green female. I rode her everywhere and she survived a fool’s errand that resulted in 3 allos attacking my raft. My bro told me to request her and she had 50 health left. I named her Grace for she was a survivor through everything. She was a 150 when I took her into my first cave(the clever). She made it through everything. But as I neared the artifact she was killed by 3 sarcos and two centipedes. I cried so hard for my friend I just let myself die. Since then I’ve never bonded with a creature so. I’ll make a memorial where my bro first tamed her and a garden where I planned my first base (it has a lovely view). Thank you for listening. R.I.P. Grace
Just tamed a level 122 on Dead Island no kibble and only a few narcs on me. Had to fight off a scorpion and a sabertooth to keep from it waking up. As the tame was close to finishing I was attacked from behind by two scorpions and they knock me out. As I'm getting attacked by them and I am sure that I am a goner, the raptor tames, gets the them off of me, and kills both of the scorpions. I wait in horror as my consciousness returns, hoping that I am not going to die to a patrol. I didn't, and I turn around and see a Rex almost close enough to aggro me. I put my raptor on follow ran to my raft, and escaped the island as the Rex was chasing me. I named him Saving Grace on the way back, but as I am passing the swamp, a sarco attacks my raft. It knocks my beloved raptor off, and it was swarmed by the sarco and a group of megapiranha. I try to call it to follow, and it dies almost instantly. I am utterly devastated and heartbroken...... :'((
Hello everyone this is my second episode of beast wars and I hope you enjoy last episode in Rex… bam. Is there energon on this planet said megatron yes said the computer good said megatron as the computer said too much. oh said megatron. P2 of p2 coming soon and sorry for the delay but I had stuff to do
So one day I was taking my 40 level 10 dodos for a walk and my sis came up to me and said “Why do you have so many dodos?” I was about to answer but I fell of a cliff...
So I went back to get my stuff, at this point your probably like “WhAt DoSe ThIs HaVe To Do WiTh RaPtOrS?” Well when I got my stuff back I turned around and there it was, a majestic raptor flying at my face while I screamed like two year old girl watching a horror movie. Up-v0t3 for more
👏👏STORY TIME!!! On other Dino’s