ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Cosmos spawn mostly in the blue area, but also sometimes in the green area by portal and the river, if you see one hanging down you can enclose it with walls and a roof to trap it. As of 9/6/24, having chitin in your inventory and feeding it a plant species Z seed will automatically tame it once it dances. The intended taming mechanic is you wait for it to run, then it’ll play a game of red light green light with you, when it shines green run towards it, when it shines red, stop moving. Keep doing this and feed it chitin. After every feed it’ll run away and restart the game. Keep doing the game until it’s tamed. Once it’s tamed, it eats plant species Z seed. You can use it as a semi grappling hook, it won’t let you reel in but you can build momentum and swing like a pendulum. It’s other mode (R on PC) lets you fire webs at dinos to slow them down. As a shoulder pet it also automatically shoots webs at attackers. Send this to the top to help people see!
WARNING!! Be very careful swinging around with this cute little guy. He can run out of webs and drop you somewhere you definitely do not want to be in. When you're falling IMMEDIATELY after a swing, you don't take fall damage, but if you bump into a cliff or tree on the way down, you once again are at the mercy of the Ark gods.
Other than that, have fun being your friendly neighborhood Spooder Man 😁🫶
Don’t tame it during an earthquake. It counts you moving if you get shoved by the quake.
Babies eat raw meat for sure I am currently raising one
Babies eat seeds, brings your old iguana out you forgot about. Eats a lot
For all. Plant z is the best food, but you always need chitin in your inventory to trigger the taming process!
I never really post on any of dododex but if you didn't know, it likes it if you have chitin in your inventory to start the taming, or they'll ignore you 😭
Warning: so cute your head may explode. They are more small than they appear and only a monster would hurt one. They spawn on aberration in Ark survival ascended, if you only have the original than sorry your out of luck. PS, it kind of looks like some of the jumping spiders in my house.
Very easy tame just walk up to it with chitin in far right hotbar and feed it then it'll jump away when light red do not move when there light turns green proceed moving toward it feed again and rinse and repeat and there yours! Like the game red light green light!
Cosmo is an unreleased creature in Ark Survival Ascended. It is expected to appear on the upcoming Aberration map. Cosmo is a shoulder-mounted spider that is scared of players and will run away when it sees them. A tamed Cosmo can:
1. Scare off enemy creatures with its light.
2. Replace the grappling hook and possibly move like a Bloodstalker (though this is uncertain).
3. Dance.
Overall, it’s a good replacement for Sinomacrops, as they have very similar abilities. This information may not be accurate, as the spider is not yet released. The tentative release date is September 4, 2024.
Don’t try and tame it in the water, sinking counts as moving
Play red light green light with it. Passive tame
For taming- walk up to him with a light pet with no aggressive creatures around & wait. After a few seconds he'll do a little dance & you can feed him.
At thd moment, Plant Species Z seeds are the best, but he will eat chitin in a pinch. Once he eats, he'll run off & use his glowing body to play a literal game of "Red light, Green light".
Stay still on red, run to him on green- be prepared to put your brakes on though- If you continue to move on red, it will reduce the tame effectiveness & he'll also attack you/any dino in his radius, including wild ones, so be careful, because those dino WILL attack your potential tame as a result.
Once you get up to him, feed him & he'll run & you play the game again. Rinse repeat til tamed! GL everyone 😄