ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Chapter One: A Cold Northern Night
Part 1
The cold night breeze brushed against the few white shrubs scattered across the north. The trees gently swayed. The stars twinkled in the dark sky. It was another freezing night. Adonis had gotten used to residing in the snowy lands. It was easy staying warm, since he had a thick coat of white wool. And it was also easy hiding from predators, since his wool matched the snow.
Adonis stared at the sky, leaning his head against a nearby bush. It was rather lonely at night, only some occasional gusts of wind breaking the silence, and, in some cases, a twig or stick snapping.
This night was.. extremely colder than most. Even the creatures with the thickest of coats couldn't handle the frigid weather, including Adonis. He pushed his head against the bush harder, sinking into the leaves.
Unfortunately for Adonis, he didn't really have a home in the north. He just wandered around the snowy biome, not having a shelter or anything. Adonis wished he had a home, especially during these freezing times. He began to bleat again, more stronger this time. Adonis shivered. He tucked his limbs into his torso, letting out a few more bleats.
"Please... Someone, anyone... I need... a shelter..."
He said, slurring on a couple of words.
As if on command, he heard a few footsteps. Adonis perked his head up. Maybe this creature could give him a home? Maybe, just maybe...
The footsteps got more intense. Adonis got slightly anxious, but still hoped. It didn't matter who sheltered him, whether it'd be a ferocious Giganotosaurus, or even one of his own kind, he just yearned for a place to stay, even for a few nights.
The footsteps got more louder by the second. It seemed like the creature was lurking in the shadows near the ovis. It was sidling closer and closer to Adonis, until eventually...
Whoops! Looks like we've ended on a cliffhanger. How fun! Anyways, I might make a part two if we hit 3 ups. You may critique!
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I once tamed an ovis with my girlfriend, and it was a brown little dude, so we named him poop. We loved poop very much, and he loved us even more. I remember when we just got poop, we were flying back from the plains on ragnarok and we stopped for some stam after flying for a while. Unfortunately, the spot we stopped at had a bunch of raptors in the area. However, the only one that aggros on us is the lvl 150 raptor. We fight it off with our tames, and we forgot to put poop on passive. Little did we know that poop was an martial arts master, and helped us kill this raptor in quick fashion. The last thing the raptor saw was a pair of horns bashing him in the face, and then silence. Poop one that day, but unfortunately he died in this great battle.
Poop didn't deserve what happened to him. But he fought like a warrior with a heart of fire.
See you on the other side, poop. The tribe loves you.
The cold night breeze brushed against the few white shrubs scattering across the snowy lands. The stars gently twinkled in the dark sky. It was eerily silent. No roar, groan, any sound at all. Just.. silence.
Until a soft bleat broke it.
A lone ovis sat next to a bush, shivering. Although they had a full coat of wool, they still were freezing cold. It was an especially frigid night. Most creatures had settled in their dens, caves, wherever they resided. But unfortunately for this little one, they had no place to sleep.
The ovis bleated again, this time, more louder. It seemed to be calling for anyone, anything. Even if it was a ferocious giga, it just needed warmth.
Suddenly, a few footsteps were heard in the snow. They seemed to be getting louder at the second. The ovis perked its head up. Maybe this creature could shelter them? They slowly appeared out of the shadows...
Woah, a cliffhanger! Anyways, if we get 5 ups, I'll (hopefully) do a part two! See you soon!
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(The first book starts in achatina and continues in abc order and then the second and third follow it)
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
The War of the Phoenixes.
Chapter nine: A close encounter (Or was it…)
Jay began to open a portal for each of them to go into. There was one for Sylvia and Nora, one for Jack, and other for Jay. Jack gently freed his hand from Cyra’s. “I’ll be back.” He said. Cyra bit her lip nervously and nodded. He walked past Jay toward his portal. “I guess I’ll see y’all later?” Jack asked. Cyrus snorted. “We will be waiting.” William said. Jack stepped through his portal. He locked eyes with Cyra just before the portal closed. Her bright teal eyes stared back at him. And the portal closed.
Jack turned around to see the front of Cole’s house. He knocked before realizing that Cole was not home. He was at the dark Phoenix castle. Jack opened the door. The house echoed with emptiness. He walked, past the kitchen, toward the back bedrooms until he came to Cole’s room. It was a very neat room. A large bed sat in the middle of it and a desk beside it. Jack went straight toward the desk and opened the cabinet. A face stared back at him from inside the drawer. Jack started before realizing that it was a photo.
Jack pulled it out. It was a photo of a woman with golden strawberry blonde hair and bright hazel eyes. She was wearing a white wedding dress and veil. Her smile was bright and sweet. The edges of the photo were worn from being handled frequently. It was Arianna, his mother. Jack blinked. Why did Cole have a photo of Jack’s mother? Jack shook his head and set the photo aside. Beneath it were other photos. A photo of Arianna and James at their wedding. A picture of a group of teenagers playing instruments, some sort of band. And a picture of a woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes and a man with slicked back black hair and green eyes.
Jack set all the photos aside. There was nothing else in the drawer except a dagger and a white ribbon from a wedding dress. Just then Jack heard soft footsteps echoing from close by in the house. Jack slammed the photos back into the drawer, squeezed it shut, and hurried into a closet filled with dusty old jackets and dog toys. The person was muttering to himself. The door opened and the person entered the room. Jack watched from a tiny crack in the closet. The figure wore a black cloak and had a sword by his side.
“Come, my love, be one with the sea. Rule with me for eternity. Drown all dreams so mercilessly and leave their souls to me.” He sang in a low icy voice, as he sliced at one of the curtains on the window. It fell to the ground and released a puff of dust, so close that Jack accidentally sneezed. “Ahh choo!” Jack sneezed. The shadowy figure paused and cocked his head. Jack sat quietly, holding his breath hopeful that he hadn’t been heard. His hope was in vain. “I can hear you…” The shadowy figure said in a sing song voice.
Jack’s heart was thumping so loud that Jack was pretty sure that it could be heard as well. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.” The shadowy figure said rounding the corner. He suddenly moved at lightning speed and sliced the large storage cabinet open. The photos fluttered to the ground. The figure studies the photos for a second and then said, “Hmm..” and turned around toward the closet. “I can hear you.” He said. “You can’t run from me. I will find you and your precious dark Phoenix queen. She knows everything. She knows what I want. What I need.” Jack gulped.
How did he know that Jack was with the dark phoenixes? “Your fear gives you away. You’re pathetic.” The shadowy figure spat. He moved closer to the closet doors. Closer and closer. ‘This is the end.’ Jack thought and clenched his eyes shut. But there was only silence. Empty silence. Jack opened his eyes and peaked through the crack in the closet. The shadowy figure was gone! Jack pushed the door opened and looked around. Sure enough, he was gone. Nowhere to be seen. Jack sighed with relief and then headed for the back door. He needed to get out of here. Before the shadowy figure returned.
On top of the roof of Cole’s house, the shadowy figure knelt, his sword drawn. He watched as the man(Jack) headed out of the house. He let a small smile creep into his face. Perfect. Just as he suspected. Now all he had to do…was simple. And that foolish little man would never realize what he was doing.
The Obelisk
-Chapter 89-
The sound of waves faded away as Moonbeam and the four carnivores head back to camp.
Forest was still shocked from the chaos that had just happened down at the beach, where a small kit had almost been swept away in the ocean. He couldn’t stop setting his gaze on Crimson, who had saved him. Neither could Rust— Forest could see him also watching Crimson, not even bothering to hide his expression of admiration. She had obviously noticed.
“Seriously, guys?” she asked without looking at them as she kept walking.
“Oh— sorry,” Forest said.
“Not sorry,” Rust said sharply, hastening his speed so he could catch up to her. “It was really cool what you did back there, saving that kit.”
“Anyone would have done it,” she muttered.
“but you did, cause your awesome.” He stated with a smile.
“Thankyou, but I think I’ve had enough gratitude today,” she said, turning to put her focus back to walking.
“Today probably won’t be the last of it,” Forest said. “You saw how happy his mother was. She won’t be forgetting you for a long time.”
“Let’s hope not too long, for my sake,” Crimson said.
Moonbeam came to a stop, and Forest nearly barreled into her. She had frozen. “Did you hear that?”
Forest paused to listen, but heard nothing.
“It was a roar,” Spark said.
Moonbeam whirled around. “It came from Cyan’s cave,” she hissed.
They ran as fast as they could around the cavern, and Moonbeam burst into the glittering den.
The others followed quickly behind her, and Forest spotted Cyan immediately. She was in the center of the cave, sitting up and clutching her ducked head with one paw. Moonbeam rushed up to her, asking, “What is it? Whats wrong?”
Cyan glanced up at her and others. “Nyx,” She began.
“What? What did you see?”
“‘What did she see?’” Rust echoed quietly, mostly to himself. “How many more crazy powers does this Shadowmane have??”
Cyan blinked, and finally she looked into Moonbeams eyes. “She’s in danger.”