ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Fjordhawks spawn mostly in vallhalla
More Fjordhawk Encountering Tips
It will most likely be found circling you. Don't worry it will only attack if you are low. They are scavengers. They like playing fetch with you and they will return with as many items as it can carry when you die. It's basically a flying dog. Can't wait to tame one.
I mean, this bird will probably hurt you sense it is way bigger than modern birds of prey. (PS, they modeled it after the red-tailed hawk from real life, but they gave it a crest)
The hawks are around 80 40 they fly around you and don’t attack you
If you die around a wild hawk they will pick up your stuff and you’ll have to find them and kill them in order to retrieve your belongings.
Place outside bags someone can follow the bird to you!!!!
These things are pretty much opportunist in the wild they will not attack you unless they think they will kill you. So if you see this guy circling you from above start praying.
I think they should be big (bigger than the biggest shoulder mount) but they should still be able to be on ur shoulder. So cool!! Btw I think this is the first tip….
-Sarco master
Good tame and all but really really annoying when they follow you and a constant blur of colours AND ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR TRYING TO GET A PT SADDLE AND THEY KEEP EATING THE DEAD CREATURES AND AHHHHHHH!!!! But.. good creatures other than that. The end I hope you liked what I wrote above this there.
I was just running on a killing spree when I saw I somehow tamed a fjordhawk
Why you should put it on passive when you die and it gets your stuff: if a hostile entity, for example a therizino was what killed you when your hawk goes to get stuff it won’t attack the therizino, go straight for the stuff and probably have a smaller chance of dying rather than fighting and taking more damage and then a raptor comes along afterwards… and does the finishing touch but on passive the hawk would take less damage and just fly away from danger- I had to learn that the hard way -James ( have a good day!)