ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Taming & KO Tips
How do I tame a doedicurus? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a doedicurus.
Lots of these spawn on fars peak. Best Dino in the game in terms of being a utility Dino. Paired with a beaver and you can build a giant base in hours instead of days. Highly recommend this for low and high leveled players. Weight boosting while it levels up!
I play on mobile and when I was taming mine I had to run back to go get some food for him and a soothing balm when I had gotten back the topor was still to the right of the s, my base is at lat: 78.31 lon: 77.52 and i tamed my at lat: 69.67 lon: 82. 70 and the topor had dropped in front of the s
it was like this when I had botten back
also I ran all the way on foot and my movement speed is 109
also be careful getting off of them when on a raft with no roof, they will start to levitate, I wish I was joking. the only way to fix this if they do start to levitate is to move while riding them I'm not sure abt have them follow you because I have not tried it and I don't want to risk it testing that theory. I don't recommend you try that theory but if you do be careful.
If you are taking a dodic have a friend to hold it with an argentavis and it won't curl up so you can knock it out
Once you're deep in tranq darts trying to tame this, punch it... I punched it and it unwound itself to start running, punched it again and it became unconscious.. almost used 15 darts before I knew the shell absorbs half torpor 🥲🥲 he's a level 2 😂
Took me the exact amount of tranq arrows as said in dododex. Just move in circles and shoot anywhere, if it curls up just wait. Curled up 2 times, lvl 80
If play on prim+ then you can give it barly. Not as good as kibbel tho much bether than anny crop
I knock it out by the tail using tocacated arowes
Doesn't have specific regions for higher otr lower torpor, shoting into the shell deals same torpor as into head or tail. This is why dex onlx gives one value for number of tranq arrows/darts needed.
They curl into ball once their health drops below 2/3rd of max(i.e. only 1/3rd heath remaining), keep that in mind when using tranq arrows...
I have found that a few spawn in consistent at the Red Wood Forest.
Very useful for collecting resources especially sand, also very good for protection, how to tame: grab 3 boomerangs, throw one at the creature to get it angry then just keep throwing the boomerang at its face even if it runs away then when its unconscious feed it berry's, this tactic is only useful for a low level one and only works in scorched earth. Up if useful.
I managed to tame a low level one with tranq arrows + Crossbow. I shot his head a few times then I tried shooting at his feet. When he went down he had half health.
On Ragnarok, I have seen them mostly in the black volcanic zone. There are a lot of dangerous animals that you should keep a distance with. Mostly mantis, Spider, and centipedes. I have seen rexes, carnos, and raptor there too.
If the Deodic balls up when tranqing it, stop. The tranqs will not work while its balled up.
When I get some stone with this guy it’s not a stone run it’s a stone roll
In Valg. U can tame these when lvl 9, with boomerang. ( you have to spawn in chalk hills tho )
Very good for getting stone has a roll feature to help it move faster
bring a rg to pick it up or a quetzal they are recommended but not needed.
Pump damage and weight
Sincerely lonely dodo 🦤
So if you’re on scorched earth just use a boomerang they are slow. So you can just easily boomerang them and have a new fried
I tamed a lvl 30 and painted it to look like sonic the hedgehog. He’s lvl 105 and I’ve put all but a couple in movement speed -some went to attack damage and stamina-
Don't use a taming pen as it makes headshots near impossible. Drop it near your base and backpedal while shooting darts into its face.