Here is a story about my dire wolf.

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Here is a story about my dire wolf. One day I was looking for a raptor to tame. Once I got to the raptor I realized that it was a lvl 41, I was only lvl 24. So I tryed running I pounced on my I was almost done for. But then something awkward happened. A dire wolf saved me! I wasn't even by the artic!?! So it was lvl 10 but it KILLED THE FRICKEN RAPTOR. The raptor was lvl 41. So I tamed that sucker and named her Alpha. Me and her went everywhere with her we traveled to the top of the mountain and whenever I was level 61 and defeated the boss at the beacon. Why was level 61 she was level 53. I had finally tamed a raptor at level 43. but here's the rest of the story one day we were in a planes and I saw three alpha raptors I thought we can take them but I was wrong I ended up dying and losing all of my stuff so now I'm on a journey to find alpha if she is dead I will ball. Prayers to find her alive. Please give this an âŦ†ī¸. đŸ˜Ĩ

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