ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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I wasn’t intending to tame one of these guys the way I had to. I was flying around on my argy, coming back from finding an explorer note and with tons of meat and hide from hunting, when we spotted two Carnos attacking something. We fly over, and we see they are attacking a Doedi with a bright white shell with grayish brown spots and spikes. We save him from the carnos and a terror bird flock(the argy almost died) until it gets to full health. After taming it, we take it with us back to my home on the foot paw, where there aren’t as many predators. I named him Braveheart for being a trooper throughout the entire process, and he is alive and well.
1 like= 1 love for Braveheart
I tamed a pure white one and had him for ages, then one day I couldn’t see him anywhere. I thought it hadn’t tried to leave camp again but he wasn’t anywhere in sight. I then got a message “wanderer has died” I was heart broken. I had had him for months. It was then I knew my next goal. To find his body. He had drowned stuck between two Spinos legs. I hosted a funeral and a few people came. I then took the last of his stone and put it in a chest next to his grave. I felt ripped up inside, I told myself it’s just a game but Wanderer was more than that to me. Every time I came back to my base he was there. Even when I threw my new Giga out of a cyro pod he walked over and looked. He even helped me make my behemoth gates and massive stone house. Goodbye Wanderer I will always miss you
The Obelisk 🏰
No that’s not it.
The Obelisk 🏯
AHA no.
The Obelisk ♟
Ah, that’ll work.
-Chapter 36-
Forest and the others were running before they knew it.
He darted his eyes around wildly, searching for place to hide. They couldn’t act strange—running was exactly what they shouldn’t be doing—but Forest would much rather hide and not be spotted suspiciously.
“There!” Rust shouted, pointing to a small hill.
Two trees lay fallen over a few boulders, right beside an opening to a cave. Forests’ heart jumped.
“Go, go, go!” Crimson hissed, shoving Forest and Spark forward. They stumbled and jumped up, quickly diving in and running through the darkness. Crimson and Rust came in right behind them.
Black all around. Forests’ night-vision adjusted rather slowly. It’d been a while since he’d had that familiar, tight, comforting feeling. It was a bit muted, and part of him wished to be back out in the sun as soon as possible.
Crimson hushed them quietly, and all at once they tried to slow their breathing.
Surely no one will search in here, right? Forest thought nervously. Those Terror birds are scouts… but they didn’t see us. They’re just going on with their normal day.
A stab of doubt for the Terror birds. Were they all really evil and trying to take over the world? Sure, Ripper had been lying about them being the good guys, but Needles and the others might also be a bit over-dramatic. He needed to know for himself. If they find us, we sure will soon.
“We should go deeper in,” Spark was whispering. Crimson thumped her and the two growled softly in the dark. Slowly, Forest crept farther into the cave, as Spark had suggested. Rust heard him and followed. Hissing, Crimson hurried behind as Spark snuck alongside them.
A few seconds of walking and Forest heard a noise. What— his night vision was much better now—but all he could see was stone on all sides. Ahead, dark blue fuzz as his limited vision faded.
A slight, creeping feeling crawled through Forest spine. Something near. He could feel it.
There was a slight tip-tap sound above, and Forest jumped, bumping into Rust.
“Shh,” Spark hissed.
“What’s was—“ Forest heard it again. A tiny pittering noise. Anxious of staying still, Forest hurried forward a few more steps.
And then his nose rammed painfully into something hard and smooth, and he let out a yelp. A little buzz filled his ears, and he squinted to see.
And suddenly, one after the other, eyes appeared.
Tons of tiny, bright green-yellow eyes as creature after creature awoke, buzzing and skittering noisily.
Wide-eyed, Forest and the others watched as the eyes became more and more, and suddenly a giant pair blinked open, and a huge, mighty green head burst forward with a hissing snarl, pincers snapping.
Forest fell to his back, tripping Crimson and Rust. “WHAT THE HECK—“
“Run!” Rust cried.
As the giant bug roared again and climbed forward, Forest scrambled backwards and ran for the exit as quick as his feet could take him.
Dodo Tales (S2 (Ep13)
"All I need to fight now is the brood mother and then the overseer" said sergeant.
"Then what?" Said Jerry
"Well I suppose that I'll go home, Or at least get my memories back."
"What about us?"
"Only a limited amount of people can come to the fight, therefore only so many can be rewarded...There'll be enough space for you all!"
"What about your soldiers?
"They love life here, especially since we restored the peace."
* * * * * * * * *
Two weeks later they had defeated the brood mother, and were ready to fight the overseer.
"This is it" said Rick as they entered the arena. "It's almost over"
"Soon we'll know why we're here"
They fought hard along with a couple rexes, until they had the overseer so low that he a Dodo could kill him, and that's what happened:
"Ready?" Jerry told his Dodo.
He threw it in the air, and it felt like everything was in slow motion.
His Dodo pecked once, and it was over...
I was Farming Obsidian at the north-east mountain, knocking griffins out of the sky, and I found A LEVEL FIFTEEN BLUE DOED. The second one I’ve ever tamed. {It’s still taming, though.}. And it’s FEMALE. And I ALREADY have enough Dilo Kibble to tame it. Just gonna wait for it to wake up so I can KO it again and reset the taming effectiveness. I’m glad I spent over an hour or two punching it to aggravate her and lead her to the shore. I don’t want to be defending against angry creatures all day. My last Doed drowned, this one won’t.
OMEGA, Hunter Of Shadows.
I had just tamed one when an alpha carno came and killed me. I was so scared that my dodicurus would die that I wasn’t afraid that my level 150 iguanodon would die so I hopped on it and ran to my dodicurus. The big bad carno ran at me on my iguanadon so I lured it to a herd of trikes and while he was distracted with them I snook by with my dinos. Then I realized he killed the trikes. He started attacking a dodo which gave me the 5 seconds that I needed to get by. Every Dino was unharmed. Up if you enjoyed.
So I have a pretty powerful one I call sonic as, you guessed it, he's blue. I'm rolling around on Mobile searching for a female bary when I go down a hill and run smack dap into an Equus...not just ANY Equus but a freaking UNICORN. A UNICORN. AND SONIC JUST RAN IT OVER AND KILLED IT. His melee is extremely high and judging by the carno that swooped in to gobble up the remains it had probably was low health. I killed the carno and all I got out of it was a single piece of Residue, some prime meat from the carno and the knowledge that I ran over the rarest creature in Ark with an oversized armadillo
Protectors of pandora
Chapter 19
Bones ran through the sand, dust blowing behind him, the saddle had a main platform that they attached rails around for safety and they sprawled out their sleeping bags on the floor for comfort, Birch still recovering was sitting against the railing on the back with another gigantopithicus tending to him, the others were all at the front Jaxz standing a bit behind them, Ceasar was looking ahead, they were heading towards a volcano, he could see others in the distance but he assumed this was the only one that was reachable, the others were just simulations, he looked to the sky and could see the clouds were starting to clear up. “Bones do you think you can run faster.” He said. “Not really why?” Bones said a bit angrily. “Well I think we are all about to get fried if you don’t hurry.” Caesar said. Then a beam of light shown in front of them bones barely dodged it, then Caesar looked back at the beam and could see it turned the sand into glass. “Guys…” Caesar said. “Wha-” Bones was cut off as a large patch of light bursted out in front of them like a laser, “RUN!” The chief said. Bones cut to the right and ran far faster that he was previously, he dodged as many as he could but a small beam opened up on the saddle and was there just long enough to start a fire, the creatures on board scrambled to put it out using the sleeping bags they had lying on the ground, this did not work, the bags were made of leaves and they set ablaze forcing the crew to through them overboard, Jaxz then used his wings and hit the fire, putting it out, but not before it caused some serious damage, Bones was still trying to dodge the lights and they were getting close to a large cave. “That must be it, hurry!” Caesar said bones ran as fast as he could, then out of nowhere another beam shot down growing larger and larger blocking the way into the cave, bones ran faster than he ever ran before, the group, (including Bones) closed there eyes waiting for their possible end.
To be continued..