ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Prior Extinction (made by Lava)
Chapter 1
It was a normal day, like any other. I woke up, and my pet otter greeted me. It then proceeded to rip apart my carpet for the third time, but I couldn’t focus on that because I was late for work. I hurried on my way to get to the ovis center. “Hurry up, cook; you’re fifteen minutes late, and if you keep slacking off, I’m going to fire you,” said my boss. I never really liked him, as he always had it out for me. I started working when, about within the 5th hour, a warning was displayed on my specimen implant: “Meteor shower imminent,” which immediately got everyone scared, and when I went to the store, there was no toilet paper left. Like, what purpose does toilet paper serve to protect against meteors? I thought it was going to be a one-time thing, but it eventually started happening over and over. It even became a normal thing over time, but then rumors started arising of creatures with some sort of corruption. Most people played it off as random stupidity until one day I ventured out of the city and to the plateau, the place where my wife was taken from me. It went there daily to help me through the pain, as six months ago she did her regular cave clearing job and contracted mega rabies. There was nothing the doctors could do, and on her final day, we visited the plateau, her favorite place. I still loved her the same even though she was in full hazmat when she laid her head on my shoulder and I noticed she stopped breathing. I knew there was nothing that could be done, and I couldn’t let go of the pain, so I paid my respects every day to help me through it. I noticed small bits of corruption around the place, which made me realize the rumors were true. I went to the leader of the city to tell him to warn the titans, and so he did. For the next couple of days, the titans migrated to the city to protect it from this corruption, as it didn’t seem to affect them. Then a corrupted giga ran down from the plateau, the first of many, which caused the titans and our leader, who used his mek, to go check out the plateau, none of whom returned. We waited for a couple of days and then saw the titans running back, but something looked different—they were corrupted! Then something even bigger than all of them followed and wreaked havoc on the city. We fought our hardest, but eventually the corruption killed most of us. Three of us were left, which were me and two women who I saved with my wyvern, Samantha and Riley. We ran towards the pods, which would release the defense units; however, there was a cost. There had to be two people in the cryopods for it to work. Me and Riley volunteered to tell Samantha good-bye before we both froze, and the last thing I saw was Samantha pressing the button to freeze us and release our defenses.
The end till chapter 2!!!
The Rampage- Chapter 4
[What follows are scraps of data taken from an enemy source. This data may give us key intel on winning the war.]
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Okay, let’s recap. Also, this story is in the first person now. Deal with it.
So, ever since we got beat up by that robotic bastard, we’ve been hunting his kind down, looking for a way to hack into them and get sweet, juicy intel. Now we’re getting it.
[{SECTION 0245}]
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[Begin Transfer]
This Rockwell guy has a lot of firewalls and passwords blocking his stuff, but we’ve managed to break through.
[Audio file]
[Owner: Galen Rockwell]
[Time: 3yrs ago]
“Congrats, my friend, if you’ve actually managed to bypass my security measures. You are one hell of a hacker. What follows is my explanation. Not of things now, but what’s to come.
You’ve all heard of the ARK project. Self-sufficient, orbital biodomes to harbor life in case everything went to hell. But what they didn’t tell us was what species were on them. Yes, humans, but the animals-there were those that live today, but mainly...
Those that are now extinct. Yes, yes, I know. Humanity has already bioengineered dinosaurs? Well, it goes belong that. Let me read you a few files that I’m not supposed to have:
Velonasaurus Spinavultus-a living turret, perhaps a cross between a raptor and a cactus that can fire spikes from its frill at astounding speeds.
I’m going to stop there. These motherf-
should know that playing god is never going to work. That’s why I stole some DNA samples and got to work. I’m going to purify the world. Eight billion humans isn’t helping anyone, not even themselves. Bring these long extinct species back into their respective ecological niches. I’ll keep maybe a hundred million humans around-that seems fair, but this species has ruined the world. As Darwin said, survival of the fittest. How far will you go to adapt? How far will you go to evolve?
This sounds like I’m some sort of Thanos, killing off half the population. Well, I’m actually killing more than half.
Okay, serious now. You may think my methods are violent, but how else are we going to save the planet? The ARK project is unnecessary. Humans are the virus.
By the time you’re hearing this, I’ve probably evolved long past humanity. I am posthuman. I am stronger.
If you are lucky enough to survive, I welcome you into a better world.”
The Rampage- Chapter One by Swamp Guy
This story takes places on our modern-day Earth. Humans must adapt when ark dinosaurs invade the planet. Will they survive the Rampage?
Dune was the first one to see it. A raptor. A real raptor. Prowling the streets of New York City, as if it had lived there forever.
“There are reports from London, Hong Kong and LA. Real, live dinosaurs are popping up all over the place.” The news reporter said. The broken tv had been ravaged by the raptor, somehow turning it on.
That was only the beginning. After two months, Rexes roamed the streets. Corpses littered the highways. The dinosaurs were retaking the planet.
Humans were dying in droves. A flock of dodos stormed the bottom floors of the Empire State Building, where the rebellion was centered. Dune could hear the screams of people being gutted by the monstrous birds, and allos as they rushed in. Humanity never expected killer dodos, but they took power in flocks.
“We need to rise up.” Said Verbar. He was the leader of the East American rebellion faction.
“But how?” Dune asked.
“We adapt. We change.” Verbar growled. “Life finds a way.”
The Rampage- Chapter 2 By Swamp Guy
Bullets blasted from the turrets as the spiders fell back, tripping over corpses. The humans cheered, many bleeding from scars. A good many would die from the spider’s poison by the end of the week.
“That was close.” Verbar said.
“What do you mean, close?!” Dune roared. “We lost half our forces! Creatures are just getting more dangerous!”
The humans ran like the wind away from an advancing swarm of arthros, into a broken, abandoned Thai restaurant.
“Did you think they saw us?” Dune whispered.
“More like...did you think they saurus!” The soldier cracked up at his own joke. The others shushed him, but it was too late. A raptor already had his head in its jaws.
“Don’t. Move.” Dune whispered. The raptor stalked around the rest of the room until Verbar put a shot in its head. Others pointed out Thylas and more spiders outside.
Dune whipped his head around. There was a scratching at the back of the room. A small head peeked out. A small dodo waddled out. Dune wasn’t even breathing. Dodos could be very dangerous. But this small one cowered in fear. Dune sat completely still, and the dodo came up to him. It squeaked.
Every creature outside turned its head to their hiding place.
And that’s when the real trouble began.
The Rampage-chapter 3
Dune was engulfed in flames as the abandoned building exploded. Thousands upon thousands of creatures rushed in. Everyone was dead. He was dead.
Well, he was alive. Verbar was alive. And two other soldiers began to wake up. The rest were obliterated by the blast.
“What did that?” One of the soldiers asked.
As if on cue, a massive dragon landed outside the building in which they were hidden. The dragon seemed to be leading the massive army, which stood next to him in straight lines. Impossible. Creatures couldn’t be this intelligent. The only thing that could make them like that would be...a human.
There was a human outside. Pacing around, waiting for Dune and the others to exit willingly.
That wasn’t going to happen. Dune pulled the pin on his grenade and threw it outside. It exploded in a massive blast, but the human was unharmed. Except it wasn’t a human.
It was a robot.
“I am a herald of Sir Galen Rockwell. The new master of this world.”
“Whoever you are, you can eat my s***!” Dune yelled. He took out his sniper rifle and shot a bullet at the android’s head. The robot simply ducked and dodged it, Matrix style.
“Nice try, Dune.” The robot said, trying out his name. “I don’t really want to hurt you. I just want you to know. A new era is coming. And you’d better adapt to the rampage.”
Dodo Tales (S2 Ep3) convince me to stop please, I cant help but write S2.
Out of nowhere, an arrow flew right by Rick's head, barely missing him. "TAKE COVER!" he screamed as more arrows flew in. The whole town was panicking, trying to get to safety.
"We need to get out!" Suggested Ares.
Then, a man in a cloak walked up to them. "Follow me" he told them. Jerry peeked out to see dozens of men on horses with bows riding towards them. "Yup, we're screwed" he told the others. They had no choice but to flee and follow the cloaked man. They ducked around crates and barrels and then heard a crash as they realized the town's walls were weak. "RUN!" They heard people shouting.
* * * * * *
As they left the town, they heard screams and shouts and Jerry knew they would kill everyone. "This is all my fault" Jerry said.
"Don't start with that crap" Rick told him.
"It's all of our faults"
Protectors of pandora (starts in corrupt master controller but is actually a second series the original starts in allosaurus)
Chapter 5 ~The makhawk chieftain~
The hawks led the group at spearpoint through the woods, the hawks hovered around them in a circle grasping the poison dipped spears in their talons, they walked for quite a while through the thick rainforest, until they reached a waterfall, then the hawks stabbed everyone with the spears..
Nashes eyes blurred open again and he looked around, they were in a ravine it was less lush here but still very green all trees, shrubs, and bushes had red, blue, gold, or purple cloth wrapped around their branches, and most of the trees had small thatch huts with gold accents, built in their branches, there was a large golden throne in front of him, and sitting in the throne was a very old hawk, his plumage was faded but still very colorful it had lime, blue, red and yellow feathers, he looked down at Nash and the serpents with a grimace. “Why were you trespassing on the territory of the makhawks and why did my men bring you to our secret ravine.?” He said in a very authoritative tone, His voice was deep and gravely. “Secret? But I know exactly where it is..” Nash said. “What?..” the chieftain hawk said. “Ya your guys stabbed us with those spears right in front of a waterfall so I’m guessing the entrance is in the waterfall.” Nash said. “Uhh.. no it’s not..” the chieftain said. “It’ss definitely in the waterfall.” Seascale said. “DARN IT GARY how many times must I tell you knock out the prisoners BEFORE you get to the waterfall!” The chieftain said. “Sorry boss..” Gary, the leader of their captors said. “Seriously what is the point of a secret entrance if you GIVE IT AWAY EVERY TIME!?” He said, “ugh.. anyway what were you doing in our territory.. s i n o m a c r o p s…” the chieftain said angrily, as if he hated sinomacrops with everything in him. “Like I told Gary over there we didn’t know we were here, in fact we just got to this ark.” Nash said. “Ark?” The chieftain said. “You don’t know about the arks? Oh well I’ve got a thrilling tale for you your goldyness!” Nash said theatrically
After he told the story of their adventure, the chieftain took a moment to think then said, “if you are telling the truth.. that means we have a big problem.. it also means you are not one of the sinomacrops I despise. So that means your off the hook. Now.. let’s eat.!”
The tale of the shadow phoenixes
Chapter two.
“I’m Cole Greyson.” Cole said. “And I’m Peter Greyson.” Peter added. They all shook hands. “I have a brother somewhere around here. Oy Tom!” James yelled. A teenager who looked like the mirror image of James pushed through the crowd, with a annoyed look on his face. The only difference was that the boy had dark green eyes, had slightly shorter hair, and didn’t look as mischievous. “Cole, this is my twin brother Thomas Regulas Riddle but you can call him Tom.” James said. “You know that I can introduce myself and that you don’t have to say our WHOLE name.” Tom said to his brother. “Yeah, but I like to and plus I know how socially awkward you are, so I like to introduce you.” James said, grinning. Tom sighed. Then he politely shook hands with Peter and Cole. Leah walked up with the girl she was talking to. “Hi boys. I see y’all made some friends…finally.” Leah said. She shook hand with Tom and James. Then she introduced her new friend. “Guys, this is Arianna.” Ariana smiled at them sweetly. She had long rolling brownish-red hair and bright hazel eyes. Cole and Peter introduced themselves. “I’m Cole. And this is…” Cole began pointing to James but Arianna interrupted him. “James.” She said with a disgusted look on her face. James smiled sarcastically. He gave her a mock bow. “My lady.” He said sarcastically. Arianna frowned at him and tossed her hair in his face. James grin spread even wider across his face.
He seemed to find pleasure annoying Arianna. “You two know each other?” Peter asked. Arianna nodded. “Unfortunately….I’ve lived here ever since I was born and James’ family come here on vacation every now and then. He started coming here two months ago at least.” Arianna said. “So…what are we going to do?” Tom asked. “We could play a game. ” Arianna suggested. “Yeah let’s play Wyvern’s table.” James said brightly. Arianna shook her head. “No, hardly anyone knows how to play THAT. We should play a game that everyone knows.” James frowned. “Fine. Let’s play hide and seek.” James said sarcastically. “Great idea James!” Arianna exclaimed. James scowled but said nothing.
Another chapter coming soon!