ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Saw two megatherium one black, one white. I thought to myself "ha yin and Yang" decided to tame them and lucky me both were male and female. Black was female named Yin, White was Male named Yin. They keep the balance in my base and in my server they are Gods. We as a server have decided to breed them wonder what its name will be. :)
Overseer (previous in Faso)
Chapter 25
The desert heat was unbearable for Fuzzball, he could already see that one of his arms was already gone. “Hang in there bud, we’re almost there.” Sand said. Fuzzball could see a big base camp in the distance, but it was blurry. “Hey! We need a med for this furball!” Sand shouted out loud around the town. “We’ll take care of him, Sand.” Someone said as Sand handed Fuzzball over. Then suddenly everything faded black.
“BOOOM!” There were explosions everywhere. His own kind and other creatures were running and shouting for their lives. Dead bodies covered the ground, the snow was no longer white, but red. His friend laid dead on the ground, his- “Huff, huff!” Fuzzball quickly woke up from his nightmare. “Whoa calm down lil guy, no need to be scared.” A Megatheirum said as she was doing something. Fuzzball was inside a hut with other patients. “Where am I?” Fuzzball asked the Megatherium. “The Tails of course, Sand said that you were looking for us.” She replied. Fuzzball suddenly remembered about his arm and looked at it, it was no longer gone. “Oh about your arm, I just put some ice on it. Say, you’re not from here are you?” The Megatherium asked. “Yeah, I came from the flatlands, or that was where I used to be.” Fuzzball replied.
“Hmm, ok, my name is Choc.” Choc said, then she rubbed some oil on Fuzzball's arm. “There, you’re good to go now.” Choc said. “Wait, quick question, do you know if there’s any magician or something around here?” Fuzzball asked as he stopped at the entrance. “Why yes, just take a right and keep going until you see a hut called Majs.” Choc replied as she started to help the next patient. “Ok, thanks.” Fuzzball then stepped outside, it was still hot, but the oil that Choc put on him made it feel cooler.
The camp was very busy, just like any other town Fuzzball has gone to. He started to turn right and kept walking. “Fresh Cactus juice! Good flowers over here!” And it was like that everywhere. Fuzzball finally spotted a hut called Majs. He quickly squeezed through the crowd and entered the hut. “Oh hello there, how may I help you?” A Rock elemental said. “Oh um, one of my friend Eclipse-” “No no, we know what happened to him, you must be Fuzzball correct?” He said. “Yes,” Fuzzball replied. “But how do you know about it?” Fuzzball asked.
Every region has a Tails town or camp, we are technically connected.” The Rock elemental replied. “Oh I’m Gig by the way.” Gig said. “Just to be sure, why are you here again?” Gig asked. “Eclipse said that a magician or someone here could help me with my Whiteout power.” Fuzzball replied. “Hmmm, it’s been over 200 years since I’ve seen the last Whiteout.” Gig said as he nodded. “Welp, I'm no regular magician, I help creatures with this kind of power. Shall we get started?” Gig asked. Fuzzball nodded, he took Buddy out of his pouch and set him aside with a small chunk of meat for lunch. “Stay.” Fuzzball whispered.
Fuzzball was now going to have a Whiteout class.
Note: Next chapter is in Rock Elemental
The Obelisk
-Chapter 79-
Scared of heights.
Spark should of seen this coming as strong winds hit her face and her eyes opened. As she glanced down to see herself balancing ten thousand feet in the air on an endless log.
She gasped, instantly struggling to keep herself steady as the wind whipped past her and she wobbled dangerously.
She couldn’t help but look down at the endless abyss of sky, all above and below and around her. She held her breath, slamming her eyes shut. ‘This isn’t real.’ She bared her teeth, forcing her eyes open. She looked to the infinity log that kept going on and on.
‘Not real.’ She took a step forward.
Only to slip on the wood and stumble, screaming as she fell sideways, her scales scraping as she slammed down on her stomach, sliding down the log.
She struggled to grab a hold of the log with her dangling back legs, but it only let her slip more as she roared in frustration.
She was going to fall. A few more moments and she’d slip right off, and she’d go down and down and down forever and ever until she hit the ground and died.
She was still struggling when she noticed two silhouettes in the distance, coming her way. Her heart sped up. “Mom! Dad!”
Hope surged through her. They’d come back for her. They really did care!
They came closer and closer until she could see their horns and scales and faces, calm but surprised as they looked down at her. “Well would you look at that,” Mother said to Father.
“Help!” Spark yelled.
“I told you this would happen eventually.” Father said blankly. “Should have been more careful.”
“I—I’m going to fall,” Spark gasped.
“Perhaps we should help her out,” Mother said.
They thought for a moment, Spark writhing underneath them.
“But…” Father began…
“Yes, you are right,” Mother said, nodding. “It would make things much easier for us.”
“What are you talking about??” Spark snarled.
“We’re sorry, darling.” Mother said. “Goodbye.”
And Father kicked her off the log.
She could have sworn she died. She’d expected to wake up and be back in the Shadowmane elders cave, but she wasn’t.
The worst part was that the first thing she saw was a spike through her chest.
Blood was everywhere, splattered acrossed her scales and dripping off of her and onto the rocky ground. She was at the bottom of a large ravine, filled with sharp rock columns and wooden spears, all facing the sky. Her green eyes scanned the place, then went back to the thing driven through her. She felt no pain. She was alive, but stuck. She tried moving but it did nothing.
Then suddenly a loud yelling noise echoed around her, and she heard the sound of footsteps coming her way. Humans, all slowly coming towards her, each wielding weapons of all kinds.
Her eyes widened and she struggled to move, the humans quickly getting closer. They began pointing and talking in their strange language, giving direction to each other.
One of the head humans came up to her, holding its spear forward.
Spark was not letting them get her today. With a strong wrench, She lifted herself up and through the spike.
The humans all fell back, dropping their weapons and snarling at each other. Spark fell forward and onto the rocky ground, snarling loudly. Without wasting another second, she ran away.
By the time she’d come to a large cliff much like her old home, she was entirely out of breath. She looked down to see the scarlet blood dripping from the hole in her chest, before quietly sitting down.
Then she looked up with a sigh, which was instantly cut off as she spotted her parents in the distance.
Growling, Spark lifted herself up and went after them.
They were chatting rather happily to each other, walking alongside a large river.
Spark caught up after a moment and stepped right in front of them.
“Holy—” Mother stopped walking abruptly, whacking father with her tail. “What—Spark—"
“Sorry to interrupt,” Spark hissed. She got a bit closer, and they stepped back. The river roared behind them.
“How are you…” Father stared at her, stepping back once more.
“I’ve got two things to say,” Spark said. “First, kicking’s wrong, and second: you suck.”
When I was still somewhat new to ark I would explore the island with literally all my dinos in tow they were all low level rexs/trikes/sabers so not a very threatening pack but it made me feel safe so I went off to explore the redwoods and I had my first run in with one of the beasts it was bug boosted at the time and i didn’t know that was a thing so I whistled my entire pack on it to my surprise it killed literally everything I had with me it discouraged me for about a week or so. I ended up just starting over completely I’m happy I did . I did learn a lesson though and that is don’t mess with bug boosted megatheriums.
I was lost in the deserts of scorched earth and I had a kangaroo and a jerboa with me. I was in the mountains getting sulphur and got jumped by two sabers. My kangaroo tried to help but fell off the mountain and my jerboa got lost when I did a save fall. I found my way home and I’m eventually going to get my tames back with my megatherium. Wish me luck.