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Dunn duuunnn dunn dunnnnnn

Planarian news reporting

Lolbit, gone for good?

Let's hear from Planarian

Yeah she won't mess with us anymore

Tell me, what have you done?

Yeetedvher in a black hole

Good job

Now for ads

(Ad) are you sick and tired of Being normal, not anymore. Join the cult on element ore now, call 2234 5567 889, that's 2234 5567 889

(Ad) do you like cereal? Well look no further get some yummy shadow progsitas at your local flatworm market

We are having news of minecraft dungeons seasonal trial shutting down. You had your chance.

I heard No Man's Sky could be getting an update, all I can say is save your nanites.

Ark fear evolved us coming Ng to an end, enjoy it NOWWWWW!

News on Seasnake

Haven't heard from her in a while, could she be in danger, she has to be okay. Could lolbit or apex have killed her? We may never know...

Ft Freddy time!!!!

HmmmMMMMmmm ah yes, where is bonbon. WHERE IS BONBON!!!!!

Sorry, we interrupt this program to bring, news on the president. We don't have one yet but we have emperor. We should vote tangerine.

Ahh yes, Jeremy news!!!

He has a ##### ,9,7(;65;79),87(;865,975.; clear ft yo)


HJK had been slacking off lately, wonder why??? Us Aussies have a saying, " come on ya lazy bugger, get off your but mate" but I don't say that. I may be changing my name, but not back to flatworm... It looks like shadow may be free from lolbit AND the glass.

Now, time for pulsar; in the wild.

Helleworms frolic and cows grunt.

That's PN news your hearing from. Niw have a good day and remember, were are superior!!

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