ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

This will destroy your 3 months of progress
Only boss u can tame basically just like the others
You have to hit the corrupted part of it it will bulge out of it and then if you destroy all them it will be tamed the taming effectiveness depends how much damage you do to the creature more damage lower taming effectiveness lower damage higher taming affectedness that is how you tame the giant desert manta.
I tamed the Desert titan
It was hard because it took me 10 hours to tame it
Alright gang, this is it.
My wyverns are almost fully grown, and it’s almost time to fight this thing for the first time after having all my stuff wiped by a glitch. The battle will be intense, as I play with default settings (I pretty much just have a bunch of 20th level wyverns. Eh. It worked last time.), so cross your fingers and hope for the best, as I will post the results soon. Until then, continue the good work. 👍
Your friend, The King of Reapers.
Tip! Save before fight and then if you die, you exit to menu and before it takes you to the menu you quit the game and reload ark and you can try again! Ps. Might only work on console.
Using a tapejara with tek saddle is effective.
Use a Quetzal and a pretty good one. Block off your head with foundations so the swarm can’t get you off. Then use the lightning on the corrupted spots and just keep doing that it’ll tame itself. Another tip you can fly under it and it will work too.
What does it eat? I’d love to know
Yes. Desert Titan is a desert titan found in a desert that makes people go yes.
Get a quetzal with a platform and build a structure that can hold a giga, toss the cryo glitch the giga easy kill in about 2 minutes solo
a 200 managarm with 10k+ hp and 200+ dmg and just keep lazering it.
ez clap.
Pro tip: Don't use explosive weaponry and really bad rexes with no saddles like the devs did. Fab Snipers for taming it with little/no collateral damage, actually decent rexes + imprint + saddles to kill it (Probably not for this flying one tho lmao).
Slap some minigun turrets on a quetz platform saddle, get a couple tribe mates and 3k bullets (you need 2100, but expect to miss a bit) then spawn the titan and open fire
Use lightning attack to summon corruption in corrupted spots if taming
Is there know setting to make these a longer term tame? They seem cool but what is the point if it will be gone in 24hrs.
Fly under weak spot, and let it strike itself with lightning.
Just killed it using a slightly bred managarmr. All you gotta do is make sure the managarmr youre using has good damage, then just dash through the titan, youre too fast for its flock and its zap.