ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

heres an easy way to win against em
just win
More Hati & Sköll Encountering Tips
Bruh idk what is with all the fancy stuff people do, but literally just get to decent level (150 or more) with good melee and voila. You did It. Raise so people don’t over do it.
Hati(purple) has 250,000 health while Skoll(gold) has 125,000 health. Hati summons Fenrir minions while Skoll has fire aoe attacks + a spirit projectile of itself, it goes in a straight line. Each of their respective abilities are activated by them howling.
Regarding the arena. It is OPEN OPEN world, meaning you can literally take an entire military force of dinos with you, so don’t hold back and take a small group of deinonychus or shadowmanes thinking you’ll be fine. The game has given you a small advantage, they have a collective 375,000 health, minions, and aoe. Do NOT treat them like a miniboss. Also touching the end of their arenas causes their models to reset which heals them completely. DONT touch the border.
A small tip regarding all mini bosses
- Beyla is a prep boss with a small cave arena, meaning prep for her weakness and her advantage. A small team of megatheriums and a single Yuty can do the job, use gas mask or Andrewsarchus.
-Hati and Skoll are a prep + dps boss, meaning you NEED to breed a decent army and get the standard boss dinos; ie Yuty, Daeodon, and Gigas.
-Steinbjorn is a prep + dps + endurance boss, meaning you MUST breed a very tanky and hard hitting set of dinos. I haven’t fought him yet so can’t give the best advice but he is extremely tanky and can kill your tames with enough time given. Yutys and Daeodons are highly recommend.
Best of luck, I would post this on other boss entries but I’ll limit it to Fenrir’s children. - some pve noob, Apollo
A giga with 30k health n 1k or 2k melee can solo this in under 1 to 2mins lol…or 3 to 4 shadowmanes…
im about to do this boss with a velosaur, a daedon, and dont judge me, some deinonychus, and a few shadow manes, and a few other big carnivores.
It will probably be two wolf since they are the children of Fenrir. Hati & Sköll are a symbol of hate and chaos and is like "the body of the sun and moon" if I remember right
Fun fact: Hati has as much health as a titanosaur, did you know that?
They are very strong I recommend having like 50 Rex and making 25 target skoll and 25 target hati.
I took these two out with a Desmodus and an ascendant shotgun, 375 Damage, Take Sköll out first then, then kill Hati, Watch out for Sköll’s Spirit attack when you see him howl move away, rest on the mountain for stamina. Up if Helpful.
These guys are in RuneScape but not old school.
Ive done with friend i was on my carcha and my friend was on yuty and rex
12 rex with a least 10k heal and 500 dmg
1 yuty with 20k heal and 600 dmg
A daedon with 10k heal and 30k food
And a carcha with 17k heal and 1200 dmg
It will be easy with that of it a lvl one boss
I got 0 lost and they were full health at end of fight