ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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These things are the bane of my existence. I was doing a perfect 150 allo tame in the redwoods, and I was off gathering prime. I get the notification, “You have tamed Allosaurus, level 150!” Two seconds later I get another notification. “Your Allosaurus level 150 was killed by a 120 Pulminoscorpius.” I run back to the taming spot, and sure enough, there is 4 Pulminos staring at me. I bola’d them and put campfires beneath them, and then lit the campfires. I ensured that they died a slow, painful death.
Hi I’m MastaCheeks420… here is my story
One day I ventured into one of the caves that you can find on the missions (ark Mobile) and it was a VERY GOOD place for metal and rocks etc. Only downside was the titanaboa and the spider along with the scorpions (plz don’t judge I can’t remember names) but at the time I didn’t know about them. There was this cliff that I didn’t see and I fell down into it. NOTE: I’m about level 40+ and unlocked the primitive longneck rifle, primitive double barrel shotgun, and primitive crossbow (no attachments). Lucky I had 50 rifle shells and 46 shotgun-shells, with a handful of arrows in the crispy crossbow 🤘. So here is the layout of the cave… and yes I know it’s a freaking essay OK JUST DEAL WITH IT! But anyways the layout is first the cliff… no way up it’s too steap to climb and I had no resources on me other than food and water. So along with the wall on your back you have a front section of a “Y” or aka a fork. So I decide while I’m in there to find the artifact that was in there. I found it and I had just wasted 26 rifle rounds taking out 1000 hp+ scorpions so after the artifact I went to the right side of the “Y” and there is where it all started MY FIRST INCOUNTER WITH THE TITANA BOA!!! (But not the first time encountering the scorpions) No joke I thought the guys were tuff as nails but in all reality they are just a huge target. (Doom music kicks in) With the shotgun I started baiting them around a corner to their demise. I would have to run a few trying to reload the double barrel. But they were just easy targets. The tough ones were the spiders and scorpions. I didn’t want to deal with them so what I did was just full on sprint through the whole thing (stamina is at 240 while speed in near 250 so I’m a speedy boy) but I run, swim and parkour over all the critters and when I get to a choke point I am able to gather some wood and fiber to make 1 spike wall!!! And while the spike is building I have a horde of titana boas and arachnids in a big ol’ wave. Like no joke on each other trying to get a piece of me. So I’m blasting away and as soon as I ran out of shotgun bullets the spike wall was finished! I placed it down at the choke point and all of them died! I was able to rack up 4 LEVELS!!! I made my way out like nothing happened with half health and literally dieing of hunger… I had taken about 400 arrows in all from harvesting the titana boas and 804 chitin from spiders+scorpions!! And on my way out feeling like a champ… and then a level 40 Alfa raptor comes and stomps the crap out of me 🥲
Moral of the story… don’t smoke crack!
If u read this far your either a champ or a man/woman with nothing better to do with their life so you mine as well hit the up 🆙 button while u at it 👌 ima post this on the other species I encountered there as well.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 91b: Royal Scientist
Original Post Date: Aug 4, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Purlovia, next chapter in Procoptodon.
Night was setting in.
The enlarged moon rose above the horizon, its shine glaring down upon Samuel and his friends as he and the others made their way through the fierce blizzard. It watched their every move, and the stars in the night sky sparkle even brighter.
Nova turned around and eyed Tiffany. She was still unconscious, and Alan was carrying her in his arms. Nova pitied the woman. During her time with her and Andres she had grown to enjoy their presence and their personalities. They reminded her of the old times back in school.
“They remind me of average people just trying to make it by,” Nova thought, “They were good friends.”
Nova’s gaze lowered to the powdered snow on the ground. Everytime she took a step forward, thick footprints would embed themselves into the ground. Nova almost expected to see chicken-like prints, but luckily her eyes didn’t betray her.
Nova looked at Neddy and Ruby. Ruby still seemed to be grieving. She had her head in her hands and sobbed as she walked. Neddy comforted her by rubbing his hand along her back. Nova frowned. Aurora had been a good friend of Ruby’s.
“A lot of friends have been lost since we landed here,” Nova thought. She stared at Samuel, who was rubbing his hands together, trying to stay warm in the bitter cold.
“And it’s all because of you.”
She felt a mixture of hatred and confusion toward her best friend.
Why did Samuel act this way toward others? Why did he get so many people hurt?
“He was not like this back then,” Nova dreamed, “He was a much better man. He was fun, witty, yet mysterious.”
Nova shifted her gaze forward. They could see large stone walls in the distance. This must have been where President Loki and the others fled.
“Stone walls? And set up like this? What kind of amateur play is this?” Bob spat into the snow. Alan’s lip quivered and he spoke.
“What do you mean Bob?”
Bob shook his head.
“Nevermind. It’s just that sometimes there’s these gaps in the walls that you can easily crawl under to get inside,” Bob chuckled, as he seemed to be recalling old memories. Samuel’s eyes darted to the perimeter of walls laid around what seemed to be a settlement. There was a giant tower in the middle of the settlement.
“You might be right, Bob,” Samuel stated. He pointed at a crevice in the walls. It was just large enough to serve as a crawl space for them.
They all walked over to the wall and devised a plan.
“Tiffany’s still knocked out,” Neddy stated, “I think… we should stay back and watch over her.”
Ruby nodded, her face still coated in dry tear marks.
“Then I guess it’ll just be us four,” Bob noted, looking at Nova, Alan, and Samuel. Bob turned to Ruby.
“You can craft whatever you want right? As long as you have the mats for it,” Bob questioned. Ruby nodded her head. Bob turned to Alan.
“My boy here needs a weapon, he’s been without one for the past few days,” Bob noted, “Mind making a metal hatchet for him?”
Ruby shook her head and quickly got to work, taking out wraps of hide, small pieces of wood, and the leftover metal ingots they found and merging them into one singular item. Ruby brandished the large metal hatchet in her hands and gave it to Alan, who grasped his fingers along the handle nervously.
“Thank you,” Alan said, nodding his head respectfully toward Ruby. Ruby nodded back, and Neddy held his implant out. It was barely glowing at all, it was as if nobody was here.
“I would be careful if I were you, something’s up,” Neddy commented, “My implant is barely glowing. Maybe it’s a trap. But good luck, okay?”
“Thank you Neddy for your words,” Bob replied.
So Bob, Alan, Samuel, and Nova were on their way to infiltrate and kill President Loki once and for all. But before they snuck under the wall’s crevices, Neddy walked over to the four and gave them something. The two artifacts they had found over the past few weeks.
“Take them.”
Bob took the Artifact of the Immune, and Samuel took the Artifact of the Clever. They absorbed the artifacts, bid farewell to the three, and lay down on the snow, crawling under the hole in the wall.
As they made it to the other side, they already could hear the eerie quiet from within. Even though it was night there seemed to be no noise. It was quite odd, really. Not a single word was spoken in this lonely, snowy town.
“We should investigate these buildings,” Nova suggested, her long flowing black hair masking her face. Samuel nodded in agreement, and Bob signaled his hand. The four crept around the town and they all decided to check out the large one with a large gate. It was almost like a barn.
Alan clenched his hatchet tighter as Bob slowly opened the gates to the barn.
As the gate opened, blood immediately gushed out from the doors. Alan almost let out a scream, and Nova turned green. Even Bob seemed horrified by what lay inside.
The entire barn was filled with beds, and a dead body lay on each bed, their throats and necks punctured with strange collars. Bob backed away slowly, his eyes wide in terror.
“Oh my,” Bob whispered, “That’s-”
“What happened?” Samuel asked softly, seemingly untouched by the circumstances. Nova shook her head and grabbed hold of the barn doors, shutting them so that no more blood could seep into the outer snow.
“I don’t want to know. But I have a feeling a massacre just took place. And these poor people didn’t even see it coming,” Nova theorized, her stomach feeling more queasy than ever, “I don’t think anyone in this settlement is alive except…”
“President Loki,” Alan glared, feeling a rage bubble in his heart, “It must have been him!”
“We need to stop him then,” Samuel declared, “If this is what he had done all along… Then most likely he would have tried killing us back on Carnivore Island.”
The others nodded in agreement at his words. Samuel didn’t want to admit it but he felt as if that were an excuse for his own wrongdoings. An excuse for his own impulsive actions. But Samuel had to carry on. For Andres. And for Aurora.
“Now we should check out that large compound-” Bob paused as the honk of a Parasaurolophus lingered in the air. Bob turned white.
“Oh great. Parasaurs, they’ve just detected us,” Bob realized. Then, they heard the roar of a Tyrannosaurus, and they turned around to see the large beast stumbling toward them. It was saddled yet had no rider.
“OH MY GOSH WHAT DO WE DO?!” Alan screamed, cowering behind Bob. Nova’s implant glowed.
“You three should get to the compound. Go get that President and kill him for me. I’ll hold this thing off,” Nova decided firmly, determination in her eyes.
“Are you sure Nova? You barely know how to control a T-Rex’s body,” Samuel said. Nova pushed her hand toward the others, signifying that they needed to go.
“Just go.”
Bob and Alan immediately began to rush over to the compound’s doors, and as Samuel followed he quickly whipped around.
“Stay safe okay Nova?” Samuel told her. He didn’t want his best friend to be hurt. Nova glanced back, then rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. Just go.”
Samuel’s gaze softened, almost a little hurt by her words. He quickly tore his eyes off her and ran away. A white flash filled his vision, and then he heard the pounding of another Tyrannosaurus’ footsteps.
As Samuel made it to the compound doors, where Alan and Bob were trying their best to open it, he turned around once again to look at his best friend. The two T. rexes were clashing fiercely, their jaws lashing out in an attempt to bite and take each other down. Nova’s black tail slammed itself into the enemy Tyrannosaurus, and it almost fell off balance.
Samuel really wanted to help her, but he knew there was not much more he could do besides sit back and cheer her on. His thoughts were drowned out by the sound of doorknobs jiggling.
“This door won’t open! It’s locked!” Alan grunted. He lifted his foot up and tried to kick the door down, but even then it wouldn’t budge. Bob slammed the weight of his entire body into the door, but the metal door was sturdy and durable. As Samuel turned back to inspect the door, the Artifact of the Clever activated in his mind.
“We need to kick it at the same time, all of our weight together should smash it down,” Samuel suggested. Bob nodded.
“Good idea. Let’s do it.”
The three stood in unison at the front door, raised their foot up, and then shifting all their weight into that singular point slammed it hard into the middle of the metal door.
The metal door went flying off its hinges, and Alan let out a successful cheer as they did.
“Alright! We’re in!” Alan exclaimed, rushing inside the compound. Samuel and Bob followed, slightly skeptical of their surroundings. Nobody seemed to be inside the compound. All there was were a bunch of lab equipment and metal counters. A cup of coffee was on the table.
“This place is weird,” Alan blurted, picking up a vial filled with red liquid. Samuel slowly walked over to the cup of coffee, and then he wrapped his hand around it.
It was warm to the touch.
Samuel’s eyes widened.
“It’s been freshly made,” Samuel observed aloud. Bob and Alan looked over at him. Samuel continued, “Someone’s here.”
Bob’s eyes moved to the left, and then the room was filled with silence. Then, a singular footstep echoed, dangerously close to Bob.
Bob turned around fast and then slammed his fist into seemingly thin air, but then Bob’s fist was stopped by a sudden force. Reality shimmered away and a scientist wearing a white lab coat and goggles appeared from nowhere. He let out a groan of pain as he clutched his side. He was holding onto a knife.
“Dr. Aston?!” Alan screamed in surprise, “What are you doing working for President Loki? He’s EVIL!”
Dr. Aston glared at them.
“Evil? Yeah right. You’re the ones who started it, from what I’ve seen.”
Dr. Aston quickly hopped backwards, creating space between him and the others. His body shimmered again, and then parts of his body disappeared, but then it crackled and came back into view. He cursed to himself.
“Is that his implant attribute?” Samuel wondered. He stared at his implant, which wasn’t glowing at all, “No. He must have gone invisible using his technology. That should make it easier for us, but still, he might have more tricks up his sleeve.”
Bob spoke up, pointing a finger at Dr. Aston,
“There were dozens of dead bodies in that building, you didn’t know that happened?” Bob hissed. Dr. Aston’s eyes widened, then furrowed in amusement. He let out a chuckle.
“Heh, the mad lad really did it…” Dr. Aston muttered. Dr. Aston sneered, and then suddenly a strange metal snapped itself over his right arm. It was made of bronze and iron, and had glowing green eyes. It was the mechanical head of a dragon. He pointed his arm out and the dragon suddenly shot out at them. It snapped its teeth and wings sprouted from its back.
Bob dived out of the way, but Alan didn’t, and he let out a scream as the mechanical dragon bit down on his shirt, carrying him up into the air. Alan flailed his fists around, and then the mechanical dragon flung him to the side. Alan’s body slammed into the wall, and he let out a gasp, dropping his hatchet and crumpling to the ground.
The mechanical dragon quickly flew back to Dr. Aston’s shoulder, where it perched. Dr. Aston smiled.
“Didn't expect much out of your old man did you? Don't slack off now, Wyvern King packs quite the bite.”
“Oh shut the hell up with your quips,” Samuel suddenly shouted, “And that looks no more than a baby dragon if I’ve ever seen one.”
Dr. Aston snarled, and then the mechanical dragon rose into the air once again. Dr. Aston’s right arm then got covered in some sort of bony plates, and then he aimed it at them. It was a blaster.
A beam of plasma shot out of his hand and hit Samuel square in the chest, causing him to fly toward the elevator. He tumbled to the floor, groaning as his chest burnt and smoldered.
“Damn what kind of sci-fi nonsense is this?” Samuel thought as his vision got wavy. Now Bob was the only one left standing. Bob let out a scream and did something unthinkable: he actually attacked Dr. Aston. He charged forward and started to throw hands with him.
Bob threw a left hook at Dr. Aston, but he quickly weaved out of the way to the right, where Bob’s body was exposed. He took out a syringe with his left hand and then tried to stab it into his muscular biceps, but Bob quickly managed to grab hold of his wrist and snap it in half, causing him to drop it. Dr. Aston made no cry though, and he grinned as the Baby Dragon rushed downward and punted him in the face with its mechanical feet.
Bob’s eye was blinded and he stumbled backward, and Dr. Aston took the opportunity to swipe at his legs with his own. Dr. Aston swiped his leg at Bob’s, and then Bob went crashing down. Dr. Aston let out a chuckle as more metal wrapped around his wrist, holding it in place like a cast.
“Goodbye Vice President,” Dr. Aston taunted Bob. Bob groaned as he looked up, and then with sudden speed Dr. Aston picked up the syringe again and stabbed it right into his neck.
“UGH!” Bob moaned as the liquid in the syringe slowly entered Bob’s bloodstream. Bob began to cough and Dr. Aston let out an evil cackle as he tossed the syringe away.
“Alright that’s enough. Wyvern King! Destroy the rest of them-”
“YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT!” Alan screamed as he suddenly slammed his seven foot tall body into Dr. Aston. Dr. Aston let out a grunt as he was sent flying into his lab equipment. Dozens of vials and beakers shattered as his body slammed into the table, and he cut his arms and legs on the glass shards. Alan let out a howl of fury and rushed forward. He grabbed hold of Dr. Aston’s neck and held him up into the air, slamming him into the wall.
“WHAT DID YOU GIVE HIM?!” Alan screamed, his eyes bloodshot with rage. Dr. Aston giggled like a little girl.
“Just a bit of the Ebola virus, no biggie,” Dr. Aston laughed. Alan slammed his fist into Dr. Aston’s stomach, and he let out another groan.
As Alan beat Dr. Aston up, and Baby Dragon prepared to attack them again, Bob slowly turned his defeated head to Samuel, who was just watching. He looked at the elevator door, and then back at Samuel, nodding his head at him. Samuel knew what he had to do.
He would have to fight the President alone.
Samuel quickly pressed the elevator button and the doors immediately swung open. He walked inside, then looked back out at the ensuing fight one last time. The doors closed on him, and then he was shrouded in silence.
As the elevator doors slowly opened up. Samuel put the broken gold heart locket away in his graduation robes. He looked ahead to see a man in chitin armor wearing fur shoulder guards standing, his back facing him. The man turned around. It was President Loki. Samuel felt his heart pump against his chest as he saw him. Samuel clenched his fist and unhooked a pike. Samuel opened his mouth to speak. This was Andres’ killer. Aurora’s killer.
Simultaneously, they both yelled the same words at each other…
Sooo I was riding my pterodactyl named flappy and I came across a loot drop. when I landed I didn’t notice the scorpion😑 I got stung and tried to fly away buuuuuut I got knocked out fell of flappy and got mauled by a spino. but it never said flappy died😃 oh wait... the chat is backwards.
I had one he was the best! When we were trying to kill a boss he died i got revenge now every time i tame a pulmonoscorius i call them night becuse his name was night i really miss him he was the best to this day i tamed 50 of these and i take on bosses everytime just to remeber what such good times we had
R.I.P night please pray if you love pulmonoscoriuses just like me 😭
I was on my raft almost home with my scorpion while on a swamp edge I didn’t realize it though. Then a kaproshus jumped onto my raft using my raft took my scorpion and left in death message
“Level 5 pulmonscorpius was killed by level 7 kaproshus” I was so mad I jumped into the water killed the thing and piranhas with my axe and killed 3 other kaproshus’s Don’t mess with my scorpions
R.I.P Sting 😭
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
The War of the Phoenixes.
Chapter twenty three: Almost there.
The shadowy figure watched as the man he was following, slept. He had stopped to rest at a small town. They were getting closer, he could feel it. This man was rather ignorant, honestly. He had no idea that he was being followed. The shadowy figure narrowed his eyes. The man looked slightly familiar, but he couldn’t immediately place his face. He cocked his head at the sleeping person and tapped his foot impatiently. Patience was vital to his mission but sometimes…it was rather hard to wait. And at this moment in time, he was not really patient so he crept toward the sleeping figure and nudged him with his foot. “Wakey, wakey, you got a long road ahead of you.” The shadowy figure whispered gruffly.
Jack awoke with a start. He looked around. The room was empty. Jack sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. Jack sighed. It was probably time to leave anyway. He got to his feet and trampled downstairs, headed for the front desk of the hotel like building he was staying in. “Time to go. I think I should arrive at the Daek phoenixes castle soon.” He whispered to himself.
Next chapter coming soon! Thank you all for y’all’s support. ✌️
Don't jump in the claws or its body because the amount of times I got stuck there shouldn't be legal for that thing also he started dying for no reason somehow he was fed an everything he just gave up on life and it was sad to we when I went back to my base with his body there ):