128 points   πŸ˜‚ Funny       Report

A player ruined my life, My base got destroyed,my friend was killed,my tames all ran away and I had only 5 hp by the end. All this damage which cost so much stone,wood and thatch for them to say "want a Sprite cranberry?" I'm seriously worried about that player... ThIs Is NoT fUnNy.

I spent about 2-3 hours building a new base in a unknown location,found at least 3 of my 30 tames and my friend quit ark to play mario kart 8 deluxe on teh switch(I beat them all the time at that game)

Plz updoot if you lost all your tames, you had to move base and your friend quit ark(if you play single player then if you quit ark) please dont think I'm begging for updoots I'm just saying. Have a nice day and stay hydrated.

Oh and wear your seatbelt!

Don't talk to strangers.

Have a amazing Christmas

Relax more.

Take some time to be alone and look at ark/dinosaur memes

No words l

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