ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Lystrosaurus Utility Tips
This is a passive tame. Like all passive tames, you must equip the item it requests in your hot bar and tap it to feed the item to the dinosaur. Once tamed, this dinosaur provides a 35% experience boost to your dinosaurs that are near it every 5 minutes when you use the social action to pet it. This is very beneficial and is suggested.
这是一个被动的驯服。 像所有被动驯服一样,您必须在热栏中装备它要求的物品,然后点击它以将物品喂入恐龙中。 一旦被驯服,当您使用社交动作抚摸它时,该恐龙每5分钟为附近的恐龙提供35%的经验提升。 这是非常有益的,建议使用。
Esta es una domesticación pasiva. Al igual que todos los domesticadores pasivos, debe equipar el elemento que solicita en su barra caliente y tocarlo para alimentar el dinosaurio. Una vez domesticado, este dinosaurio proporciona un aumento de la experiencia del 35% a los dinosaurios que están cerca de él cada 5 minutos cuando usas la acción social para acariciarlo. Esto es muy beneficioso y se sugiere.
Utility Roles for Lystro:
1. XP Farm. Probably what these little guys are most famous for. Unfortunately I do not know if having multiple will stack the XP boost or not.
2. Pet. I adore these little guys because I think they are very cute. I love keeping them at my base because of their cuteness. (level Health and watch for those damn seagulls if you are close to the coast).
3. Kibble Maker. Their eggs can be used for Basic Kibble. Not the best, but that's something!
My name is ShinyChimchar01 and if you like this tip, I've done similar on Trike, Raptor, Parasaur, and Carbonemys. The next one will be on Moschops!
Lystrosaurus, this little reptile could have it all in the fierce war between the dodo and kairuku. They are like little puppy dogs, which means you pet them and they do some cool trick, like a backflip. They are great to have around bases, as they provide an xp buff so other dinos lvl quicker. Lystro army is also funny, I mean look at their little legs they're so adorable yes you are little lystro! Oops, gotta keep it professional here. Yeah they're great