ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Doesn't eat veggie cakes on ps4
More Kentrosaurus Taming & KO Tips
Knock One out, giove It berries.
Go tame a giga, go back and feed It some narcotics.
Breed a Rex army, take down the boss, go back and It should be tamed.
WHY NO SADDLE LIKE I NEED HIM his name is big spike
Eats Compy Kibble. Usually spawn near the bottom of mountains. When using kibble, no narcotics are required. A level 80 will eat about 21 compy kibble during x1.5 on offical servers. About 7 tranq darts were used to take down the level 80
This dino is the Lego of ark. One accidental bite with a huge enraged said giga. Kinda like our parents when we were young.
Kentro' CAN NOT be tamed with sweet veggie cakes. They don't eat them
Don't knock these buggers out while your impaled, you'll be stuck on it until it's tamed!
I tamed one easy by knocking out with level 73 equus only taking 5 kicks to knock out then feed ,up if this was helpful
Taming this Dino without kibble is like having a baby, hella annoying hella time consuming and way more expensive than it should be
So I attacked it with a wolf and I got took off the wolf by it then it grabbed wolf with tail and took 6000 hp damage with two shakes of its tail
think they'd be great for base defense
Early game tame!? Oh my gosh!
How can this be an early game tame!
I walk up to him he turns me into a two way shish kabob (me and my raptor)