Shoutout to my vanilla pteranodon Mitzey for surviving my entire playthrough of Primal Fear
Shoutout to my vanilla pteranodon Mitzey for surviving my entire playthrough of Primal Fear
Shoutout to my vanilla pteranodon Mitzey for surviving my entire playthrough of Primal Fear
Open the Dododex app on iOS or Android, select a creature, and go to Tips > Submit Tip.
I had a pteradon Named Tital wave. He is the best friend I haveβ€οΈ. But it came to a end, He and I were flying around the we both ran into a sarcophagus that pull me off and ate him , I survived it.
I once was getting iron with my ptera, and 2 Therizinoβs attacked.
I was running, and trying to shoot the theriβs from a distance, while this legendary ptera, Fought them on, and survived with only a few hundred health tooken off.
Find a high level one and you have the equivalent of a legendary pokemon.
I had a Pterodactyl named watermelon he was level 27 but sadly A raptor killed him please.
I bred my First ever Dino in ark mobile and it died after 4-5 minutes
I had just tamed a Pteranodon and got a saddle and then I went to go get some hide with him when I lost my base then he ran out of stamina and had to land next to a Titanboa and he died
It was a peaceful day when I went to carnivore island to tame a argy so I took my pterodoan and landed sent up a trap got it unconscious but then a t-rex covered in the blood of it's enemy's killed my pterodoan and the argy I was so striken with anger that I took my sword and I hacked at the rex till it finally died I was filled with a sense of relaxation and soothed I took the arms and hung them on my wall along with Mango my pterodoan and the argy's graves.
So I had just tamed my pteradon and put a saddle on and I named it Terry. I was on the edge of a river and I saw two allosauruses so I decided to pick up a dilo and throw it to them. After that I fell in love with my terry. I saw a big mountain and u decided to go to the peak so me and my Terry could feel kings of the island. When I was going up the mountain I saw a Griffin attacking some sabertooths so I decided to spectate and then the Griffin lost interest in the sabertooths and came straight towards me. As I just tamed it it had really slow speed so when I was flying back at full speed to my anky and trike the Griffin killed my pteradon just on top of the river so I had to stare at it falling to its death in the river.
RIP for my lovely loyal Terry
πππRIP terry
I had a Pteranodon names Pops, Pops and I were hunting spinos. A spino broke out of the trap and Pops tanked the spino and fought back, giving me time to escape. Pops is honored by our whole tribe, Pops had a son named Pops Jr. who lives to this day. We also have another Pteranodon named RIP Pops. Popsβs legacy is carried on by the whole tribe and our tames. Pops will never be forgotten.#RIP Pops
I had a Pteranodon and we where hunting terror birds and on the way there I landed her because she was tired and then a spino attacked me. My pteranodon attacked and was killed I took out my pistol and killed the spino. I now shall kill all spinos.
My pteranodon killed a trike by himself