27 points   🥚 Taming & KO       Report

To tame, you need to make alot of Hemoglobin. This requires killing alot of wild Ceratos and then using 10 of their Venom spines and some blood packs to craft one.

You then need to find a wild cerato. Use a tanky dino with a really good saddle that can take a beating. Let the Cerato start to attack you. Then feed your dino a hemoglobin. Do not attack at all, you have to let it attack your dino. Stay on your dino and keep the Hemoglobin effect on your dino. Special effects will appear and the Cerato will start show "drunk" percentage numbers pop-up. Once it hits 100% you then have to have superior kibble in last hotbar slot and follow it around and passive feed it.

They dont like being too trapped (just won't tame). If you have room, place a 2x2 of behemoth gates to give them room to move around when attacking you.

Bring plenty of Hemoglobin! I play on a 5x tame server. We are 10x tame right now for the Holidays. Even on 10x they are a super slow tame at high levels! Patience is key!


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