ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Me and my tribe love our lystro. They honestly don’t have any use to us anymore as we have all maxed our levels. But these critters are certainly a nice form of company. To tame them you can take some mejo berries. I believe aquatic mushrooms may work too if you are on aberration.
More Lystrosaurus Encountering Tips
Run. Ferocious creatures, the Lystro isn’t what it seems. It is a beast of bass destruction, giving a boost to tames along the way. Best to bring the shotgun and fight it with TEK armor for a minimal chance of survival. I’ve seen these things take down wild Gigantosaurs and Titanosaurs. Truly scary thing to behold. I once tried to tame one for the boost, I died trying. I had flak armor and was trying to passive feed it, but when I was about to feed it it turned around and one-spotted me. All of my tames died a second later. I had brought my Rex with me, he died.
They don’t really care if you take their eggs though.
joke tip, just passive tame them for a boost lol
Tame just cos the backflip lol
When i steal egg it waddles and nibbles you. Insane damage.
I was taming one and he pooped like 50 times in the matter of 5 minutes i swear
Guys every one please read this you need to tell everybody you know that plays ark : call them logs :and you can never KILL THEM LOGS even if your about to die never do I repeat never: please and thank you:)
They will only be aggressive towards you if you steal their egg.Dont steal their egg they will not like you...
I tamed it until when I tamed it a 3 raptor came out I killed one of them but my little dude protected me from them he died :(
They are on Lost Island, since the map is new they are still loading more dinos to the app 🤙🏼
Tame one so you can pet it to give a level up boost to your dinos in the area. SO CUTE 😍