Me and my lil bro had a Carno named Carl and he was a…

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Me and my lil bro had a Carno named Carl and he was a legend killing alphas and killing every thing in his way one day we went to find some ankeys in herb island and took Carl with us on the raft and on the way there a mosa hit the raft and knocked Carl out the raft but we were able to go to shore with Carl and we tamed a male and female ankeys and on the way back we were mating the ankeys on the raft and my lil bro took the egg and again the mosa hits and they all get knocked out the raft I was able to whistle follow all but Carl didnโ€™t hear the whistle and died to a pack of megalodons and the fem ankey died to suffocation we still had the male and came back home and made a gravestone for carl and went to watch YouTube and then my lil bro cryโ€™s R.I.P Carl the legend

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