ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a fenrir? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a fenrir.
You can only acquire a Fenrir (lvl150) after defeating the Fenrirsūlfr (Fjourd boss) the resulting tame is delivered in a cryopod after the boss dies.
The reason Dododex say it’s a knockout tame is because if you spawn a wild Fenrir you can knock one out and tame it that way, the only down side being the Fenrir CANT spawn in the wild
The way to tame this creature is to kill the final boss on fjordur.
To tame this creature you must kill the final boss on fjordur. Everyone else is either lying or tamed the modded version. Currently, there is no other way to get one.
It's not a wild creature, you get 1 fenrir in a cryopod everytime you beat the end games boss of fjordur
Defeating the Fjourd boss gives you a level 150 Fenrir in a crypod
Single player tested
!Not a knockout tame! This creature is tamed after defeating the final boss
You get it from defeating a boss
You have to kill the main boss to get if you want a high level kill alpha and better stats if you want to just get to use it go gamma but it really won’t be worth just go for alpha
These look so epic! Honestly, can’t wait! Hope you guys are excited as well! 🦤
These look pretty fierce. Wonder if they'll freeze things too. Maybe a frost bite that slows creatures down.
I hate the mobile spammers
Geez this is not a place for you to complain endlessly the creature hasn't even come out yet and I have seen a ton of spamming idots
Let’s hope it’s not going to be in pack’s like diorwolves that will be bad.
For those of you asking to add to mobile, wildcard has no juristiction over mobile version so no matter what they won't have it. if you want this creture or any of the others or maps buy either steam version, stadia(perferably steam I had tried out stadia and whenever i tried to ride a dino it would glitch and freeze everything so when it came back i got so many notifactions like you and your level 237 giga were killed by a dilo level 5.): { microsoft version,epic game,xbox, playstation(dont buy switch version if looking for this They only have the island map and graphics are no kiding, bull. and the gamplay except for when do ing bosses is practicly the same as mobile). you arent playing ark till you play pc or console versions, trust me i've done all.
This should be lot bigger,let this go up so the devs can see,believe me its a legendry animal in mythology
According to the map right now, the fenrir is located in a extremely cold environment and requires more than just primitive pelt. Can't wait to tame it and freeze to death!
To tame one you should have to steal the baby’s who will not fight back but will run so u have to pick them up then put them in a box to passive tame
-Sarco Master 🐊
This looked nothing like my dog anyway she looks like this 🐕🦺 I think it’s a big coincidence. 👍 = dog lover 👎🏻 = dog hater nothing means something is wrong with you for not picking.
So to get a fenrir you need to kill alpha's to get runes, each boss in each realm will take 30 runes, after you kill them they give relics after that you need to defeat the island bosses as the caves they're in are a bit hidden after you kill the broodmother megapitchus and the dragon you need to go to one of the terminals in the area you spawn in, it DOESN'T MATTER WHAT COLOR then you need the dragon head broodmother head then the megapitchcus head after you have to defeat the Fenrir boss after you do you will get a fenrir in a cryopod, hope this helps you!
Have a good throw with a masterball
Is this an omnivore or a carnivorous creature? I really wanna know.