ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Ultimus Chapter 18: Questions and Answers
Andrew stood there in front of these three. Were people always this strange and curious? He sure felt like it was true, but he wasn’t sure if feelings were getting rubbed off from one another. But it was strange that they didn’t know how much time had passed. And what were these ‘Arks’ that they spoke about? It was all confusing and giving him a headache, but he needed answers now.
“You didn’t know how long you all been in these Arks? What are these things and why are you all up there?” Andrew asked, the one woman looked at him. Her hair was jet black and her face stern and her stare cold to him. She was about average height yet lean.
“What year are you from?” She said, Andrew gave her a confused look.
“What does that have to do with anything? All I need to tell you is that I’m from the Terran Federation and my birth year.” He said snippy.
“Okay, then Fed. Do you know about the two projects that the Feds and URE were involved with?”
“Project Atlas and Project Prometheus? Yeah, who doesn’t. I wanted to work on Prometheus with my parents.” Andrew answered. She nodded.
“Okay, well our group didn’t know before they met me. I worked on Project Atlas or what we called it. The Ark Initiative.” She said.
“Okay, but what is it? What is the Ark Initiative?” Andrew asked, she huffed and scowled.
“Let me finish alright? In layman's terms, they’re lifeboats. They contain every form of life from every era. The URE believed that these ‘lifeboats’ could be used to reseed the Earth. They were supposed to drop after a few hundred years, just to let the Earth recover from the Element War and the element that was everywhere. But if a thousand years have passed, then something happened to stop it from happening naturally.” She said,
“Could it have anything to do with these zombie dinosaurs?”
“What?” She asked, Andrew looked over at one of the bodies lying on the ground and pointed to it. The woman with the jet-black hair walked up to it. She knelt and observed it for a moment. She seemed very curious about the corpse. Andrew walked up to see what she was doing. She reached her hand out and then hesitated before committing herself to touching its leathery skin. Nothing happened, she sighed in relief and then focused her attention on the vine-like material. This was the first time Andrew had ever got a good look at the stuff. She began touching the vine material and scraping at it. Flaking off black and magenta material. Andrew looked at the material and felt that he recognized it in that form.
“Is that-”
“Element.” She whispered, though not quite enough for Andrew to not hear.
“But, Element had no signs of doing this before? Even the war sights were said to only have veins growing in polluted Element like the flakes we see here.”
“Element Erica, like the material we use in Tek?” Paul asked,
“Yeah, Tek gear runs on Element. How do you know that?” Andrew asked back.
“Because we’ve used Tek before. And this is Element. No doubt about it. Though it seems to be a more unstable form than normal.”
“But how? Element doesn’t do this.” Andrew said,
“It’s been a thousand years right?” Erica asked
“Yeah, at least that long.” Andrew confirmed.
“Well, there you go. You already see how much it spread across the Earth from the war fields of our era. So the Element could have easily changed. It learned, it evolved.” She said, everyone looked at her confused for a moment.
“But I thought… is Element alive?” Paul asked.
“No, but a professor I had in graduate school said that Element was an element of its own. He studied Unstable Element for several years and noticed that it has some uncanny qualities to the brains of living organisms. He even theorized that it may be able to gain sentience with how advanced the material can become and how mailable and versatile the substance is. And with it being able to be a near-infinite power source at a large enough scale. It could live forever.” Erica explained.
“And you thought you could just wait up in space until it disappeared?” Andrew said,
“Look, at the time it was just a theory at the time. We didn’t actually know. Now that we do know. It’s imperative that we reseed our Ark to Earth.” Erica said, Andrew scoffed at this.
“Why? It’ll die as soon as it touches the Earth. Either by the Element as you said or by these monsters.” He added.
“It won’t. At least it shouldn’t. The bottoms and sides of the Arks are encased with a Refined Element, Element that can’t get corrupted by the raw, corrupted Element. And the creatures will have a very difficult time getting through the natural barriers. We designed them to detour humans from running to the station’s force barrier. But once those disappear after the reseeding, the natural barriers will become safety barriers for those inside.” Erica said, Andrew shook his head.
“But why? Why do we need to bring it down? If it isn’t time-” “ Because theirs only six of us and we need more of us to find how we can eliminate the Element. And the proper reseed process could take a thousand years more. We need help to bring them down.” Erica said,
“I don’t like the sound of this. We should diagnose the problem beforehand.” Andrew stated. Erica looked at him with distaste.
“Lucky for us, we don’t have to follow your way.” Erica said bluntly.
“Erica!” Paul said, she looked over at Paul with a stubborn expression.
“I’m just saying the fact that you are our Our leader Paul and all I advise is that we reseed just the Ark we just came from. That way minimal damage is done if anything happens and at the same time we end this Element issue at a greater pace with more numbers.” Erica said, Paul shuffled his step as he thought it through. His face was concerned.
“You sure you can do this without killing everyone on there? And you are sure that this won’t be a death sentence for everything on the Ark?” Paul asked.
“I’m pretty sure the natural borders will keep them safe. And with Syla’s doing the heavy with the tech support on reseeding the Ark and me there to give coords and talk him through some of it. I can guarantee it’ll come down safely.” Erica said, Paul nodded in deep thought.
“I think…” he said before sighing, “… I think we’ll go ahead and make steps toward this plan. But if there are any signs of danger or we see any possibility of risk. We go with his plan.” Paul said, Erica’s face was more in shock. She huffed before she turned and whistled her dinosaur. The animal slowly came down from the ridge it was at and stopped directly in front of her. It looked similar to Tracy back at home. But this one looked way more like a Triceratops than she did. Erica walked next to the dinosaur and mounted a saddle that was on its back.
“Well I don’t know about you, but I am beat. It was nice to meet you sir but I think it’s time we head back to base.” She said, while he knew she was trying to get away from him as fast as possible. He was thankful, he wanted to go home, he felt horrible for everything he did and didn’t think he deserved being saved though he was grateful for it. But the blonde-haired woman looked at her with confusion.
“Hvorfor inviterer vi ham ikke til baseleiren vår? Han har ingen andre med seg Erica.” She said, Erica looked at her like she said something horrible.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I do though, Andrew. Would you like to come to our base camp for a couple of days?” Paul asked, Andrew stood there in an awkward position and was silent. He wasn’t sure what to say, his mind wanted to say not today but his mouth moved faster than his mind.
“Sure, ah- yeah. Just ah- let me grab my bow and knife.” He blurted, regretting almost as he spoke. Paul smiled.
“Great! Would you like to ride passenger on my mount or Erica’s?” He said smiling, Erica looked at him with irritation.
“Actually, I think if it’s all the same with you. I’ll walk myself to your camp.” Andrew said, Paul nodded with a kind smile on his face.
“That’s fine, Freya didn’t bring anything and she doesn’t like to ride as a passenger so she can keep you company. We leave as soon as you're ready.” He said,
“Thank you.” Andrew said as he walked off to grab his stuff.
“You're going to love it and I think you’ll get along great with one of the guys there.” Paul said,
Inside the heart of Sanctuary. All was peaceful, inside animals were roaming, hunting, and droids protecting the city from the corrupted creatures outside but somewhere along the way had lost their main purpose. Now seeing all things that haven’t been in Sanctuary for who knows how long as their enemies. Inside a particular building in Sanctuary was a base camp for some survivors. Where several creatures stood around, some grazing, some sleeping, some observing.
And what they were observing was a man. The man had short red curly and was not all that tall. He labored over a box he found in a car that he had been working on for the past few hours. Messing with wires and paying attention to a screen on the box. He had the box connected to a generator that the others had made. As he worked on it, he shocked himself by touching a live wire.
“Ah!!! Mmmooottthheeerrr… brother, sister, Father!!!” He screamed out in pain at the top of his lungs. Before realizing that the person who was also left in camp was still asleep and he shushed himself. He really didn’t want to wake up that guy. Putting his fingers that he shocked in his mouth as he whimpered. He looked back at the wires and computer motherboard inside. Everything looked ready to go. He sighed to himself
“Please work.” He said to himself, it had been so long. He turned it on and a blue light came on the screen. And a menu popped up. The man was ecstatic. He started flipping through the menu and reached the page he wanted. He turned up the volume on the box and pressed the button to start. Almost immediately the box came to life with music rhythm and beats that had been so long since the man had heard. It brought tears to his face as the lyrics began to play.
“We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy.” It played and the man began to bob his head to the song and began to sing along and dance horribly to the next part of lyrics.
“I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand” he sang as he danced over to his next project. He sighed with success as he looked at it.
“Alright, let’s get down to business… to defeat the Huns.” He said as he walked over to the box, turned down the music, and grabbed his gear to work on his next project.
The Bulbdog and the Basilisk
Part 1-2 refined version
The day started like any other, but tonight would bring death and sorrow. Chuck was sitting on the wall just as he did every day. His yellow body was bright as ever, his lamp shone like the summer sun, and his teeth were white as snow. Chuck's best friends berry the bright red basilisk and hera the blue rock drake wearing her usual teck saddle were by his side. The three of them lived at the capital of the drake tribe along with 100 drakes, 50 bulbdogs, 30 basilisks, 2 blood stockers, 3 gigas, 20 humans, and 1 mech. But none of that would save them. That night the namelesses attacked in the thousands the turrets were overrun in seconds then the humans last the wall was smashed and Chuck was trapped.
Hera yelled at berry to run and get ready to burrow. Hera ran to Chuck threw the wall off him and tosed him to Berry. Just as a nameless tore out her throat and killed her. Berry cought Chuck and burrowed them both to safty
100 likes for part 3-4
Protectors of Pandora
“He’s.. gone…” Rob said as they exited the portal. Everyone looked down mournfully for a few minutes. “Guys, I know this is hard, but I don’t think we have time to mourn.” Skyla said. “Why’s that.” Jaxz asked. “Because. Look.” Skyla pointed off into the horizon, they were on an obelisk pedestal in a grassland on some ark, but the sky was off, and the plants were dying, there was element corruption here and there and they could see the three spires of the arks. “The skybox is down? But how?” Stainly asked. They conversed the possibilities for a few moments until Ron had a stunning realization, “We’re on earth.” He said.
“Master, a portal just opened on one of our western territories.” an adrewsarchus said. “Hmm, new arrivals. Raz, go find them and bring them to me.” A grey yutyrannus with a metal lower jaw said. “As you wish Master.” The deinonychus replied.
“Hello? Hey! You two! Ugh they’re unconscious, bring them to camp”
To be continued…
One time I was in the swamp and my friend said “Roses are red violets are blue I am a leech I will suck you!” and I said “hahaha” and he said “no, really there is a leech on you!” and I’m like “what do you mean, I don’t see a leech on me!” and he said “ look at your face!” and I look at my self and there was a leech on my face, I was wondering why I was getting hurt!! Please leave a like 👍
The Obelisk
-Chapter 65: Part 1-
Midnight slipped through the shadows. His dark colored feathers helped him blend in with the dark stone walls as he stalked quietly down the halls of the stronghold.
He sniffed the air, catching a stale scent of the Emperor. His eyes narrowed, his night vision finally being put to good use after all that time of sitting in a cold cell.
His senses were finally clear, every sound and movement keeping him alert. His nocturnal instincts were back in action. For the last moon, locked up in his cell, he mostly slept, day and night. all that sleep had messed up his senses.
But now he was back.
He could tell that he was close. When he’d been escorted to the prisons, they taken him right passed the Emperors room. Midnight chuckled quietly. ‘Big mistake.’
He spotted a long strip of grey light coming from around the corner. Cautiously he took the turn, surprised to see that half of this hallway was completely collapsed.
Midnight remembered the small earthquake he’d felt the other night. he never knew it had caused parts of the stronghold to fall. ‘Serves them right,’ He thought bitterly.
He stepped over a pile of collapsed stone bricks, moonlight cascading over his red and grey feathers. He was about to take another step when he noticed a splatter of red among the bricks and rock dust.
‘Blood.’ A few black feathers were scattered around it. ‘But no body. Hmm.’ He stepped carefully around it before deciding to leave it alone. He continued his way down the hall.
More parts of the halls had fallen, he realized as he went on. But he didn’t let it distract him. he had a mission.
Finally he approached the doors to the Emperor’s room. Silently, he edged around to the cracked-open door. there was a conversation going on inside.
“No, you don’t understand, General! I could have told him. Both me and the council had decided that the Five be freed. I should have—argh, I didn’t think he would care,” the Emperors troubled cry echoed through the room to Midnight. “let alone help them
e s c a p e.”
“But I do understand.” The Generals voice said. “You didn’t know. I’m so sorry you had to come back from your journey to see everything as chaotic as it is. But we will bounce back, and we will find your son. He’s missing, but he’s not lost forever. I promise you, I will not stop until we find him.”
A few coughs resonated through the room. The Emperor cleared his throat. “I trust you.”
“I will send a search—” The general began, but was quickly interrupted as the Emperor said, “No, General. There are other matters to attend to. You will be calling a meeting with all of our subjects tomorrow morning. I must tell them that the Alliance is over. Then I will lead the search myself.”
“Wait, what? The alliance is over? Wh—”
“Do not worry. You will hear everything soon enough, along with all of the Terror birds of Runhiemr.” Midnight heard the light tapping of claws on stone. “Until then, make sure everything is safe. Keep a squadron of your best soldiers to guard the gates. You may leave.”
Midnight scrambled silently out of the way, huddling in the nearest corner. The door scraped open slightly, and the strong Terror bird exited the room. As the door closed behind her, she stopped, shook out her wings, and lowered her head with a depressed sigh. Without looking back, she marched away.
Midnight stayed in the patch of darkness for a while more, until all was completely silent. Finally he stepped out and placed his talons onto the stone doors, slowly, carefully, pressing hard until the door opened with agonizing slowness.
He looked both ways. Everything was dark. the Emperor was nowhere in sight. He stalked further into the room, keeping his eyes sharp.
‘Aha.’ The small, raspy breath of the sleeping Emperor came from his right. he turned to see Avalanche laying on his side in a medium sized bed.
One step.
Another step.
Midnight was a few feet away. the Emperor was dreaming, but not for long. Midnights eyes glowed triumphantly. He took a third step. His tail swiped back and forth.
Fourth step. Midnight stopped, standing over the sleeping Terror bird. He held up one talon, flexing his claws.
‘It ends here. His reign ends now. No more of Carrion’s bloodline!’
The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 49: Truth
Original Post Date: Apr 3, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Lamprey, next chapter in Leedsichthys.
One thing Loki noticed when he walked into the house was that all the bunk beds were gone. And so was Chloe. She, and many of the others who had to move into this home after the Tranq Darts Incident had moved out. It was a lot quieter there. There was no more snoring, and no more bad smell.
So why did Loki still feel like something was wrong?
Loki noticed Brad sleeping on his bed. For some reason he looked a lot less violent and smug when he was sleeping. For a second Loki saw some resemblance of a good person inside him.
Loki turned to his bed and saw his bag posted against the wall. Loki walked up to it and crouched down to inspect it.
It was wide open.
Loki rummaged around the insides. Everything seemed to be just fine: Food and water rations, basic essential resources, the artifact that gave him wings… Grenades.
Nothing seemed out of place.
Loki stared back at Brad and glared at him.
“Was he looking through my stuff?” Loki wondered as he clenched his fist.
He almost considered walking up to him, wrapping his fingers around Brad’s neck, and strangling him till’ he couldn’t breathe… But he stopped himself. It was probably just his imagination.
Loki crawled onto his bed and pulled the covers over him.
He tried his best to fall asleep, but he could not.
That haunting memory of Mr. Ma carrying the knife, its blade glistening within the reflection of his karambit, and that crazed look on his face. Loki couldn’t just lay there idly, and wait for something to happen. No, he had to get to the bottom of it.
It was his duty as a writer to know the truth.
As Loki waited for night to fall, he slowly got out from his bed, throwing the covers off of him. He reached into his backpack and took the Artifact and his two karambits. Hooking the two karambits on his cloth clothes, he clasped the Artifact and it disintegrated into dust, the dust transferring into his implant. He felt wings grow on his back once more, and he folded them shut.
Loki quietly tip-toed out the home, and began moving toward the complex. He would investigate Mr. Ma’s office first.
“Why did Mr. Ma react that way?” Loki asked himself as snow crunched under his feet. The complex’s lights were on, “Is it because of the implant? He never told me his implant power. Or is there something more?”
Loki stopped in front of the complex doors, and crouched down, peeking inside the complex at the bottom, a slit of air where there was no door. He saw still gray boots. Dr. Aston.
The boots didn’t move for a few minutes, and they seemed grounded. Dr. Aston had fallen asleep at his workstation again.
“Now’s my chance,” Loki thought. He got up and put a hand on the doorknob. He slowly turned it and pushed it open. A loud creaking noise echoed throughout the room.
Dr. Aston, who was snoring away, began to shift in his seat, blinking his eyes rapidly and moving his head up. Loki quickly dashed to a table and crouched under it. He masked his breathing, steadying his nerves and calming his heart. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as Dr. Aston got up from his seat and blinked his eyes some more.
“What the- Did I leave the door open?” Dr. Aston asked himself. Dr. Aston let out a yawn and stumbled forward like a zombie. Loki’s eyes continued to chase Dr. Aston. Dr. Aston cleared his throat, coughing up phlegm.
“HWAKK!” Dr. Aston coughed, “Wow I’m thirsty. I should’ve drank some water before falling asleep…”
Loki looked at the water jar that was on his desk. Then Loki looked up at the desk that contained narcotics. With haste, Loki grabbed the narcotics, then rushed over to the water jar, unscrewed the cap, and poured the whole thing inside. He shook the jar around, screwed the cap back on, and retreated to his hiding spot.
Dr. Aston locked the door, went back to his station, and took a sip of the water.
“Mmm, that has a kick to it. Say, this water does look a little green.”
Dr. Aston’s eyelids began to droop, and he let out a yawn.
“Oh no…”
Dr. Aston collapsed, his head falling to the table. Loki smirked and got out of his hiding spot, making his way to Mr. Ma’s office.
“No interruptions,” Loki thought. He peeked into the window on the door, and as expected, Mr. Ma wasn’t in his office. He opened the door up and walked inside, closing the door behind him.
“Time to take a thorough investigation.”
Loki first noticed the knife on Mr. Ma’s desk. He had remembered Mr. Ma putting it in his drawer… So why was it out on his desk?
Loki walked forward and picked the knife up, inspecting it. It seemed like an ordinary hunting knife. Loki looked at his reflection on the blade, and then pocketed the knife.
Loki then eyed the crates scattered around the room. That would be a good place to look for anything unordinary. He rushed over and began to rummage through each one.
But alas, there was nothing but basic resources that were used to build many of the homes. Nothing but junk.
Loki let out a grunt of frustration and slammed his fist into one of the crates. It toppled over and its contents spilled onto the ground. And inside the pile of materials was an implant.
Loki’s eyes widened at his discovery. He gingerly picked the device up and stared at it. No glow came from it, and the glass was dim, dull, and had no life. Was this Mr. Ma’s implant?
Loki felt something soft and wet at the back. He turned it over and nearly barfed at the sight. It was soft, human tissue. The implant had been ripped right off of its owner’s skin.
“No way… NO WAY,” Loki thought as his green eyes wilted. He dropped the implant and it clattered on the wooden floor. What was that thing doing there?!
It didn’t make sense for someone to remove their implant. It was the source of their abilities. The source of their strength. It was the only way you could access a beacon, something vital for survival on this cursed island.
The question came to Loki again. Was it Mr. Ma’s? Mr. Ma didn’t seem to have an implant ability. Perhaps he had grown weary of his father’s “freak project”, so he chose to remove the implant on his own accord.
But that wouldn’t make sense. The skin color of this implant’s flesh was much more pale in comparison to Mr. Ma’s dark tan.
Memories of him and Mr. Ma the past few days in the tundra replayed in his mind. Mr. Ma’s eyes, his confrontation with Brad after he had accidentally lit a house on fire…
There was no doubt about it now;
Mr. Ma had murdered someone, and had taken their implant.
Loki’s thoughts began to race, and his heart began to beat faster, as his eyes darted around the room. Finally, his eyes lay on a long, obsidian pedestal that carried Mr. Ma’s prized red pike.
It was missing.
A haunting thought crossed his mind, as he recalled what Mr. Ma had told Loki before night fell.
“Great. Okay, thanks,” Mr. Ma had said, “Um. And one more thing. Get some good sleep, okay? The living quarters are pretty much done with construction. You won’t have to deal with the bad smell anymore.”
Mr. Ma didn’t want Loki to wake up.
And Mr. Ma didn’t want Loki to know he was going to take more lives tonight.
A cry for help suddenly shattered the air, and Loki’s ears perked up.
(The first book starts in achatina and continues in abc order and then the second and third
follow it)
The Riddles of the phoenixes series.
Through the eyes of the Dark phoenixes.
Chapter four: escape plans
“So what’s the plan?” Jack asked. Just then their dinner trays slid from a slot under the door. There was cold soupy beans, a small water melon, bread with fungus growing on it, a mysterious black pudding, and suspiciously rotten looking pieces of broccoli. Jack picked up his plate and wrinkled his nose. He nudged the cold beans with his flimsy spoon. “Why do they serve beans at every meal?” He wondered aloud. “Hey! You gotta problem? You better not because whether you like that meal or not you will eat it! When it’s hot it’s hot and when it’s cold it’s cold. Deal with it!” The “chef” that had slid their food under the door exclaimed angrily. He walked off, sliding more trays under each door. Jack sighed. The only thing that looked like it wasn’t rotten or poisoned was the watermelons. Jack picked one up from his tray and was about to night into it when Elizabeth snatched it from his hand. “Hey!” Jack exclaimed angrily. “Shh! Lower your voice! We can use these melons to escape.” Elizabeth whispered. “Good gosh you’re right!” Eric whispered. Elizabeth handed the melon to Eric and he brought it down hair on the edge of his tray. It broke in half to reveal juicy red insides. Elizabeth scooped some out and using the flimsy spoon she shaped it into a small key then dipped it in the mysterious black pudding. The pudding hardened almost immediately after. It looked almost identical to the key the guard had. “Ok. This key will break if we try to turn it in the lock but…we can switch the guard’s key with this fake key.” Elizabeth said with a sly grin. “How?” Jack asked. “Simple. We get the guard to come in her by annoying him. We just need someone to do it…” Eric said. They both turned to Jack with expectant looks on their faces. “Oh no, I will not be the distraction! You can’t make me!”
A few minutes later, Jack strode to the corner of the cell, his face already red with embarrassment. He cleared his throat then opened it and began to sing. He sang loud, and brokenly, and it would surely annoy the guard. “If you love somebody you better tell them while they’re here because they might just run away from you. You’ll never know quite when then again it just depends on how long time is left for you.…” Jack sang loudly with no harmony or melody. The guard with the key rattled the bars of their cell. “Hey shut it you!” The soldier yelled. Jack continued singing. “…'cause I’m in top of the world, hey. I’m on top of the world, hey. Waiting for this for a while now. Been paying my dues to the dirt…” Jack continued singing loudly until finally the guard grew so annoyed that he unlocked the cell and lunged for Jack. “Been dreaming of this since a-” Jack dodged the guard. “Oops you missed. Let me help you.” Jack taunted. He tackled the guard and while the guard was dazed, he slipped the watermelon key beside the other key. “Hey get off me!” The guard yelled. The soldier pushed Jack off him and hurried out the door, locking it behind him. Jack at the last minute, before the guard walked off, lunged at the bars and grasped the key from the soldiers pocket. Before the soldier turned Jack slipped the key into his mouth. The soldier sneered at him. “Trying to escape, eh? Well…good luck!” He kicked Jack in the chest. Jack fell to the floor, breathing hard and trying not to spit the key out while the guard was watching. Elizabeth and Eric came over and helped him to his feet. “Did you get it?” Elizabeth asked. Jack nodded and spit the small key into his hand and held it out to Elizabeth.
The Bulbdog and the Basilisk part 1
The bulbdog's name was Chuck, he was yellow as a banana and he smelt like one to. The basilisk's name was Berry, he was bright red with white spots and he smelt like a berry. They were both part of the drake tribe, until it happened that sad sad day when the nameless attacked. There were thousands to many for the turrets, and to many for the drakes, nobody could save the base or dinos. They would die. They watched as there human was turned into one of them. They were the only ones who made it out.
100 likes for part 2. It may be a while after