The story of the church of griffyth, the argy god.

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The story of the church of griffyth, the argy god.

I found 2 argies, next to each other. One that looked like a griffin and one that looked like mulch. They were both males and i Tamed them both. I named the griffin looking one griffyth, and the other mulch. Once they had tamed I found a female, I tamed her and because of her white color named her Pearl. Mulch and griffyth were inseparable one never fought without the other. Pearl was griffyths mate. Griffyth and Pearl mated many times. And had many children. One time I had seen an alpha Rex near a volcano, and I had used griffyth only to attempt to kill it as he was my favorite. Griffyth died to that alpha but I had escaped. Mulch then claimed to have the priest of griffyth and that the Rex was a god ascending him to godhood. So I built a church, I made mulch the priest, and a sacrificial gravestone. Now every night, I bring a freshly tamed argy to the sacrifice area, I make mulch start to fly, and I put Pearl and all of griffyths children into the front row of pews, and dodos all behind them. I kill the freshly tamed argy, and go to a box and tell griffyth everything about that day. And put the argy meat in a box. Where it stays until griffyth letโ€™s it fully spoil and eats it, on his throne in the clouds.

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