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How to Tame an Ichthyosaurus

With Dodo Kibble

1. Activate the “Tame: Ichthyosaurus” pursuit. If it doesn’t show up, you haven’t completed the “Tame: Dodo” pursuit yet.

2. Make Dodo Kibble (2 for level 30, 4 for level 150, 7 for level 300, and 10 for level 450).

3. Find an Ichthyosaurus—don’t worry, they don’t bite—and feed it Dodo Kibble. Do this every time the Ichthyosaurus is hungry.

4. Once it’s tamed, the pursuit will reward you with a saddle—and the Old Smelly Fish skin—for your new Ichthyosaurus.

Without Dodo Kibble

1. Activate the “Tame: Ichthyosaurus” pursuit. If it doesn’t show up, you haven’t completed the “Tame: Dodo” pursuit yet.

2. Kill some dinosaurs and harvest their corpses with a pickaxe for Raw Meat (12 for level 30, 40 for level 150, 75 for level 300, and 111 for level 450).

3. Find an Ichthyosaurus—don’t worry, they don’t bite—and feed it Raw Meat. Do this every time the Ichthyosaurus is hungry.

4. Once it’s tamed, the pursuit will reward you with a saddle—and the Old Smelly Fish skin—for your new Ichthyosaurus.

More Ichthyosaurus Taming & KO Tips