ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If on the island go to far’s peak the most dangerous things there are allos if your’e on mobile royal griffins
More Obsidian Tips
If on island use Anky with argy on the volcano
If on center go to the island with the lava and the face (forgot what it was called lmao) and go to the top. Tons of obsidian
I’m ragnarok coordinates near 21 65. There’s a huge natural bridge that leads through a small cave and opening on the other side. Throughout that entire cave there’s obsidian bring an argy with a high weight and an anky. You will have more than you know what to do with
I'm playing Mobile and this is some tips that you (maybe) need to know:
1: Doedicurus(bruh I don't remember the name) will harvest metal,stone and obsidian when gather from obsidian rocks,and more than ankylo.
2: There is only simple-cheap(not really) way to carry lot of this resources is agentavis,and this bird is slow. BUT if you have a quetzal and quetzal platform saddle, it will be faster (whatever you use, just make sure that creature have platform saddle).
+Let argentavis in the platform,up grade a lot of level to speed at big carry creature.
+Put all obsidian to argentavis,(doesn't need to care the agent 's inventory,just make sure that the big creature that carry agent still can move),and set argentavis at passive.
-This will make the big creature get only 50% weight of the obsidian, help you carry more than only use bird or big creatures
/I don't need this tip get up,but hope you all can get more good times/
DONT USE DOED!! Ankylo or Phoenix is the best by far, this is from personal experience. Doed gets you only stone from MOST the obsidian around, on some maps there is another kind which has metal too, that is the ONLY kind a doed can even harvest at all.
PHOENIX IS BADASS!! mine was 37 b4 tame, and now has replaced my quetz cause it has a weight over 1200, and it can harvest all the same stuff as an Ankylo, not as good, but not much worse tbh.
To the guy who said where is obsidian it’s on the volcano and the giant mountain in the red woods
For the Island on ASA get a high level argy and anky and head to the volcano
Have tried anky mantis and dunkle. Tested on land and water for both mantis and anky and dunkle is by far better on official. Island hunter cave dunkle I get 5k a run on 1x. Barely 2k with the other 2. Put dunkle on top as best gatherer please.
This for mobile go to the artic and you’ll find obsidian all over and tp a paracer with a plat form saddle with wood storage box’s and it’ll stay when you go back to base and tp the thing back