ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Journey Through All Creatures
Chapter 21: The Strong Showdown: Part 2
Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC order for Section I and has a Prologue. Last chapter, aka last part of Strong Showdown, in Purlovia. Next chapter in Raptor. Next chapter has 9 creatures so it’ll be very long.
Cave Chapters 5/5: The Finale
Chapters to the end of Section I: 4!! Chapter 25a will be in T ta u
The raptor ran through the jungle, bypassing many creatures such as Parasaurs and Trikes. She ran across rocks, through the forest, and towards the volcano where Nudon stood. She didn’t stop once. Her owner was in danger of dying permanently and she had to do something fast. She ran for 40 minutes until she finally arrived at the gates. She started scratching the gates, and Red heard the screeching and ran to the gates to open them. “What’s that?” Serenity said. “I don’t know.” Red said. He opened the gates and Reaper leaped forward. “Oh, hey. What do you want?” Red said. Reaper screeched and nudged Red to the gates. “What? You want me to come?” Red said. Reaper backed up and looked around. She ran to the artifact pedestals near the stairs to the castle, and pointed at one of the artifacts. “Uh… that? Artifact… so you were about to get the Artifact of the Strong?” Red asked. Reaper nodded. She then ran to a small pen near the castle, holding some monkeys. Reaper pointed at them with her claw and lifted her toes, then made a monster face. “Uh… wait. Are you saying there was a… big monkey? You mean the Yeti?” Red said. Reaper nodded. She then ran to Red and pointed at his implant. Then Reaper made the Yeti face again and held a claw out towards it. “Wait… you’re saying a Yeti ambushed Sodden as he was about to get the artifact, and damaged his implant? Is that what that happened!?” Red yelled. Reaper said. “Oh, no! That’s bad. I warned him.” Red said. “Dude. We need to go now!” Serenity yelled. Reaper ran to a Giga and screeched as she pointed at it. “What? Is there something else?” Red said. Reaper sat down as she started drawing something in the dirt. Red ran to her as Reaper dragged her claws through the dirt, carving out a message. “N… a… m…” Red sounded out the letters. Reaper made the word slowly but surely. “E… l… e… okay… wait. Are you saying you saw Nameless come to the cave as you were leaving?!” Red yelled. Reaper nodded. Rod yelled in worrysomeness and threw out 3 Argies. Rod got on one, and said, “These guys have been trained to go fast. They should get us to the cave quickly.” Then they heard rumbling, looked up, and saw dark clouds flying towards the island. “Oh, no. It’s gonna rain soon.” Red said. Serenity got on another Argy, and Red got on the third. The group then started flying towards the Strong cave.
After 10 minutes, the group approachhed the cave, and saw Gigas sniffing around the rocky slope right of the cave entrance. “That’s Nameless, right?” Red asked. Reaper screeched in agreement. Then Red felt a drop on his shoulder and looked up as the clouds got bigger. Then the drops got more spread out then appeared more until they were everywhere. “Oh, god.” Red said. The Argies screeched in pain as their wings began tingling from the water. They started falling and hit the ground hard. Everyone was thrown off and the Argies took major damage. Serenity and Red got up from the snow and helped up the others. The Gigas heard the crash and looked behind them. They noticed the Argies and roared. The Gigas screeched as he started running. Everyone yelped as they ran into the cave, leading the Argies in. Most of them made it, then a Giga grabbed the talon of one of the Argies and pulled him. “NO!” Rod yelled. “We have to go!” Serenity said as she pulled Rod’s arm. Red yelled in anger and ran into the cave. Then, the message all survivors dread showed up on the group’s implants: the death message. If showed red, it means the creature or survivor is dead. If showed gold, it means the survivor is permanently dead. The red message that showed up was, “Your Retro (Level 251 Argentavis) was killed by Crupit (Level 288 Giganotosaurus)!” “NOOOOOOOOOO! RETRO!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to get him to max level…” Red screamed as tears started appearing in his eyes. When they got to the first large chamber, they sat on the ground, near the river. Red put his head down and started crying. Rod and Serenity walked to him, sat down, and put their hands on Red’s shoulder. “Dude. I get that you just lost a tame you loved, but we can honor him later. He won’t be the only tame dying if we don’t save our friend now.” Serenity said, then held out her hand. Red looked up, took it, then stood up. “The flak isn’t stopping the cold completely, so we won’t last forever down here.” Rod said. The group hopped over the river and walked down the path.
55 minutes earlier…
Cordor’s group approached the Snow Cave on their Gigas, and got off when they got to the entrance. “Okay. Guard the place, guys.” Cordor said to his Gigas. Then the tribemates on the other Gigas, around 4 of them, got off and followed Cordor into the cave. Cordor took out a cryopod, ready to throw out his Yuty. Then they entered to the chamber, and there was nothing. “What? Creatures should spawn here. It’s impossible for creatures to not spawn here. There’s not even any structures here.” Another tribemate said. “Yeah. Impossible… unless someone already cleared them out.” Cordor growled. “Oh, god.” The person said. Cordor yelled and stormed to the path. Then everyone followed. “I know exactly who would be doing the caves!! Find him and capture him!! If he tries anything… KILL HIM PERMANENTLY!!!” Cordor screamed. “Bro… chill. What if Nudon decides to come here? To help him?” One person said. “You’re right.” Cordor sneered as he walked down the path. The group followed Cordor down.
“Uh… I forgot to say this during everything that just happened… why did Nameless come here?” Red asked as the group walked down towards the third large chamber, with the tall snowy cubes and some crystals around it. “Oh, yeah. What if they found him?” Rod asked. “I don’t know. They might use him as bait.” Red said. “Dude. Moving a survivor with a damaged implant can damage it even further by causing adrenaline bursts, which basically means… he’d go mad on people that try to hurt him. I hope they didn’t move him.” Serenity said. “Well, we should hurry, then.” Red said. Everyone nodded in agreement and ran down to the artifact room.
The group entered the room, then Red looked to see Cordor standing at the artifact container, along with his 4 tribemates. “I should’ve known you’d come.” Cordor growled, as he started walking to them. “Why are you here?” Red asked. “Well, I originally came for drop farming… but after seeing that no creatures were present, I suspected a certain survivor had come through here. Although, seems like he’s not in very good shape. Sad.” Cordor sneered as he pointed to Sodden lying on the floor next to the small water pond. “Well, that’s what we’re here for.” Red said. “Ha! You think I’d give you that idiot that easily?” Cordor growled. He then threw out a Rex. It roared and the group threw out their Rexes. Serenity ran down the path while the Rexes were fighting and towards Sodden, who still laid unconscious. Serenity sat down near him. The torches still had 3 hours left of fuel, but Sodden’s bandages were starting to wear out. They were loosening, and the green ooze was starting to leak through. Serenity went in her bag and took out a roll of bandages, and also some gauze pads. She put the gauze on the cracked part of the implant then wrapped the bandage around it and the old roll of bandages.
Red sat on his Rex, who was ripping up Cordor’s Rex. Blood was pouring out of it and into the pond. Then Cordor got on the injured Rex then threw out a rhino. The rhino charged at Red’s rex and kicked it in the leg, causing it to screech and topple off the ledge into the pond. It fell and crashed into the water, causing a loud splash and a wave of water to fall upon Serenity. She screamed in pain then put up some foundations. Then Cordor took out a shotgun then started shooting down the walls. “Dude… we’re not here for her. We’re here for Quetzal platform…” The person said, then Cordor proceeded to interrupt. “Quetzal platform saddle, to heck with that thing!” Cordor said. “What about the Titanosaur!?” The person yelled. Then everyone looked up and shot a glare at him. Cordor growled deeply. Then Sodden groaned as he started moving around. He opened his eyes and sat up. “Oh… what happened?” He said. He rubbed his eyes, then when he looked around, he saw the Rexes injured, Cordor and his friends around, and walls besides him. Serenity pulled him to behind the walls. “What’s happening?” Sodden asked. “We’re in a bit of a pickle.” Serenity said. “I see that. Why is Cordor here?” Sodden said. “He originally came for drop hunting, which I assume was Quetzal Platform Saddles. He wants a Titan.” Serenity said. “Titanosaur… oh, god. That’s on my list too.” Sodden whispered. “Hey. We’ll worry about that later. We have to stabilize the implant and get out of here.” Serenity said. Then she yelled as she got launched at the ceiling then fell into the water. Reaper screeched and dived in too. The rhino prepared to charge at Sodden. He limped to the other side of the wall. Then Red came down and got on it. The rhino screeched and tried to throw him off. Cordor whistled for him to stay calm, but the rhino wouldn’t stop. Red cackled then led him into the cold water. The rhino screeched as he started taking major damage. Reaper came out, bloodied and bruised, with Serenity on her back, and walked to Sodden. Reaper growled softly then collapsed. “Hey. You did good.” Sodden said as he petted his raptor on the head. “We’ll help you when we get back to base. Okay? I love you.” Sodden said. The raptor screeched softly as she licked his leg. Sodden chuckled and put her in a cryopod. Then Sodden turned to Serenity, who got up, bruised. She sat against the wall, and Sodden got up and ran to Cordor. “Hey! Who you think you are, bullying my friends!?” Sodden yelled. “You don’t wanna get angry. That might cause the implant to damage itself more.” Cordor sneered. “Right.” Sodden said. He let out a exhale and then threw out his rexes and Theris. They both went to attack. Sodden ran down to get Serenity, then when Red had knocked out the rhino with the ice cold water, he followed. Cordor jumped off the ledge to cryopod the rhino and swam to the slope. “You’re not the only one who cares about their tames!” Cordor yelled. He ran to his friends and the group walked out of the room. “We’ll be back.” Cordor growled as he walked away.
“Dude. That was insane.” Red said. “I did not think a raptor would do all that! Let alone surviving such attacks! What the heck?” Rod said. “Yeah. Reaper is one heck of a raptor. It started when I tamed a Level 85 raptor, which was female, then a 130 raptor, which was male. I bred them for hours until I got a slightly mutated baby. One extra point in health, and she was dark green on the feathers and orange and red on the body. I named her Reaper. I knew she would be a great raptor, and she is. She saved me and my friend.” Sodden said. “Wow. So… you gonna get the artifact or what?” Red said. “Yeah.” Sodden said. He put all his creatures in some cryopods and Red put his rex in a cryopod. Then Serenity got up and walked to Sodden as he opened the container and took out the Artifact of the Strong. “That’s it. All ten artifacts. Now all that’s left… is preparation.” Sodden said. Everyone cheered then started walking out of the cave.
As the group was walking out, Serenity tapped Sodden on the shoulder. “Hey. So… you really like your raptor.” Serenity said. “Yeah. We get attached to tames sometimes.” Sodden said. “Hey, I hear you. When Cato hatched, I would never stop using him for hunts. I had to hold off using him a few weeks ago when Denine said I had enough. Nameless helped with that. Well, minus them almost killing him.” Red said. Everyone laughed. “That’s good. Despite only being on this Ark for over three months… I’ve gotten a lot better.” Sodden said. “That is very true.” Red said. “Yeah. Well… what now?” Serenity asked. Sodden looked back at her, then looked forward. “You say you’re not much of a hugger.” Sodden said. “Oh, like that matters. Your raptor did just save me today. And you.” Serenity said. She put her arm around Sodden, and Red stared at them. “Oh, stop it. We’re just friends.” Sodden said. Red scoffed and turned around, then Rod hit him in the shoulder. “Wha… okay fine. Whatever.” Red said. Everyone laughed.
The group got to the Argies. “Well, there were three, but one died.” Red said. “Well, I have a pteranodon.” Sodden said. Serenity threw out a Argy and everyone led their flyers out of the cave hole. Red and Rod got on their Argies, Serenity got on hers, and Sodden hopped on his pteranodon. “Okay. You have… Quetzal, right? I think I saw a Level 20 on the way here.” Red said. Sodden nodded. Everyone took off for Nudon.
Sodden went for the Quetzal near the volcano after some time, and shot it down. Then after another 20 minutes, they went flying back.
We’re close to the end of Section I…
me: how do you tame a quetz
pro: well you get a quetz to tame a quetz
me: ok but how do u get a quetz if you dont have a quetz
pro:you just get a quetz
a real convo me and my friends had with the alpha of server 580 when the game was in beta
we still mimic that convo to this day "to get a quetz you need a quetz"
So my tribe mate found a quetzal.. so ofc we decided to tame it, it was 390 lol we didn’t have a tap like everyone says you need so she grabbed me with our argy and I was glitchy shooting it, and it ran into volcano and got knocked, so long story short now we have a quetzal. btw everyone says you need a tap to tame a quetz and it is probably the best thing to use especially for single player but we changed things up and used the quetz to tame a tap XD.
That’s all thanks for reading :)
So I was looking for people to trade. I found someone gave my a ferti quetz egg for a monkey I got it surprisingly. That’s when I realized I needed air conditioning to hatch it, I DIDN’T HAVE THAT- it’s ok I have the engram but I need the generator and the cords and stuff please wish me luck to hatch this thing if you do wish me luck you will get a gallon of luck
There was a guy who ran a free quetzal airplane service and he was nice and would take you anywhere you wanted but a few months ago I joined and the server was in chaos and mourning because some moron brought A CRAP TON OF C4 ON THE DAMN QUETZAL blowing it all up before anyone could stop him killing himself everyone on board and the quetzal (the captain only leveled speed and weight I think so it had low hp despite being high level) That was a sad day so we caught the terrorist and the captain executed him. We are still looking for a new quetzal to replace his and whoever gives him the quetzal gets his level 172 rex. I miss the air service it was very convenient and fun.
I had an amazing quetz with A plat saddle, a generator, and two turrets with 250+ bullets in each. I was flying near herbivore island and accidentally flew to close to the water and dismounted. I fell off and it flew away towards the mainland. I still search for him to this day, hoping to find him.
I had myself a quetzal lvl, 30? (Can't remember the lvl since I use the quetzal rarely) and I still don't have it's saddle (I'm lvl 71) and an hunt argy pursuit popped up on the top left corner of my screen, so I decided to check dododex what I would be rewarded if I completed the pursuit and I randomly pressed story and saw how unfortunate people's future quetzal flew into the redwoods and got killed while they're trying to tame it, I sighed in relief since I got lucky taming one (mine only flew into the beach near the swamp).
1 up = 1 prayers for the killed quetzals. (Quetzals are my fav dinos to tame)