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Do you want to tame this huge dinosaur? Well, I have just the taming guide for you! There are 2 sections: Mobile Taming and PC Taming. Since PC Taming is more popular, I’ll start with that first;


Ascendant Crossbow/Rifle, Tranq Ammo, 1 or 2 LARGE Bear Traps, Bio Toxin (Quantity Depends On Level), and 4 Metal Gateways. You’ll also need lots of Kibble!


Get on an Argy and find your Giga. Make sure the Giga is a decent level!


Place 3 Metal Gateways in a box formation like this; \_/. However, don’t place it tilting outwards, unlike that of what is shown in the picture. Just make it a perfect box with an opening. Make sure to leave gaps between the Gateways so the Giga fits through! Leave a bear trap or 2 in the middle to immobilize the Giga.


Shoot the Giga and immediately get on your Argy. Try to lead the Giga into the trap. Once it is trapped, place the final Gateway in the opening so that the Giga does not escape.


Use the weapon of choice and prepare to knock out the Giga. You will need tons of Tranq Ammo for this, so make sure to bring a lot! Shoot every 3 seconds or so. IMPORTANT: Do not miss shots while knocking out the Giga!


Get your absurd amount of Kibbles and Toxins and start taming! Do not leave your tame unmonitored, as the Giga drains torpor way faster than the Therizino or Rex. Have a tribemate to help guard the Giga if you have one available.

I hope this version helped a lot of people! Now let’s see how to tame a Giga on Mobile. I promise this version is very straightforward;

DISCLAIMER: The way I tame Mobile Gigas is very specific, so if you want a more general way to tame one, seek a friend to help you.


Soothing Balm, 1-2 Behemoth Dinosaur Gateway set, 75 Bio Toxin or larger, Ascendant Crossbow/Rifle, and Tranq Ammo. You’ll also need Quetzal Kibble (at least 2), so consider making lots of jerky before taming!


Find a Giga near the snow mountains.


Get on an Argy and carry prey. Wild Gigas will not agro on mounted creatures. They will also not accidentally attack your tame either, since they only attack the prey that your Argy is holding. But they will attack and kill your Argy if you do attack them or agro them! I have confirmed this, try it yourself! Lead it to a cliff or mountain, which will be used as the other walls of the trap! If you feel like the Giga will just climb the cliff or go onto the sides of the mountain, you’re probably right. Leave the prey onto a ledge so the Giga does not leave!


Place the Behemoth Gateway(s) and Gate(s) to trap the Giga. Do not unmount your Argy while doing this, or else it will agro on you! At this point, the prey may have fallen down or the Giga has left. Make sure to place them quick!


If you can’t shoot the Giga on the ledge you are on, build a platform with thatch. Make sure to knock out the Giga quick, or else it will break the Gate!


Use the Soothing Balm and Quetzal Kibble. Use Bio Toxin as well. If you use a mountain and it is too slippery, place a structure! I almost lost my Giga to this.

I hope this final result helped! I am not the best at making guides, but I will try my best when it comes to helping the community. I hope you like it!

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